Super Noob [Search results for Goals

  • A Girl's Gotta Dream

    Are you a dreamer or a goal setter? I'm somewhere in the middle. There are things that I certainly dream about. Like the house that has my perfect kitchen and huge laundry room (like maybe if I had the space I would be more inspired to do my laundry start to finish rather than just let the clean stuff pile up all over my couch). Or my dream of traveling the world with my husband and kids. Those are still in dream phase for me because they are so far off, and really because there are other things that are taking priority.

    My goals are made up of the here and now and the not too distant future. The distinction is that my goals are written down. I tell people about them. That way I am much more determined to make them a reality. Perfect example...I really want to become better with the camera. That is a real live goal for me. Truth be told, I want to be able to do photography aside my stayathomemommyness. I am taking it in bite sized pieces. An online class to learn my new camera better...check. A "group share" setting where I can go to get feedback from others who have more experience...check. Long awaited new lens...still waiting. You can see though that there is a distinct pattern of setting and checking off.

    Another example (though not as successful currently) is my weight loss. I have been struggling with these last ten stubborn stuck to my A$$ pounds! Ugh. So here it is...I am writing it down here. How's that for letting people know to serve as motivation? Goal: Ten pounds off by February 1st. Now, that seems pretty managable. But I am also a realist, and my favorite nosh-fest holiday is right around the corner. I will say this. I plan on having 5 of these buggars off before Christmas. I'll keep you posted (absolutely no pun intended).

    So how about you dream or set goals and do something to make them real?

  • Since You Asked...

    Since You Asked...

    It's nice to not have to think too hard on Sunday. That's why I love to participate in Keely's Getting to Know You. She (with help this time) comes up with questions, and I just have to answer them. Nice. Here goes.

    1. Where were you born?

    I actually answered this question right here, in a whole post dedicated to getting to know me.
    2. Toilet you crinkle/crumple or fold it?
    Crumple. I want to sh!$ and get I guess...I don't pay a lot of attention to the procedures.

    3. What was the last movie you saw in the theater?
    I went to see New Moon with my cousin Thanksgiving night. That was the first time in I can't remember how long.
    4. What room to you spend the most time in besides your bedroom?
    The living room...during the day, the kids and I play there together, and at night I use my laptop there for a little while. Then Andy and I either play a board game together or watch a little t.v.

    5. Would you be grossed out if you found out your husband/boyfriend/significant other hadn't brushed their teeth for 4 days and you had been snogging (kissing) them?
    Okay...seriously if my husband hadn't brushed his teeth for four days I wouldn't be snogging him to begin with, because trust me, I would know.
    6. Do you fold your underwear?
    Nope. Total mayhem in the underwear drawer.

    7. What is one goal you would like to achieve this year?
    Honestly my list of goals is a running one. I didn't do a new list for the new year. If I had to choose one from the list to accomplish this year, I suppose it would be my desire to become more adept at taking pictures.
    8. What is your favorite month/least favorite month?
    I have never thought of this before. Hmmm. In Arizona, June on through to September pretty much have you feeling like you are living in the blazes of hell. But that doesn't make me dislike any of the months. I don't have one. How 'bout that?

    If you haven't participated in this, you should. So go ahead, copy the questions into a post of your own and then link back to Keely. For those of you who just don't feel like it, I'd still love to see a couple of your answers. You can leave them right here in the comments.

  • From Stay at Home Mom to Photographer…

    …maybe. Trying anyway. However, every time I try to list out my goals, and where I see this thing going, I end up in a state of disarray. I’m finding quickly that maybe there is no formula. No playbook. There is only do or do not. Yes, call me Yoda. In this case, that little green weirdo is right on.

    I will only get where I want to be by taking that first step. Walk. Stumble and trip along the way. Recognize that the journey is as equally important as the destination. Struggle so that I can dig deep to persevere. Shove aside that little voice inside that is crying out for someone to take my hand and show me the way. Someone to impart all their vast knowledge so that I, like them, may be brilliant too.

    Most of all I am digging deep to have the faith that I will persevere. I will make it. I will one day be standing at the pinnacle, looking back at the path I paved in order to be there. Faith.

  • Valued

    I used to be successful. Really successful. I was in sales for a fortune 500 company, and I was great at what I did. I had goals, and I blew them all out of the water. Financially, I was in a place of freedom that I never imagined possible. I averaged around $135,000.00 a year. Me! Not married, no kids. There are times when I miss those days. Not just the money aspect of it (though that was amazing), but the feeling of setting a goal and anihilating it. There is a sense of accomplishment in that. That sense of accomplishment brings about a sense of confidence and a sense of self. I never questioned whether I was good at what I did, or whether I was valued. I just knew it to be true.

    Having me stay home with our children is one of the best decisions we ever could have made, yet there are times when I question how I am doing. Whether I am valued. Whether I am good. Part of me realizes this must be natural. Afterall, there is no tangible way to set a goal to be a good mom, and then measure the success. Not really. Nor is there a real sense of feeling valued on a regular basis. In the working world (sales for example), you sell an account, the boss shouts "hooray" and slaps you high five. At home, you shower before noon, get the dishes done, change a couple of diapers, make dinner, and no one is there to say "hooray!" No one high fives you on the days you actually manage to put on deodorant and brush your teeth.

    Then, your three year old draws an "A" on her doodle pad, and proudly exclaims "Look, mama! I did it. I drew an A!" And, looking down at the doodle pad, you see that she did indeed draw an "A." That's the high five. Right then, right there.

    Then, your children are playing outside when suddenly the baby falls and bumps his head. He is screaming when daddy scoops him up to give him kisses, and the screaming doesn't cease because only mommy will do. You're valued. Right then, right there.

    Staying home with these little people is the hardest job I've ever had. There are so mnay ways to make mistakes. So many ways I fear I can mess them up. And while at first glance it seems often like a very thankless job, I know that it is the most rewarding job I've ever had. The most rewarding job I ever will have again.

    So while I do miss the straight forward feeling of being successful in the corporate world, I recognize that I am blessed to be able to be present for all the "A's" and bumps. To be the one my children not only want to have kiss their hurts, but also the one with whom they want to share their wins. I'm blessed to have a husband that also believes in how important it is for me to be here with them. I know he values me as a wife and mother and more importantly a friend. Yes...I am valued.