Super Noob:

  • Who is Mamma?

    Why me, of course! So... my actual name is Shannon. I wasn't really trying to be incognito. I've already shared all the names of the rest of my family. Why not mine too? Born in San Diego, I didn't live there long. When I was still just a babe, my parents and I moved to Arizona (my dad's home). My parents were actually in the military when they met, got married and had me. Shortly after I was born, they moved here. Wow! Am I really starting that far back? Me thinks not.

    In between then and now, I have gone to and graduated from the Uof A, lived in Ireland (only for about 6 weeks), worked in corporate America (where I was wildly successful in sales I might add), bought my first house, got married, sold my house and bought another (with my husband), had my daughter (who was conceived in the UK), sold and bought another house, had my son (who was conceived nowhere exciting) and here we in the inferno that is the Arizona Desert.

    A woman of many interests, I love taking pictures but don't call myself a photographer. I work out habitually, yet I habitually lack the desire. Books are like water to me, without them I wouldn't survive. Outgoing by nature, I can be a bit forward and often (so I am told) abrasive. I have a loud laugh that always starts with an old man wheeze when I think something is truly funny. Taking things at face value is a problem for me, I am always looking for deeper could say I am a bit of an over analyzer. Though I like to think I don't worry unnecessarily, since having children I have come to realize I do. No matter how I try otherwise.

    At the heart of me is my family. I love these people that live with me more than any blog post would ever do justice. My brother is one of my very truest, most loyal and closest friends...I love him so. I am blessed to have a wonderful relationship with my is to her that I credit my wackiness...she has been my comfort when I have needed it most and my laughter when nothing else would do. And I am a daddy's girl. I find today that I still look to him for guidance and direction. Just as I am certain I will always be his little girl, at the risk of sounding cliche, he will always be my hero.

    As a mother I strive, together with my husband, to raise our children in such a way that they reach their full potential...teaching them to love deeply, believe strongly, respect fully, and befriend faithfully. Showing them how to love the fair weather days and hoping that we have equipped them with the skills to ride out the storms.

    What's to come remains to be seen. So happy to have you along for the ride.