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  • Long Overdue Lake Powell Pictures

    Long Overdue Lake Powell Pictures

    The first week of June we took our annual Lake Powell trip. My family has been going there since long before I was born…so it’s a bit of a tradition. As a kid, one of my favorite things about going was that every year we would have some crazy stories to tell. Nothing crazy happened this year, and the adult in me is thankful.

    Here are just a few of the pictures from our trip.

    These two were taken from the house boat as we motored up the lake.

    Lake Powell 2
    Lake Powell 1

    First day on the house boat, and my graceful daughter already has a battle wound. Face meets storage bin.

    Lake Powell Battle Wounds

    Have I mentioned that Colton is a lover. Proof positive right here. Smooching a waterdog.

    Colton Waterdog kiss

    The water was cool, but refreshing. Usually it’s way too cold when we go to really enjoy any type of swim.

    Drew Lake Powell

    My brother always has the best ideas. Lawn chair in the lake. Beer in the hand. Who needs anything else?

    Jason in lake

    These last few are pictures from inside our little cove.

    Lake Powell 4
    Lake Powell 3
    Lake Powell 5
  • Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Off to the Lake We Go

    Lake Powell that is. My family has been doing an annual lake trip there since well before I was born. So we are headed out tomorrow. I have a few posts scheduled (like Mom N' Me Monday for example), and a wonderful woman has agreed to do my Tuesday post for me! Many of you know and love her already...but please be sure to stop by and say hello to her.

    You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE is all scheduled to post eventhough I won't be here. I will be sure to come check out all who link up once I return. So, please...come join in! So many of you write the most hilarious things ;)

    On a side note...I plan to be better versed in Photoshop when I return. I bought a book yesterday, and already I am impressed with it! We'll see. If there are any wonderful tips that are easy enough for me to share, I will. I'm sure some of them will translate to Elements as well.

    Have a great week!