Super Noob [Search results for religion

  • Breathing Life into Your Blog

    Recently I have read many posts which give advice on the "how to's" of blogging. Don't fret, this is not one of them (though I do have some thougts on the matter). I actually like reading those posts. Oftentimes they offer some helpful tips on how to improve things. Who doesn't want to improve? I especially like it when it comes from the author of a blog I truly enjoy. It's like free advice on how to become better received.

    There is, however, one thing I don't like about some of these posts that I have read. I don't want to be told about what I should or shouldn't blog. I already have my own parameters. For example, (with this minor exception) I will not blog about my husband's ex-wife. Off limits...for me. Does that mean I will think poorly of another blogger who does chose to write about that topic? Absolutely not. In fact, I quite enjoy it at times because I can certainly relate to some of the situations. Some people are very religious, and like to express it openly for all to read. Again, not necessarliy my comfort zone, but not going to turn me away either. Often there are some very thought provoking posts on the subject...and it doesn't matter what religion it is, or how they write the post. If it's not for me, I skip it. No harm no foul.

    I love my blog. I love my readers. I love my avid commenters! I want to be able to write whatever I feel, and not have to think about whether I may be offending someone. Isn't that what blogging is? A space of our very own to share our thoughts? What fun would it be if we were all cookie cutters of eachother, spitting out the same tired thoughts on the same tired subjects? I would lose interest in no time.

    One of the many wonders of blogging is all the different personalities behind the blogs. Some I turn to and I know I will always get a laugh. Some usually leave me thinking of something in a way I hadn't before...and others are just plain fun. Do I love every post, every time? No. That would just be impossible. So, on those posts, I take a pass and come back again another day.

    If you are anything like I am, and you have worried about your posts and what others might think...I say stop it. It's your blog. Your space. Make it yours. Give it a life by breathing into it your voice...whatever that may be. When you write what's in your heart, it will allow others to really connect on a different level. Some of my favorite blogs are unabashed about sharing anything and everything. Let's be clear, I am not talking about this tired old line about blogging boldly. I am simply saying don't censor based on what you think others may like or not. You will never please the entirety of the masses...but those who do connect will enjoy it all the more. I certainly do.