This week I am bringing a few kitchen tips to the table. Some you may know, others you may not...but they all come in handy for me from time to time. A few of these tips are from my very own brother who is an entree chef at Binkley's, a five star restaurant here in Arizona.
Grilling:1. When grilling meat, bring it to room temperature before placing in on the grill. This helps to prevent the edges from curling, as well as keeps the cooking more even.
2. If you want a good sear on the meat (like steak), salt it. This helps to bring the enzymes to the surface and will really help to give it a nice sear. In addition to salting, make sure it is patted dry, any moisture will cause it to steam rather than sear.
Making Sauces:
1. When making a sauce, finishing it off with a small bit of butter helps to give it a velvety texture.
2. When adding cornstarch to a sauce, mix it with water first to make a slurry (equal parts cornstarch and water). This will ensure it blends smoothly without leaving clumps.
1. When blanching/boiling your vegetables, shock them before hand in ice cold water. This helps to keep the vibrancy of color in the vegetables. If you don't plan to eat them right away, and plan to reheat them a bit before serving, shock them in the ice water directly after boiling as well. If you will eat them immediately, then before is enough.
2. When boiling your water, add a little oil to keep it from boiling over. A tablespoon will do just fine.
3. Don't use potatoes that have gone slightly soft, and have begun to grow a lot of eyes. With these potatoes you may notice a greenish color under the skin...that is actually a poison/toxin. Now, you would have to eat large quantities to really be affected, but why even eat a little? Just toss them out, or use them as mulch for your garden!
There you have it. Back next Tuesday with a recipe.