Super Noob:
Arizonamamma thoughts

  • Tired is My Normal State of Being

    I was just thinking about how I can't remember the last time I woke up and didn't feel at least a little tired. Seriously, in the first trimester of my first pregnancy it began. Then it never ended. Addyson came, and I was exhausted. Then Colton, and now double exhausted. Throw Drew in the mix half the time just for good measure. How do you moms with more handle it so well?

    It doesn't matter if I go to bed early, or if I get to sleep in later than usual, when I open my eyes I think "already?" I keep waiting for that to end. Once I would like to wake up and say "I'm ready!" Yet when the first of my angelic children is up, and often in our house it's even before the light of day, I roll over and beg for just five more minutes. When Addyson comes in I want to reach over and bat at her head in search of her snooze button. Alas, there is none to be found.

    So I start each day the same way...tired. Albeit I shake it off pretty quickly. Which is a relief, because let's face it, babies don't have time for tired mommies.