Super Noob:
my past

  • I Left My Engagement Ring at the Hard Rock Cafe, Phoenix

    I Left My Engagement Ring at the Hard Rock Cafe, Phoenix

    In my former life, I was a sales manager for Cintas Corporation. Part of my duties was to perform field rides with my sales reps. One fine day, I was out with “A",” one of my better reps, and we were meeting a potential client at the Hard Rock Cafe in Phoenix.

    “A” and I sat at our table and informed the waiter we were waiting on someone who was running late. He took our drink order and left the table. Meanwhile, in all my newly engaged infinite wisdom, I removed my ring and began to apply lotion to my hands. Our drinks were brought over, and “A’s” phone rang. It was the prospect telling us he was later than expected, and would prefer to meet us closer to his office.

    So, feeling guilty about having only ordered a diet coke, I tipped the waiter $7.00 on a $4.00 tab. We left.

    Half way to the new rendezvous I realized my ring was not on my finger. Instant and breath taking panic. “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God," was all that I could get out of my mouth. “A” asked what was wrong, and I told him. Immediately he turned his car around, and told me we would tear that place apart looking for it.

    ring 3

    I called the Hard Rock, and spoke with some nit wit who went to check our table. Nope…not there. However, she kindly asked for my phone number and let me know she would call me if she found it. WHAT!!!???!?!??!?!??! Yeah, freaking RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I told her I would be there in 5 minutes, and I wanted to speak with the manager.

    The manager came on the line, I explained, he put me on hold to go ask the waiter if he noticed it. Came back on the line, and said “no…he didn’t see it.”

    Upon arrival, I was a frantic mess, ready to storm the place and beat every last person to a bloody pulp if that’s what it would take to get the ring back. The manager greeted me and said “I think you better sit down.” Again…yeah right! He then informed me that the waiter did find the ring. I cried. He realized his attempt at humor (you better sit down for this news sort of humor), was a grave mistake.

    Anyway, I think the waiter had it all along, but then found his conscience and decided to give it back. I also believe that had I not tipped him so much on a measly little check, that I wouldn’t have my ring today. That was one of the scariest experiences…EVER!

    Thanks, Melis for inspiring me to tell my tale. :)