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  • Tasty Tuesday- Zucchini Torte

    Tasty Tuesday- Zucchini Torte

    When I began my blog, I started doing my Tasty Tuesday posts almost right away. It is my way of trying to share something with other parents. A bit of me, I suppose. I love to cook, and am half way decent at it. Lately, I have found that I am not keeping up with it as an every week deal. I know, I know, some of you will be tossing and turning over the loss. Now, I will just post a Tasty Tuesday whenever the mood strikes me. This week, I am introducing a yummy side dish. Good way to put a spin on zucchini.

    Zucchini Torte

    4 Cups chopped zucchini (approx 3 large or 4 smaller zucchini)
    1 Yellow or white onion (chopped)
    1/4 Cup finely chopped parsley
    1/2 (generous) cup fresh grated parmesan cheese
    1/2 Cup olive oil
    1 1/2 Cups bisquick
    pinch of salt

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 2 quart casserole dish with non-stick spray. Mix all ingredients together, and turn into the casserole dish. Pop ‘er in the oven and bake for 1 hour uncovered. Serve it up. This time, we had it with homemade chicken fingers, and tomato slices. But you can have yours with whatever your little heart desires. Oh so good!

    Zuchinni Torte

    Try it out! You won’t be disappointed. Well, at least I don’t think you will be.

  • The Fish Cake

    The Fish Cake

    When I make a promise I deliver! So here it is, in all it's hideousness splendor, the fish cake. Honestly, Addyson originally asked for a dinosaur cake. I didn't know how I would get that done. Fortunately for me, in her ever fickle way, she changed her mind and settled on this beauty.

    This, my friends, is why my cake decorating skills have gone undiscovered for so long. They simply don't exist. Addyson, when first she was able to gaze upon her mother's creation, exclaimed "Mama, I asked for a fish cake!" Pft...that's as good as you're gonna get outta this mama. "What does it look like?" I ask her. "A star" is her reply. Upon further examination, I can certainly see how she came up with that. In the end I was able to convince her of its fishiness, and all was well. I will say this for myself...I can bake. The cake tasted great, and even had homemade cream cheese frosting.
    For those of you waiting on my husband's will more than likely receive them tomorrow. Possibly, they will be in installments...we'll see.
    Lastly, my current giveaway will end tomorrow and I will announce the winners (that's right, remember there will be two winners?) shortly thereafter.
    Oh, maybe not lastly. I wanted to pass along what another blogger is doing. Julie at The Peanut Gallery isn't calling this a meme, but she is starting Mommy and Me Mondays. She is encouraging all of us moms (or dads) to get in the picture with our kiddos. Too often we are the ones behind the lens. So on Mondays, get a picture on your blog of you with your child(ren). Fun challenge for me! Feel free to link back to her or not (it's the only right thing to do really). Can't wait to see you all!!