Super Noob [02/23/17

  • Tasty Tuesday Wednesday- Featuring Heather

    This week Heather of Traveling Down the Tracks With D and H is sharing one of her favorite recipes with us all. It looks delicious and I will certainly give it a try. After taking a peek at the recipe, please go say hello to Heather and be sure to check out some of her photo posts. They are great as is she!! So why not follow her …

  • Happy 4th Birthday, My Little Peanut

    As I lay my head on my pillow last night at 11pm, I thought to myself, “I had already been in labor for two hours four years ago.” Asleep in the room across the hall, was the little angel that blessed me in a way that can’t be put into words. Today she is four years old.There is a Garth Brooks song which has lyrics that read “She’…

  • I blinked and She is Three

    My Dearest Addyson,Three years ago today you took your first breath...and in many ways so did I. When you made your way into this world, mine changed forever. Instantly my heart swelled with love, joy, pride and fear. Oh I had heard all about how the love for one's child is unmatched by any other...but I didn't really get it. Not …