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  • Two More Fantastic Giveaways...Adorable Sun Glasses and a Gift Certificate for Some Unique Jewelry

    Two More Fantastic Giveaways...Adorable Sun Glasses and a Gift Certificate for Some Unique Jewelry

    First, here is the winner from the nursing cover giveaway. I used, but don't know how to capture the I copied and pasted the results, and here they are:

    True Random Number Generator
    Min: 1
    Max: 19
    Result: 13
    Powered by RANDOM.ORG

    Number 13 is Laura of The Bignell Family. So come on over, Laura and learn the next step to getting your new nursing cover. Congratulations, chica!
    Now I have not one, but two more giveaways for you all! Crazy, huh? The ladies offering the prizes for you today are sponsors of the Frazier Field Swap. If you missed out on the most recent swap, shed not a tear...there will be another in November! You can follow the Frazier Field Swap blog to stay informed.

    First up is Myla of Pursenickety. She is offering one lucky person a pair of her sunglasses. Here's how to win.

    For each entry, be sure to leave a separate comment.
    Mandatory entry:
    Head to her blog, choose a pair of sunglasses, and come back to tell me which you chose.

    Additional Optional Entries: (worth one entry unless otherwise stated)
    Follow my blog publicly (not required...stick around only if you like what you read).
    Add my button to your blog
    Tweet the giveaway with a link
    Blog about the giveaway with a link to this post (2 entries)
    Join my Blog Frog Community
    Start/participate a discussion in my Blog Frog Community

    Next up is Kelly of Bella Be-jeweled. She has some really unique stuff, and wants to offer one lucky person a gift certificate for $20.00. to win:

    For each entry, be sure to leave a separate comment.
    Mandatory entry:
    Head to her blog (via text link), look around , and come back to tell me what you would get with your certificate.

    Additional Optional Entries: (worth one entry unless otherwise stated)
    Follow my blog publicly (not required...stick around only if you like what you read).
    Add my button to your blog
    Tweet the giveaway with a link
    Blog about the giveaway with a link to this post (2 entries)
    Join my Blog Frog Community
    Start/participate a discussion in my Blog Frog Community

    A huge thank you to these two wonderful women for offering these prizes. Now get started! sure to tell me for which one you are entering with each CAN enter for both!!

    I was not compensated in any way, monetarily or otherwise to host these giveaways. I consider it a great opportunity to support these women.

  • Would You Be Willing to Help Me?

    Would You Be Willing to Help Me?

    Reef flip flops are my must haves. I practically live in them for most of the year. They are the most comfortable pair of flip flops I have ever worn. No initial hurting between the toes, the soles feel as if you are walking on a cloud...and they are pretty cute too. I have three pair, one of which dates back to my college years. They last that long.

    You want a pair don't you? Come on...who wouldn't? Well, you are in luck. I am going to give you the chance to win some. All you have to do is come and participate in my community at the Blog Frog. Help me build it up and get it going.

    So, in order to win...all you have to do is be the person with the most participations or starts to discussions there. The rules:

    Minimum of three contributions, by way of adding your two cents to exsisting discussions or starting one of your own.

    Discussion participation starts from this date, and will continue for at least one week. I will be sure to let you know for certain the actual end date. BUT...I hope that you will enjoy it so much, that you will continue to return even after the contest ends.

    Then, comment here to let me know you are entering so I can be sure to add up how much you participated. You don't need to comment for every time you add to the discussions...just comment to let me know you are participating. You can just comment now, then head over.

    You do not have to be a member of my community (though I would love it if you were), and you most certainly do not have to follow my blog. Please only do that if you like some of the other posts you see.

    I happen to love the Blog Frog. It is the most interactive and fun community I have encountered thus far, and I really want to give my community a recharge. What do you say...will you help me?

    P.S. This is not a sponsored post, and the picture of the flip flops is one I copied from a google search.
    P.S.S. Melissa G. You can play too! You don't have to have a blog ;)

  • Giveaway Time!! Nursing cover by Cami

    Giveaway Time!! Nursing cover by Cami

    For all you breastfeeding moms, or soon to be breastfeeding moms, or friends of breastfeeding moms...this one is for you! Cami from Covers by Camilla has offered a free nursing cover to one of my lucky readers. Cami is a sponsor a local swap that's this Saturday the 27th. Be sure to check out for more details.
    I have to say, I have a nursing cover that was given to me by my mother in law and I love it. It is not your ordinary little cover that you just drape over baby. It is just like Cami's, and I couldn't have done without it.

    Each nursing cover is sewn by Cami personally and includes the following features:

    • lightweight cotton fabric keeps you and your baby cool
    • rounded boning in neckline allows eye contact between you and your baby
    • adjustable neck strap held securely in place with D-rings so your baby can't pull the cover down
    • pocket in right corner to store nursing pads or other small items
    • wash cloth in left corner for wiping up small messes
    • generous size accomodates big babies and provides full coverage for you
    Here's how to win: (Separate comment for each entry please)
    Mandatory entry:
    Head over to Cami's blog and look under the shop tab. Come back and comment to let me know which cover you would choose.

    Optional Entries:
    Follow my blog through the google follower widgit...comment

    Head to my Blog Frog community and start/participate in a discussion for two entries...comment twice

    Tweet with a link to this post for one entry...comment

    Blog about it with a link for one entry...comment

    Oh yes...and I feel compelled to mention that if you have been here for previous giveaways, there is often a little twist. I'll keep you in suspense over what that may be!

    That's it. The contest will start now, and end Thursday of next week (March 4th). Good luck!

    I was not compensated in any way shape or form for this giveaway. I am hosting this item because I believe in its usefulness and want to support a fellow mother in her efforts to earn extra income for her family.

  • Favor...Prize Involved :)

    I won't have access to my blog until Sunday. I will have access to email, and might be able to see other's blogs from my phone. Might. It's always hit or miss. In any case, I am going to ask for a favor...while I am away, will you please come yack it up over in my community at Blog Frog? I'll even give a prize to the person with the most posts there between now and Sunday night. A cool prize! One good for guy or gal, so don't count yourself out men!!

    Thanks, and have a great weekend...a great drama free weekend ;)

  • Tasty Tuesday- Toffee

    Since the holidays are upon us, I thought it would make sense to repost this recipe for those that missed it the first time around. I am telling you, if you like toffee, this is a keeper!

    Tired of your same old tried and true meals? Looking for some new ideas for family dinners, or even just a new cookie recipe? Then Tasty Tuesday is for you. It is my half-baked idea to help some other moms out with new recipes. I would love to hear your favorites as well!

    On the menu this week is a deliciously crunchy, buttery, and oh so yummy toffee! It is a HUGE hit with my family and friends. It has become my tradition to make it and pass it out to the neighbors every holiday season ( I always get requests for more). I am certain that if you like toffee, you will love this. I only wish I could take credit for this as being my own...alas, this sweet confection is courtesy of my Hershey cookbook.

    1 1/2 Cups Hershey's MINI Chips Semi-sweet chocolate(separated into 1 C and 1/2 C)
    1 3/4 Cups Chopped/Slivered almonds (toasted and separated into 1 1/2 C and 1/4 C)
    1 1/2 Cups butter
    1 3/4 Cups sugar
    3 Tablespoons light corn syrup
    3 Tablespoons water

    Cooking Instructions:

    Spread 1 cup of the mini chips in a buttered 13X9 inch pan; set aside. Spread almonds in a shallow pan; toast at 350 degrees for about 7 minutes, stirring gently midway through ( I do it a tad longer because I like them to be a deep/warm brown). Set aside.

    Melt butter in a heavy 3 quart saucepan; blend in sugar, corn syrup and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly (this is quite can not leave it to sit and boil unstirred) to hard crack stage, 300 degrees on a candy thermometer. Bulb of candy thermometer should not rest on bottom of saucepan. Remove sauce pan from heat and immediately stir in 1 1/2 cups of the toasted almonds.

    Immediately spread mixture evenly over mini chips in prepared pan, being careful not to disturb chips. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup toasted almonds and 1/2 cup mini chips. Score into 1 1/2-inch squares. Cool completely (this usually means overnight for me); remove from pan. Break into pieces and store in a tightly covered container.

    Note-You do not have to have a candy thermometer to make this...but I highly, highly recommend one. I have made it without, and it always turns out better when I use one.

    There you have it. Trust me (well, you don't have to trust me if you don't want to), this is the best recipe I have come across. Make it for yourself, family, friends, anyone you know who loves toffee. This is sure to be a hit. If not, you can blame me.

    P.S. Totally unrelated...I finally started a community on the Blog Frog. Won't you please join me? You can get there through the widgit down on my left sidebar. Consider it a Christmas gift if you will ;)

  • I See Dead People

    I See Dead People
    My Little Life

    I almost forgot that it was time for Five Question Friday. Then I saw the reminder Mama M. left at The Blog Frog. These may be some of my favorite questions yet. Well, a couple of them anyway. If you'd like to answer too, do a post and link up to My Little Life.

    1. What are you most afraid of?
    I used to be afraid of dying. I still am, don't let me fool you. But now, my biggest fear, beyond a shadow of doubt, is something happening to one of my children. At times I even feel a little panick stricken thinking about all there is that could happen. It's seriously a sick obsession for which I have considered seeking help. Really, I have thought about talking to our Priest...but honestly don't want to hear about how I need to let go of my earthly bonds, etc. If it were that easy, I would have done it already.

    2. Do you use a flat iron or curling iron?
    I have used both, but not for a long time. My hair is as short as it is now because when it was long, I seldom managed to do anything other than pull it back into a ponytail. Now it's just a round brush and hair dryer.

    3. Hands-free or phone to the ear?
    Phone to the ear. I have to say this...I don't have anything against the hands-free set, but when you are in a place where you don't need it, then get over yourself. I don't mean you, the you reading this. I mean the self-important morons who speak loud enough for everyone in a mile radius to hear, while sitting at a table in a restaurant, using hands-free (or vitually anywhere that its use would be just frivilous). What the? Serious?

    4. Do you have a matching bedroom set?
    Yes. Me gusta mucho!

    5. Do you believe in the paranormal?
    Hmmm. Let's see. My normal answer would be, I just don't know. However, this is catching me at an apropos time. Andy has been out of town the past two nights, and I have been awake until the wee hours, jumping at every little noise, straining to see shadows in the dark, and avoiding looking towards the location on the walls which house mirrors. Make of it what you will.

    Your turn. Don't care to post, leave me a comment or two with some answers. I'm interested in what people have to say to numbers 1 and 5 the most.

    Oh, and do you have any quirks that others view as off the wall? I can read about my crazy here if yo haven't yet.

  • Spoiled for Christmas?

    Growing up, my brother and I were never those kids that got spoiled rotten for Christmas. Oh, we received plenty, and were always grateful for what we did get. In fact, I remember the year I got my acid washed denim jacket, walkman and New Kids on the Block tape. Wow! Did I just say all of those things in the same sentence? I loved that jacket! I wore it all of the time. That walkman was played so much that in the first few days I already needed new batteries. The tape? Please don't tell anyone that I had posters of them plastered all over my wall...absolutey sure that if Marky Mark ever met me and really got to know me, that he would fall head over heels. Pft. Right.

    Fast forward to last night. My husband and I were talking about the kids (ours not New) and their gifts. We have decided not to go crazy on them. The reason simply being, we don't want to instill in them at such a young age, a gluttonous attitude. Certainly they will not be deprived...they will all receive plenty, but not so much that they don't appreciate the things that they do get. I long for them to look forward to the celebration with family and friends. I want them to cherish those times as much as I always have. Presents were nice, okay...awesome...but they were not everything. I want my children to look forward, with anxious anticipation, to giving someone that perfect gift just as much as they look forward to getting it.

    Just like I mentioned in this post, I believe my kids to be blank slates, waiting to be marked. It's my desire to teach my children at a young age about the many joys of Christmas. My daughter already has a giving spirit, and I intend to nurture it.

    When asked what she wants from Santa this year, my daughter's reply is "candy and a radio." Truly if that were all she received...her Christmas will have been made! Now, don't get all in an uproar on me, we are totally getting her more than that. Just not so much more that next year the greed will overtake her. As for Colton, I have an inkling that he will be enthralled with simply tearing open the packages...and Drew, he made a list, and between us and family, he is pretty much getting everything on it. So before you go feeling all sorry for our munchkins, rest assured that the visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads will surely become a reality.

    So spill it. Do you go crazy with gift giving for the kids? I started a discussion about it in my new Blog Frog community...would love it if you found time to come over and join and jump in the discussion. You can reach the community through the widgit down on the left of my sidebar. Oh, and of course I still would love to have comments here. I know, I ask for the world.

  • Friendly Request...With Repayment

    Wanna do me a favor? Not hard. Will you go to my Blog Frog community and participate in one of the discussions there? I will gladly repay favors. Leave me a comment with yours ;)