...by the Lucky Chinese Tag

Erin over at The Mother Load tagged me. I have to now tell you my answers in each of the categories, then tag 8 new people.
8 TV Shows I Watch: (I have to say that if I could, I would watch all of these shows. I don't. I have watched them all, and like them all, but never watch them all)
-Grey's Anantomy
-Private Practice
-The Bachelor
-Law and Order SVU
-Property Virgins
-House Hunters
-Dora the Explorer...defeated sigh
8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink:
-Sushi Den (Dever, CO).
-Les Rendezvous
-Paradise Bakery
-PF Chang's
-Morton's Steakhouse
8 Things I Look Forward To:
-Bed time for the kids
-Going to the bathroom in peace
-My photography class
-Being able to wear all of my clothes
-Completing P90X
-Having a wildly successful blog
-Someday having a clean and orderly house...again.
8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
-We had Chinese for dinner
-I took the kids to the park (I felt too warm in my long sleeved shirt)
-I wiped butts 6 times (none of which were my own)
-I made protein pancakes for breakfast
-P90X Plyometrics kicked my booty
-I went crazy
-I came back briefly
-Just to be sent straight there again
8 Things I Love About Winter:
-It's not 115 degrees outside
-Warm drinks
-Did I mention it's not so hot?
-Taking the kids to the park and having them not get 3rd degree burns from the slides/swings
-No swimsuits for a while
-Heatwaves are non existent on the roads (sensing a trend here)
-Sleeping comfortably
8 Things on My Wish List:
-A maid
-The ability to eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce
-Winning the lottery
-A new house
-Well behaved children
-More patience
-The Super Nanny
-My trip to Russia
8 Things I'm Passionate About:
-My children
-My husband
-My parents and brother
8 Words/Phrases I Use Often:
-What the hell's wrong with you?
-Stop hitting him/her
-Are you kidding me?
-Why don't you listen?
-Please stop it!
-You don't talk that way to Mommy
-Can I get a break?
8 Things I've Learned From the Past:
-You can't change it
-It's made me who I am today
-There are things I regret not doing
-Friends come and go, a few stay forever
-Nothing matters more than the ones you love
-My mother was right, I had one just like me
-It takes time to be comfortable and confident with who you are
-Fish food doesn't taste good...not even a little
8 Things I Currently Want/Need:
-Canon EF 85 mm L series lens
-A massage
-The new Lady Antebellum CD
-More free time
-A date night
-A girls' night
-To meet my newest little nephew
8 People I'd Like to Tag:
Tamara at The (Un)Experienced Mom
Elizabeth at Confessions of a Working Mom
Shandal at My Life in 3D
Michele at Finding Trinity
Cop Mama
Nicole at A New Normal
Heidi at From 3 to 5
Maven at A Fabulously Good Life