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  • When is Your Birthday? These Awards May be for You!

    When is Your Birthday? These Awards May be for You!

    It seems I have been sitting on some awards once again. I want to do this post so I can thank the people who thought of me, but I am telling you up front that I will not be following the rules tonight. I certainly want to mention all of the wonderful people who thought of me when passing out the awards. But when it comes to scratching my a$$ while simultaneously standing on one leg with my left arm in the air and bending over at the waist...I am just not up for the work. So I'll tell you what. I am going to pass all of these awards on to any bloggy friends who share my birthday month. That's April. Is your birthday in April? I want to know! And please, take any or all of these awards.

    This Sunshine award was given to me by Diana of My Lifesong. Diana and I are newly acquainted and I have been enjoying getting to know her better. Becky of In the Trenches also gave me the award...Becky is simply the best. I can't remember now how I came to find her, but I am so glad I did! It was also given to me by Rose of We Live in a Zoo. Rose and I are also fairly new to each other. I do happen to remember that she decided to follow me on a Post it note Tuesday, and she said "Glad to hear you're going to treat me right." Rose, I hope I have so far! There was one more person who thought of me with this award. I am not usually so bad at keeping track of these, but because I put it off so long, sigh, I lost her :( If you read this, and recognize that you are missing from this list...please let me know. I will do another post all about you!! ;

    The Beautiful Blogger Award was given to me by Suzi at Confessions of a Fitness Instructor. You want some great exercise/health tips...go check out her blog. She even will answer direct questions in a post if you have any. Who doesn't need any fitness tips?

    The Master of Karate and Friendship (freaking strange) award was given to me by Desert Rose of Desert Rose Moments. Desert Rose is a fellow Arizona blogger with a fun blog. Please go tell her hello!

    This last one, You're Going Places, was given to me by Elizabeth of Our Journey Through Life. Elizabeth has been with me faithfully since nearly my blog beginning just 4.5 short months ago. She is a sweet woman with a tender heart for her family. She is a great commenter, so if you go give her some love, I am sure she will return the favor!
    Will you all please do me a huge favor and go check out all of these wonderful womens' blogs? I think we'd all agree that there is nothing better than receiving comments...others letting you know they have taken the time to read what you have had to say on any given day. Be a giver today ;)