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  • Contest! Oh, and I am in Love...

    ...with my new blog design that is! So in love actually that I have decided to spread some of it to a fellow blogging buddy. One of my followers (old faithful or brand new) will have the chance to win the exact same package I got from Jenna at Bloggy Blog Designz. how I would describe my experience with them. Amazing...the job they did. Jenna is super fast, super patient, and super competent! This design far exceeded my expectations. It is everything I knew I wanted and everything I had no idea I wanted all rolled into one.

    So, as for my contest (not giveaway, and I will explain the distinction). Because I like her so much, and I want to spread my holiday good cheer, I will be paying for half of the package that I got (you will get everything you see on my your own design of course). Jenna graciously agreed to give the other half away for free. This is all about spreading the love, so only my followers will have their chance at this one (applies to new and old).

    Rules are:
    1. You must do a blog post about the contest with a link back to my blog and Bloggy Blog Designz (you should comment to let me know you have done that).
    2. You have to refer others this way! (explained below)
    3. The person with the most referrals by the contest end date, will win! That simple.

    Now, what qualifies as a referral? Simply having people come over and comment on this post. Be sure that they USE YOUR NAME (or I won't know who sent them and where to count it). If they decide to follow it will count as two referrals for you. New followers will have the chance to win too by following these same rules. That is why this is a contest, and not just a giveaway...there is an actual tangible way to win, rather than just a random draw. So hurry up and get started. The contest will begin now and end January 1st.

    Maybe, just maybe I will throw in a runner up prize just to be a little cheeky. Have fun and good luck.

  • Frenzied Mad Woman on the Loose

    Contest Update:
    First things first, for those of you who want to win a blog makeover, be sure to go back and read this now...or after you're done here. As for the contest...the currents stats are: Elizabeth at Our Journey Through Life has two points. Mindy at Part of Me also has two points, and Heidi at From 3 to 5 has one point. The contest is over January 1st, so there is still plenty of time to get in the running.

    I am feeling stark raving mad slightly harried this morning with all that needs to be done. My husband's holiday party is being hosted here tomorrow, and I have not a thing done. That's right not one thing! Fortunately, Andy is taking the day off tomorrow to help me. I have decided to do all the cooking myself rather than cater (I must have made that decision after taking a long slow pull off the crack pipe). In addition to the meal, I need to make cookies, toffee and appetizers. Did I mention my house is not even party ready yet? There are toys still on the living room floor, the windows need to be washed (as do the floors) dusting needs to be done, the vacuuming is not taking care of itself, and the shopping fairy still has yet to make an appearance...sigh. I supppose I will have to do that myself too.

    Needless to say, my usual oh so calm and put together self has been replaced by a stark raving lunatic. But the screaming, yelling, pouting, sassing and all around unpleasant behavior out of my two little ones this morning is totally helping. Yeah, helping to unravel the last of my rapidly fraying nerves.

    So tomorrow will come, and it will either go off without a hitch, or I will be drooling in a padded room within the sterile walls of an asylum. I'm cool with that.

  • Updates...Contest and My Christmas Shopping

    Updates...Contest and My Christmas Shopping

    Contest Update:
    It's not too late to win a blog makeover... read about it here. Heidi from 3 to 5 has five points! Mindi of Part of Me has two points, and Elizabeth of Our Journey Through Life has two points. The contest ends January 1st. I can't wait for one of you lucky ones to be able to work with Jenna at Bloggy Blog Designz. Start getting your new blog look ideas together ;)

    I wish I could say I am done with my Christmas shopping, alas it is not to be. I still have a couple last things to get, but I am super close. Fortunately I have wrapped as I have gone, so that part is not looming.

    We did take our gifts to the family we adopted (through the Salvation Army) on Sunday. I hope they wait until Christmas to open them, and I hope they like what they received. Seeing the look on the eight year old's face made everything worth it. She looked so happy to be toting the gifts into to her house from my car. Before leaving, she gave me the biggest hug and it struck me that she is a complete stranger... that I will, more than likely, never see her again. But I touched her life. What a blessing for me.

  • Contest Update

    Well...we are down to the wire. The contest ends when many will be receiving their New Year's kisses. As it stands Heide of From 3 to 5 has seven points, Mindi from Part of Me has two, and Elizabeth from Our Journey Through Life has two as well.

    Here's the deal...I did say that second place might get something as well. So how about helping a girlie out and leaving a comment for one of these ladies. Go check out their blogs and tell me whose could use the most help! Because really, I wanna spread the love, but I can't afford to spread quite that much. I need a tie breaker.

    To see what these ladies have been trying to win read here. So help me, and one of these fabulous people, will you? Like I said...just go check out the blogs and come back to tell me where you cast your vote.

    Pretty please and thank you!

  • Not Me! Monday

    Not Me! Monday

    First, don't forget to read this post for your chance at a free blog makeover. I mean total makeover. The contest will end January 1st.

    Now on to Not Me! Monday. If you don't know by now, this is a teeny huge carnival done by MckMama, where moms come to spill the beans about the things they have not done over the past week.

    This week it was certainly not me who whacked my husband in the arm after he scared the ever living crap life out of me while driving. It was also not me who denied that I hit him. I certainly wouldn't have tried to convince him that it was just my startled reaction (which it was actually) and that I just tapped his arm.

    It's not me who has a clean set of sheets sitting on the dresser to be put on the bed. Those same sheets have not been sitting there collecting dust for about three weeks now. They absolutely were not sitting in a heap on my couch for a week before that. I never let so much time pass between bedding changes. Especially since Addyson does not sneak food into my bed and she does not ever leave crumbs.

    Finally, it was not me who was a raging witch (you know I want to change the first letter of that word) to everyone in the house (except Colton) yesterday. I am not at all stressed out that my husband's holiday party is this Friday, and I am not even a fraction of the way ready. Nope, I am always calm, cool and collected.

    There you have it. Now let's have yours. You can leave them here in the comments or do your own post if you dare. If Mckmama gets her act together, we can all go link up ;)

  • Lisa Leonard Giveaway

    Lisa Leonard Giveaway


    If you have not seen Lisa Leonard's designs then you are missing out, big time. Each piece is hand crafted in sterling silver. Perfect for me as I am a silver kinda girl...are you? I was hoping you'd say yes, because Lisa is going to grant one of my awesome readers a $40.00 gift certificate to her store. You can get yourself a little something, or put the money toward a whole lotta somethings. Here's how to win...

    Each comment will be equal to one entry (with a couple of exceptions), and you can enter any or all of the following ways:

    1. Go check out Lisa Leonard's site (link is above), look around, come back and leave me a comment telling me what you would buy or put your money toward if you win for one entry.

    2. Follow (current or new) me here and join my BlogFrog community for two entries...then leave two comments to let me know.

    3. Tweet about the giveaway with a link for one entry...comment to let me know.

    4. Post about the giveaway with a link to this post for two entries...comment twice please, to let me know.

    5. Start a discussion in my community for one know the drill, comment to notify.

    Entries will be accepted until further notice. So how 'bout it?...get busy and win yourself some Lisa Leonard jewelry. Oh, and just in case you can't wait, you can head over to her site and use 'arizonamamma' at checkout for 10% off. Nice. Now get busy winning ;)

    P.S. Please be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry. Winner will be drawn via a random number generator.

  • Just a Reminder

    **Update-The Lisa Leonard contest will end this Wednesday 1/20/2010 at 7pm MST...Winner will be announced shortly thereafter**

    If you have not already seen the Lisa Leonard giveaway I am hosting, you can check it out here. She has such amazing stuff, and I think I am totally going to have to get some more for myself as well. Check it out!

  • Giveaway Time!! Nursing cover by Cami

    Giveaway Time!! Nursing cover by Cami

    For all you breastfeeding moms, or soon to be breastfeeding moms, or friends of breastfeeding moms...this one is for you! Cami from Covers by Camilla has offered a free nursing cover to one of my lucky readers. Cami is a sponsor a local swap that's this Saturday the 27th. Be sure to check out for more details.
    I have to say, I have a nursing cover that was given to me by my mother in law and I love it. It is not your ordinary little cover that you just drape over baby. It is just like Cami's, and I couldn't have done without it.

    Each nursing cover is sewn by Cami personally and includes the following features:

    • lightweight cotton fabric keeps you and your baby cool
    • rounded boning in neckline allows eye contact between you and your baby
    • adjustable neck strap held securely in place with D-rings so your baby can't pull the cover down
    • pocket in right corner to store nursing pads or other small items
    • wash cloth in left corner for wiping up small messes
    • generous size accomodates big babies and provides full coverage for you
    Here's how to win: (Separate comment for each entry please)
    Mandatory entry:
    Head over to Cami's blog and look under the shop tab. Come back and comment to let me know which cover you would choose.

    Optional Entries:
    Follow my blog through the google follower widgit...comment

    Head to my Blog Frog community and start/participate in a discussion for two entries...comment twice

    Tweet with a link to this post for one entry...comment

    Blog about it with a link for one entry...comment

    Oh yes...and I feel compelled to mention that if you have been here for previous giveaways, there is often a little twist. I'll keep you in suspense over what that may be!

    That's it. The contest will start now, and end Thursday of next week (March 4th). Good luck!

    I was not compensated in any way shape or form for this giveaway. I am hosting this item because I believe in its usefulness and want to support a fellow mother in her efforts to earn extra income for her family.

  • Would You Be Willing to Help Me?

    Would You Be Willing to Help Me?

    Reef flip flops are my must haves. I practically live in them for most of the year. They are the most comfortable pair of flip flops I have ever worn. No initial hurting between the toes, the soles feel as if you are walking on a cloud...and they are pretty cute too. I have three pair, one of which dates back to my college years. They last that long.

    You want a pair don't you? Come on...who wouldn't? Well, you are in luck. I am going to give you the chance to win some. All you have to do is come and participate in my community at the Blog Frog. Help me build it up and get it going.

    So, in order to win...all you have to do is be the person with the most participations or starts to discussions there. The rules:

    Minimum of three contributions, by way of adding your two cents to exsisting discussions or starting one of your own.

    Discussion participation starts from this date, and will continue for at least one week. I will be sure to let you know for certain the actual end date. BUT...I hope that you will enjoy it so much, that you will continue to return even after the contest ends.

    Then, comment here to let me know you are entering so I can be sure to add up how much you participated. You don't need to comment for every time you add to the discussions...just comment to let me know you are participating. You can just comment now, then head over.

    You do not have to be a member of my community (though I would love it if you were), and you most certainly do not have to follow my blog. Please only do that if you like some of the other posts you see.

    I happen to love the Blog Frog. It is the most interactive and fun community I have encountered thus far, and I really want to give my community a recharge. What do you say...will you help me?

    P.S. This is not a sponsored post, and the picture of the flip flops is one I copied from a google search.
    P.S.S. Melissa G. You can play too! You don't have to have a blog ;)