Super Noob [Search results for Random

  • The Winner Is Winners Are...

    Here it is...the winner results of the Lisa Leonard Giveaway. I used to generate the number, but I have zero idea how to get the picture of the actual screen onto here, so you will pretty much have to take my word for it! The winner is lucky number 61, Shana. So Shana, please contact me with your email info, and Lisa will be in touch with you soon regarding your gift! Congratulations.

    Min: 1
    Max: 87
    Powered by RANDOM.ORG

    Now, I know I told you all that if you didn't win, you could go over and use 'arizonamamma' to get 10% off any purchase you make with her. So take advantage of that. What I didn't tell you, is that there would be two winners!!! What? Yes, I am sneaky like that. So winner number two...

    Min: 1
    Max: 87
    Result: 40
    Powered by RANDOM.ORG #40, Kate. Congratulations, Kate...please contact me with your email and I will put Lisa in touch with you too.

    A huge thanks to all who participated. It was fun, don't you think? I only wish I could have announced you all got a prize. Oh well, maybe next time ;)

  • Two More Fantastic Giveaways...Adorable Sun Glasses and a Gift Certificate for Some Unique Jewelry

    Two More Fantastic Giveaways...Adorable Sun Glasses and a Gift Certificate for Some Unique Jewelry

    First, here is the winner from the nursing cover giveaway. I used, but don't know how to capture the I copied and pasted the results, and here they are:

    True Random Number Generator
    Min: 1
    Max: 19
    Result: 13
    Powered by RANDOM.ORG

    Number 13 is Laura of The Bignell Family. So come on over, Laura and learn the next step to getting your new nursing cover. Congratulations, chica!
    Now I have not one, but two more giveaways for you all! Crazy, huh? The ladies offering the prizes for you today are sponsors of the Frazier Field Swap. If you missed out on the most recent swap, shed not a tear...there will be another in November! You can follow the Frazier Field Swap blog to stay informed.

    First up is Myla of Pursenickety. She is offering one lucky person a pair of her sunglasses. Here's how to win.

    For each entry, be sure to leave a separate comment.
    Mandatory entry:
    Head to her blog, choose a pair of sunglasses, and come back to tell me which you chose.

    Additional Optional Entries: (worth one entry unless otherwise stated)
    Follow my blog publicly (not required...stick around only if you like what you read).
    Add my button to your blog
    Tweet the giveaway with a link
    Blog about the giveaway with a link to this post (2 entries)
    Join my Blog Frog Community
    Start/participate a discussion in my Blog Frog Community

    Next up is Kelly of Bella Be-jeweled. She has some really unique stuff, and wants to offer one lucky person a gift certificate for $20.00. to win:

    For each entry, be sure to leave a separate comment.
    Mandatory entry:
    Head to her blog (via text link), look around , and come back to tell me what you would get with your certificate.

    Additional Optional Entries: (worth one entry unless otherwise stated)
    Follow my blog publicly (not required...stick around only if you like what you read).
    Add my button to your blog
    Tweet the giveaway with a link
    Blog about the giveaway with a link to this post (2 entries)
    Join my Blog Frog Community
    Start/participate a discussion in my Blog Frog Community

    A huge thank you to these two wonderful women for offering these prizes. Now get started! sure to tell me for which one you are entering with each CAN enter for both!!

    I was not compensated in any way, monetarily or otherwise to host these giveaways. I consider it a great opportunity to support these women.

  • This One Goes Out to the One I Love

    This One Goes Out to the One I Love

    Happy birthday to my husband! Today he is 36. GASP! I can't believe that he was 27 when we met. Where on earth has time gone? Oh, I also wanted to make it very clear, that I am not 36. I am almost 34. Just to be clear ;)

    If ever there was a person who was a magnet for husband is it! Being his birthday, I thought it would be fun to tell a couple of stories which perfectly depict the crazy, random things that happen to him.

    My husband goes to Subway to grab a sandwhich, and before he leaves, glances at his bag and notices there are no napkins. He politely walks up to the pimply faced teen behind the counter and asks for some napkins. Teen tells him "they're in the bag." Andy (with a look of mock confusion) holds his bag, looks at it, and says "no napkins." Teen says "we pre stuff all the bags with napkins. They were in there." Exasperated, Andy says "Okay, let's say there were napkins in the bag...can I have some extra napkins?" Teen says "I'm sorry, we don't give out extra napkins." About to lose his mind, Andy storms to the bathroom, spins off about half of the economy sized roll of T.P., wads it in a massive ball under his arm, walks out in front of the counter and loudly says "Hey! Thanks anyway...but I got it all figured out here!"

    Safeway (a local grocery store)
    It's somewhat late on a Sunday night, and I send my husband out to the grocery store to pick up a few things. One of those things is yogurt. Andy gets to the dairy aisle which is occupied by only one other person...a store employee who is busy stocking the shelves. Andy sidles up beside him and begins retrieving the yogurts for which I sent him. The employee sighs loudly and says "are you kidding me?" Andy, very confused, looks at the employee, then looks behind himself, then back to the employee, and says "me?" Employee says "yeah! I just finished stocking all those yogurts, and now you come along and move them all?" Andy, so dumbfounded, just says "whatever dude."

    Brother in Law
    About 3pm one afternoon Andy gets a text message from his brother in law. It reads "I'm getting off here in a bit" Andy, thinking 'thanks for sharing' replies "Ok, that's great." Brother in law says "Should I get something for dinner?" Andy says "If you're hungry." Brother in law "Always, how about you?" Andy "You know I'm always hungry." Brother in law "I can't wait to get home and see you and (BIL's son's name). Andy getting it now "Maybe tonight we can make another little (son's name)." BIL "Oh I'm excited now, I'm almost home!" Andy, unable to keep up the charade "Dude, this is Andy!" Brother in law "OMG! I'm so sorry, I thought it was your sister." **I feel compelled to tell you that BIL and Andy's sister do not have the same first initial...baffles me how this mistake was made**

    Commercial Cleaning Company (In addition to day job, Andy owns a commercial cleaning Co.)
    Andy hires a new employee for a recently acquired account. She is meant to team up with another woman already under Andy's employ. She works a night, and the current employee tells Andy there is no way the new woman will work out. She takes breaks every fifteen minutes and complains incessantly about her back pain. Being that she is in her probationary period, Andy tells her it will not work out. She calls...and calls...and calls to try to fight for the job. Andy stands his ground. She starts to get nasty. Calls and harasses him about getting her check. Andy says "the policy is you get your check when I get my shirts back." They plan to meet to exchange said items, but not before Andy gets a phone call in which someone with a disguised voice informs him that he is going to get his A$$ kicked. Anyway, Andy meets the woman to give her the check. He requests his shirts. Woman says "Oh hell no! I aint given you nuthin til I get my check!" Andy "You do realize the check amounts to $18.00, right?" Woman "I don't give a F#%k how much the check is! I want my check, and I don't trust you." The woman (with a rare stroke of her genius) says "Okay, I have an idea. You hold out the check, and I hold out the shirts, and we let go at the same time." So here is my husband in his shirt and tie, doing a redneck standoff with some irate woman over a couple of t-shirts and $18.00.

    I'm here to tell you, that I have had some strange stuff happen to me, but this man beats all! If there is strange within a mile radius of my husband, it finds him...always. It makes for some most entertaining stories, and no one tells them better than he.

    Happy birthday, Andy...I love you and all your crazies.

  • Andy's Answers to All of Your Questions

    Andy's Answers to All of Your Questions

    Okay, you all asked, and my husband answered. One of the qualifiers to get him to do this was that I could in no way edit what he wrote. So this is all him, without any meddling from me. I didn't say, however, that I wouldn't add my two cents if I felt it warranted. Just saying...and if my two cents does show up anywhere, it will be in orange. Now, on to your questions and his answers.

    Melis of The Zookeeper's Diary asked: If your wife could have any profession BESIDES being a SAHM, what would you want it to be? And why? And do you read her blog? What do you think of it? And finally, would you ever consider moving your family to where I live and buying the house next-door so we can all be IRL friends? Is that weird?

    Any profession – A photographer seeing as she has an eye and a passion for it.

    Do I read her Blog? – Are you all kidding?…hardly ever, but I don’t need to…I live it everyday.

    What do I think of her blog? – I have always thought her to possess a true gift when it comes to that of the written form…On the occasion when I curl up with a cup of coffee and my computer to catch up on the latest prose of “Arizonamamma,” she confirms my thoughts.

    Would I consider moving to be your neighbors and is that weird? – I know you are joking…

    Keely from MannLand5 wanted to know: What made you fall in love with your wife? How did you 2 meet? Will you have more kids? :-) What do all do for fun as a family? What do you think your wife's best physical feature is? What do you do for a living?

    What made me fall in love with your wife? – her independence, beauty, charm and her complete acceptance of me.

    How did we meet? -We worked together on an outside sales team.

    Will we have more kids? – I can’t answer this one on my own…AZMAMMA has a pretty big stake in this answer as well…however, if it were up to me I think that there will be no more children conceived.

    What do we all do for fun as a family? – Every Saturday morning we get up just as the sun is about to rise in the East…saying East is silly…doesn’t it always rise in the East? Anyway, we ALL get up just before the sun rises…we bring plenty of water, lunch and our trimming shears…we hike 13 miles (AZMAMMA and I take turns pulling our two youngest children in the wagon, they certainly couldn’t make the trek on their own) to the llama farm and we sneak into their grazing area….On even days AZMAMMA lasso’s three of these creatures while I teach the children how to shave cool designs into their fur….on odd days, we switch places…The kids find this absolutely hysterical and the llamas, well they don’t seem to mind one bit either….On the way home we usually dig 2 random holes with a large baking spoon (I don’t find this particular activity “fun” at all, but the rest of the family does and sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do). (If you all think this is serious, then you haven't been reading my blog for very long...I would never let anyone use my baking spoon to dig holes).

    What do I think my wife’s best physical feature is? – AZMAMMA was very blessed when it comes to her ‘4th point of contact,” her rear end. This, in my humble opinion, is her best physical feature….****This is where I must put my disclaimer, I am sure that ALL of you were hoping for some romantic answer like the beautiful sparkle in her eyes when she is truly happy, or the curls in her hair when she styles it my favorite way…maybe you even wanted me to answer with the color of her lips after she has had a glass of wine…but what can I say? I am an ass man and even after two children that shit ROCKS!!!!(Sorry, there should have been a disclaimer regarding the PG13 language...this is the only spot though).

    What do I do for a living? – I work in a sales management job for ADP

    Dondi at Confessions of a Housewife asked: Westpoint. Did you like it, was it worth it...I wanna know.
    West Point is one of those places that is wonderful to be from and not be at…but looking back, in a warped demented type of way, I did enjoy it. I certainly took it seriously and internalized the discipline. Was it worth it? Yes, I would not go back and do it any differently

    Liz from Harmonysong wanted to know: Most favorite (material) gift you have ever given Mamma?
    I would have to say the amethyst heart and chain that I got for her on her 1st Mother’s Day. (I can't resist...I have to explain a little more why this one is so great. It has amethyst which is Addyson's birthstone, and a tiny bit of diamond, which is was the most perfect Mother's Day gift ever...very thoughtful).

    Julie of The Peanut Gallery kindly asked: What is the weirdest thing that your lovely wife has done since you've known her?
    I can choose only one?…That hardly seems fair as many situations I find myself in with her are weird, not to mention all the stories I have heard of the weird antics of this person…and they are weird because she makes them so. I have struggled with this one and I thought, could it be the time that she clucked like a rooster as she was following behind a group of people? Could it be the time that she dissected a water dog while bored on a fishing trip? Could it be the time she shouted a reminder out of the car window as I trekked through the busy supermarket parking lot, “Don’t forget your hemorrhoid cream!”…No, these are all weird, but I gotta say one of her finest moments occurred on this blog. Her post about peeing while she laughs was a little uncomfortable for me. Many of you may disagree, but the whole time I was reading that rather strange post, I couldn’t help but be mortified. I mean I kept thinking to myself, “Why is she sharing this with the whole blog reading world? Hell, I didn’t even know that she was stricken with this rather strange condition!”….NOW THAT’S JUST WEIRD! (To save you the trouble you can read the post's not as bad as he says...I never claimed to pee when I laugh).

    Kate of Kate's Life wants to know: 1) What does your wife do or say that just makes you melt? 2) What do you love the most about her? 3) Do you have a nickname for her? 4) Is there a limit to how many questions I can ask?


    What does AZMAMMA say that makes me melt? – You wanna (bow-chicka-bow-bow)…?(Kate, I never say bow chicka bow bow...not ever).

    What do I love most about her? – The wonderful mother that she is…

    Do I have a nickname for her? – No I do not.

    Is there a limit to how many questions you can ask? – you just reached it…

    Desert Rose asked: Seeing how AZ Mamma and I are fellow Arizonans...just what is it that she likes to do around these parts?

    She likes to spend time with her family in Phoenix…she is extremely close to her family

    His sister Melissa asked: Andy, if you were stranded on a island with one of your siblings, which one would you rather it be and why?
    Seeing as how this was asked by one of my siblings I can’t, in good conscience, answer this. A very fine gentlemen recently advised me to steer clear of offending any one of my siblings, because if you do it may permanently damage a relationship no matter how many “I’m sorry’s” you try to throw at said situation…

    Drea of Peanut Butter Jelly Days asked: Honestly, what do you think of your wife blogging? do you think it has taken too much time from everyday things, or do you see it as a good outlet for her?

    Honestly what do I think of my wife blogging? – She enjoys it…I say blog away

    Do I think that it has taken too much time from everyday things or do I see it as a good outlet for her? Sometimes I feel it interferes with our time together…She never lets it interfere with the childrens' time…but when I ask her if I can get some of her time she obliges…As far as a good outlet for her – sure, I guess so.

    Scott of This Daddy's Blog asked: Being a sports fan the best event I have ever been to was the Army-Navy game many years ago at the Meadowlands since you were part of that tradition, besides that what is the best sporting event you have ever attended?
    Back when I was 12 my Dad took me to a rodeo. I thought that the rodeo was pretty cool, but the idea that pops and I got to spend some time together – that was truly spectacular. He is one of two men that I truly idolize in life…(His dad really is a wonderful man, and though this may make it seem so, was not absent from Andy's life...he did travel a lot in the military, but Andy just treasures any and all time with his dad).

    Heide of From 3 to 5 asked: Do you love Seinfeld as much as AZ Mamma? What is your favorite TV show? What is your favortie thing to do in your free time? Did you contribute to Addyson and Colton's name selection? Az Mamma is quirky about the sheets, what is your quirk? Do you leave the seat up? What is your favorite room in your house? Are you originally from AZ? If not what brought you there? If you are from there is there any where else you would like to live? Can the AZ Mamma come visit me?

    Do I love Seinfeld as much as AZMAMMA? Does she even like that show? Hahahaha….I like that show, is it as much as her? Not sure :-)

    AZ MAMMA is quirky about the sheets…Holy S**t she IS quirky about the sheets! I don’t have quite the breadth of quirks that she does.

    Do I leave the seat up? Only on purpose.(No he doesn't...he's very good about it).

    What is my favorite room in the house? Our eat-in kitchen…some of the most scrumptious things in the entire world are created in that space just awaiting my consumption…but more importantly, AZMAMMA and I both agree that sitting down as a family for dinner is extremely important. Over the last five years some of my most cherished memories are those that were shared and created while we have broken bread over dinner…

    Am I originally from AZ? Nope, my Dad was a career Marine so I don’t have an original home…I ended up in AZ after my short stint in the Army came to a conclusion. I found my first corporate career in PHX.

    Can the AZ MAMMA come and visit you? See one of my first answers – AZMAMMA is extremely independent and does not need to ask my permission. In fact, many may say that AZMAMMA wears the pants in the family, so you may be better off asking her this question.

    Lula Lola asked: If time and money weren't a factor, how would you spend the next year? And, what's he think is the coolest thing about you?

    If money were not a factor how would I spend the next year? I would want to travel to Australia, Ireland, Brazil, Hawaii and Iceland… I would also like to spend several weeks with our out of state family.

    Coolest thing about her? She puts up with me.

    Sheila of My Crazy Life asked: Why do men start projects and then never totally complete them?
    Is this a question for me? If it is, my answer would be that we get distracted by women…

    Abby of Murdocks Mama wanted to know: What kind of vehicles do you own? What is your favorite household chore to do/help with? What is your favorite meal that your wife makes?

    What kind of vehicles do we own? We own a Ford Expedition (Our second vehicle is one issued to him through's a Mercury).

    What is my favorite household chore to do/help with? While I do not consider this a chore, it is a task that needs to be done -- Giving our two young children a bath and getting them ready for bed, followed up by reading them 3 stories.(He does this every night! Every.single.night.)

    My favorite meal? Salmon Scallopini or Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. (Irony of this is I don't make these that often, and neither has been a Tasty Tuesday feature...yet).

    That's it! This is Mamma again, and I just want to give a huge thank you to my husband for being (mostly) a good sport about this. Can I let you all in on a little secret? I did mention this idea to him in a passive way, but I never actually got his consent before I drove forward with it. He was thrilled, let me tell you! He thinks I am bound and determined to have him start a blog. In any case, I think he did a great job. Thanks again, Andy for taking the better part of an evening to get these answered. I love you!

  • Lisa Leonard Giveaway

    Lisa Leonard Giveaway


    If you have not seen Lisa Leonard's designs then you are missing out, big time. Each piece is hand crafted in sterling silver. Perfect for me as I am a silver kinda girl...are you? I was hoping you'd say yes, because Lisa is going to grant one of my awesome readers a $40.00 gift certificate to her store. You can get yourself a little something, or put the money toward a whole lotta somethings. Here's how to win...

    Each comment will be equal to one entry (with a couple of exceptions), and you can enter any or all of the following ways:

    1. Go check out Lisa Leonard's site (link is above), look around, come back and leave me a comment telling me what you would buy or put your money toward if you win for one entry.

    2. Follow (current or new) me here and join my BlogFrog community for two entries...then leave two comments to let me know.

    3. Tweet about the giveaway with a link for one entry...comment to let me know.

    4. Post about the giveaway with a link to this post for two entries...comment twice please, to let me know.

    5. Start a discussion in my community for one know the drill, comment to notify.

    Entries will be accepted until further notice. So how 'bout it?...get busy and win yourself some Lisa Leonard jewelry. Oh, and just in case you can't wait, you can head over to her site and use 'arizonamamma' at checkout for 10% off. Nice. Now get busy winning ;)

    P.S. Please be sure you leave a separate comment for each entry. Winner will be drawn via a random number generator.

  • The Chicken Within

    I should warn you that this is just a random post about nothing much at all. Just was remembering a couple of things, and here goes...

    When I was younger, well, no...not when I was younger. At least not just when I was younger. I still do it today. What? Ah yes, let's get to that. I ask questions like "would you rather...?" or "what would you do if I...?" I get a huge kick out of asking the most outlandish things. What's even funnier is I have actually done some of the "what would you do if I's?"

    My husband (then just plain old boyfriend) and I were walking by a restaurant, and I asked him "what would you do if I pressed my bare butt (does that offend you? should I say bottom?) against the glass window to the people eating just inside?" He couldn't get me outta there fast enough. He already knew what sort of crazy streak I have and he embarrasses easily.

    Not sure why I find this so funny. I have always appreciated humor that defies the norm. I get the biggest charge out of seeing people's reactions to behavior that isn't considered socially acceptable. So much so that I have done some pretty out there things just so I could get those reactions.

    Read on.

    I am in high school. I am walking home and trailing behind a small group of boys (not anyone I recognized). One of them is straggling just behind the others. I am alone. Idea. I speed up so that I am just behind the straggler and I softly make a noise like a chicken "baaaak." The straggler stiffens a little, but pretends not to notice. I am stifling a laugh. I repeat the noise...only this time slightly louder and with a little poke of my index finger to his back. He turns to look at me immediately. Unmasked shock in his eyes (I couldn't blame him). Then without hesitating he catches up to his friends and is frantically whispering to them. Well, I couldn't make the guy look crazy to his friends, right? That's what I as they were standing huddled just fifteen feet in front of me, I begin scratching at the ground with my right foot and loudly making the chicken noises ( I am dying of laughter at the memory as I write). My arms are bent at the elbows and I am flapping as if I have wings. They are staring, no doubt wondering if I was on something, or if I was a little crazy...I was neither. As this is happening, my adrenaline surges, and in one last burst I shoot forward to their group, scuttle through them (all the while making the chicken sounds), then stop and calmly walk away. They are left standing and still wondering what on God's green earth is wrong with me. I laughed all the way home that day. On a little side note I ran into them later in the year at a post football game party. They all laughed and shouted "hey it's the chicken lady." They all admitted they thought I must have been totally crazy, but that they thought it was hilarious. It was. Anyway, we were friends after that night.

    As I sit here tonight, I realize that I actually don't do stuff like that anymore. Not really. Now I am too busy making sure that bottoms and noses are wiped, mouths are fed, no one is hurting anyone else, my house is at least in some state of "respectable." Yet the thing is, I know that I will do those things again. My kids have no idea what lurks in their future. I thought my mom could embarrass me when I was young? (okay, so maybe I was the one who embarrassed her, but that doesn't fit in with the point I am trying to make). Anyway, all I am saying is: Drew, Addyson and Colton, beware! The chicken still lives within.

  • Contest! Oh, and I am in Love...

    ...with my new blog design that is! So in love actually that I have decided to spread some of it to a fellow blogging buddy. One of my followers (old faithful or brand new) will have the chance to win the exact same package I got from Jenna at Bloggy Blog Designz. how I would describe my experience with them. Amazing...the job they did. Jenna is super fast, super patient, and super competent! This design far exceeded my expectations. It is everything I knew I wanted and everything I had no idea I wanted all rolled into one.

    So, as for my contest (not giveaway, and I will explain the distinction). Because I like her so much, and I want to spread my holiday good cheer, I will be paying for half of the package that I got (you will get everything you see on my your own design of course). Jenna graciously agreed to give the other half away for free. This is all about spreading the love, so only my followers will have their chance at this one (applies to new and old).

    Rules are:
    1. You must do a blog post about the contest with a link back to my blog and Bloggy Blog Designz (you should comment to let me know you have done that).
    2. You have to refer others this way! (explained below)
    3. The person with the most referrals by the contest end date, will win! That simple.

    Now, what qualifies as a referral? Simply having people come over and comment on this post. Be sure that they USE YOUR NAME (or I won't know who sent them and where to count it). If they decide to follow it will count as two referrals for you. New followers will have the chance to win too by following these same rules. That is why this is a contest, and not just a giveaway...there is an actual tangible way to win, rather than just a random draw. So hurry up and get started. The contest will begin now and end January 1st.

    Maybe, just maybe I will throw in a runner up prize just to be a little cheeky. Have fun and good luck.

  • We Have a Winner Here!

    We Have a Winner Here!

    Thank you to all who expressed an interest in these little treasures made by me! It’s so exciting to be able to share it.

    Ah, but reading drivel about how excited I am is most certainly not why you’ve come today. You want to know who won the $35.00 credit toward one of the pieces, right?
    Well, here you are…


    Congratulations to you, Jennie. You can thank True Random Generator for picking number 15! Please get in touch with me by Monday so we can discuss how you want to spend your $35.00 credit.

    I wish I could afford to make one for all of you who entered, alas, that is just not the case. I will, however, do one for 10% off of the listed price (in this post) if you contact me either in the comments section of this post or at with the words “blog discount” in the subject line.

    Thanks again!