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  • Lisa Leonard Giveaway

    Lisa Leonard Giveaway


    If you have not seen Lisa Leonard's designs then you are missing out, big time. Each piece is hand crafted in sterling silver. Perfect for me as I am a silver kinda girl...are you? I was hoping you'd say yes, because Lisa is going to grant one of my awesome readers a $40.00 gift certificate to her store. You can get yourself a little something, or put the money toward a whole lotta somethings. Here's how to win...

    Each comment will be equal to one entry (with a couple of exceptions), and you can enter any or all of the following ways:

    1. Go check out Lisa Leonard's site (link is above), look around, come back and leave me a comment telling me what you would buy or put your money toward if you win for one entry.

    2. Follow (current or new) me here and join my BlogFrog community for two entries...then leave two comments to let me know.

    3. Tweet about the giveaway with a link for one entry...comment to let me know.

    4. Post about the giveaway with a link to this post for two entries...comment twice please, to let me know.

    5. Start a discussion in my community for one know the drill, comment to notify.

    Entries will be accepted until further notice. So how 'bout it?...get busy and win yourself some Lisa Leonard jewelry. Oh, and just in case you can't wait, you can head over to her site and use 'arizonamamma' at checkout for 10% off. Nice. Now get busy winning ;)

    P.S. Please be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry. Winner will be drawn via a random number generator.

  • Housekeeping


    Warning: Blog operator's brain on don't expect much. This post is a bunch of odds and ends, hence the title.

    First and foremost, I am excited to share the fact that I do have a few after pictures to share. Remember this post where I bared my deepest and dirtiest? If you didn't read it, you may want to now. Guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself in five seconds flat however long it takes you to read the post (but read this one first, because it has some cool stuff). So here are the pictures.

    My bedroom floor after and before. Big exhale.

    Nightstand after and before. Better light in the after!

    Here's one that wasn't in the last post because I had already shown so much, that I thought enough was enough. Anyway, this was/is one of my dressers. My room now is one place that no longer causes me extra tension.

    Moving doing my cleaning, I came across some books that I have either, never used or used gently. I no longer have a need for them, and would like to know if any of you are interested in any or all of them. If so, please leave me a comment of which book you'd like. I will let them go on a first come, first served basis. ***This is not a giveaway*** Just wanted to see if anyone here wants them before I take them to the used book store. All I ask of those that are interested is that you kindly pay for shipping, you may have the book(s) for free. They are:

    The Everything Pregnancy Book, and Dr. Sears Fussy Baby Book.

    Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. Baby Wise, and Jenny McCarthy's Belly Laughs.

    This one is Kids Create. Its arts and crafts for 3-9 year olds. We have never used it, and sadly I am just not that crafty. But there looks to be some fun things for kiddos to make with moms and dads.

    Last thing I have is a wedding scrapbook. Never used at all. I had already started a different one when I received this as a gift.

    Okay, there is one more thing I want to show you all. I mentioned a while back that one of my favorite gifts for Christmas was a fantastic necklace from Lisa Leonard. It is really awesome. It has all three of my kiddos names on it, it's silver (and I'm a silver kinda gal), and it goes with cute dresses or jeans! So awesome.

    I may or may not be hosting a giveaway really soon. It may or may not have to do with Lisa Leonard! So stay tuned.

    That about wraps it all up.

  • Just a Reminder

    **Update-The Lisa Leonard contest will end this Wednesday 1/20/2010 at 7pm MST...Winner will be announced shortly thereafter**

    If you have not already seen the Lisa Leonard giveaway I am hosting, you can check it out here. She has such amazing stuff, and I think I am totally going to have to get some more for myself as well. Check it out!

  • The Winner Is Winners Are...

    Here it is...the winner results of the Lisa Leonard Giveaway. I used to generate the number, but I have zero idea how to get the picture of the actual screen onto here, so you will pretty much have to take my word for it! The winner is lucky number 61, Shana. So Shana, please contact me with your email info, and Lisa will be in touch with you soon regarding your gift! Congratulations.

    Min: 1
    Max: 87
    Powered by RANDOM.ORG

    Now, I know I told you all that if you didn't win, you could go over and use 'arizonamamma' to get 10% off any purchase you make with her. So take advantage of that. What I didn't tell you, is that there would be two winners!!! What? Yes, I am sneaky like that. So winner number two...

    Min: 1
    Max: 87
    Result: 40
    Powered by RANDOM.ORG #40, Kate. Congratulations, Kate...please contact me with your email and I will put Lisa in touch with you too.

    A huge thanks to all who participated. It was fun, don't you think? I only wish I could have announced you all got a prize. Oh well, maybe next time ;)

  • A Sledding We Will Go!

    We are outta here today. Taking the troops up north to do some sledding. A first for our two youngest kiddos. We will be bundled up, for sure! Our warm blooded little Arizonan selves aren't well equipped for the cold. Be back Sunday, and will make my rounds to say hello. *Tear in my eye* *Sniff* I won't be able to do my usual Friday posts...but you bet your sweet booty I will be able to do Keely's Sunday Funday!! So, Miss Keely, you better not disappoint.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Oh, and don't forget to enter the Lisa Leonard Giveaway!

  • Christmas Bits and a Crapload of Pictures

    Christmas Bits and a Crapload of Pictures

    I am doing a melting pot of posts tonight. First, I really want to answer Keely's

    Getting to Know You question. What was your favorite gift that you received this year for Christmas? This one is incredibly tough as I did receive some really spectacular gifts. So, I will mention two of them (though there are more that I loved just as much). First, Andy got me a necklace from Lisa Leonard Desings. It has the names of my kids on it, and I adore it (p.s. totally not sponsored to say that or anything...just lovin' the gift I got). Next was a gift that Andy went through a ton of trouble to procure. He registered me for a photoraphy class at a local community college. He actually had to get me accepted to the program they offer first. In order to do that, he pretended he was me to get my diploma, and my college transcripts. Sent them to the community college, and applied/enrolled online as if he were me. Crazy! Crazy that he did all that, and crazier that a community college needs all that when I already have a four year degree (well, it took me five years, but who's counting?). Anyway, I now get to attend the photography class starting in February once each week for, get this, six hours! The class is over three months long. Thrilled. Such a thoughtful gift.

    This leads me right to my next segment ;) Christmas. Rather than bore with a lot of details, I will simply say that it was a wonderful time spent with family. We all received some wonderful gifts and the kids had a blast (as exhibited by pictures below). I am not entirely sure that Addyson got it as much as I thought she might. She loved opening presents, but I think the connection between the opening and the fact that they are now her gifts eludes her a little. Though I can't be certain. Colton, without question, had no clue...didn't expect him to. We had good food and good fun, and now I am feeling the "let down" effects after cresting the last peak on the Christmas roller coaster. Sigh. Happens every year. Now...for some pictures ;)

    Addyson getting a peak at the loot Santa left behind.

    Said loot

    Addyson has a thing for Tink.

    Turns out all Colton needed this Christmas was a box. Who knew?

    My brother (taken with my new lens I might add). Yes, that was another favorite gift for me this year...from my Dad.

    Addyson showing off her new shoes.

    This is what I get when I ask her for a smile.

    My cutest little bug...playing with the window.

    This one my dad

    My brother's girlfriend.

    So now that I have inundated this one with pictures, I think I am done. The holiday buzz is dissipating (sadly we don't usually do anything for New Year's), and we are getting back to normal around here. I wouldn't have it any other way.