Super Noob [Search results for Blogging

  • Breathing Life into Your Blog

    Recently I have read many posts which give advice on the "how to's" of blogging. Don't fret, this is not one of them (though I do have some thougts on the matter). I actually like reading those posts. Oftentimes they offer some helpful tips on how to improve things. Who doesn't want to improve? I especially like it when it comes from the author of a blog I truly enjoy. It's like free advice on how to become better received.

    There is, however, one thing I don't like about some of these posts that I have read. I don't want to be told about what I should or shouldn't blog. I already have my own parameters. For example, (with this minor exception) I will not blog about my husband's ex-wife. Off limits...for me. Does that mean I will think poorly of another blogger who does chose to write about that topic? Absolutely not. In fact, I quite enjoy it at times because I can certainly relate to some of the situations. Some people are very religious, and like to express it openly for all to read. Again, not necessarliy my comfort zone, but not going to turn me away either. Often there are some very thought provoking posts on the subject...and it doesn't matter what religion it is, or how they write the post. If it's not for me, I skip it. No harm no foul.

    I love my blog. I love my readers. I love my avid commenters! I want to be able to write whatever I feel, and not have to think about whether I may be offending someone. Isn't that what blogging is? A space of our very own to share our thoughts? What fun would it be if we were all cookie cutters of eachother, spitting out the same tired thoughts on the same tired subjects? I would lose interest in no time.

    One of the many wonders of blogging is all the different personalities behind the blogs. Some I turn to and I know I will always get a laugh. Some usually leave me thinking of something in a way I hadn't before...and others are just plain fun. Do I love every post, every time? No. That would just be impossible. So, on those posts, I take a pass and come back again another day.

    If you are anything like I am, and you have worried about your posts and what others might think...I say stop it. It's your blog. Your space. Make it yours. Give it a life by breathing into it your voice...whatever that may be. When you write what's in your heart, it will allow others to really connect on a different level. Some of my favorite blogs are unabashed about sharing anything and everything. Let's be clear, I am not talking about this tired old line about blogging boldly. I am simply saying don't censor based on what you think others may like or not. You will never please the entirety of the masses...but those who do connect will enjoy it all the more. I certainly do.

  • Wiping the Slate Clean...and Ask Andy (my hubby) Anything!!!

    For starters, I just want to say that I am not planning to do anymore least not for a while, or forever. I love that I am doing this one, but I think they are pushing me in a direction I am not really ready to follow. I love blogging, sharing my ideas through this medium, and I love the interaction I often get as a result. Like many (or I suspect there are many), I had secret hopes of earning money doing this thing. more is that my desire. I was beginning to feel like a slave to my blog, obsessed (in a not so good way) about how many people wanted to read what I have to say. Really, who cares?! Isn't it nuts when you think about it? Don't misunderstand...I do like people to read, but my first priority when writing a post should be whatever it is that inspired me to write...not "what will people think if I say this, or do that?"

    When I started blogging, it was just so much fun. I was excited to post, and I enjoyed what I wrote. Once I started being more concerned with the numbers of it all, some of that (okay a lot of that) pleasure went right out the window. So, I'm busting the chains. I'm letting go of my secret desire to be a millionaire blogger ;) I'm gonna write about my kids, and show you pictures of the horrific fish cake I made Addyson...really, it's bad...and really I will share. I'm going to post my recipes, because I love them, and if even one person tries one and likes it, then I have given something in some small way. I am going to write selfish posts that no one really wants to read (except for my mom, and me in 40 years).

    I wrote this post just a short time ago, and I think I missed the boat. I meant everything I said in it, and I believe it all 100%, but somehow I still derailed myself. Oh well. New start.

    Not sure what compelled me to explain myself this way...maybe just my way of wiping the slate clean. Allowing me to get back to what I really loved about blogging to begin with, and if people decide to join me along the way...well, then all the better!

    In an effort to do something I think would be a ton of fun...I decided to open the floor to any and all questions. BUT...the questions are for Andy (my husband). You can ask him anything you want. ANYTHING! Now, I will say this, he does reserve the right to not answer should something be out of line. But I have faith that nothing will be. I also give him free reign to answer anything about me. So, get your typing fingers ready, and ask away. What, my friends, would you like to know?

  • I'm a Mother, Not a Blogger

    When I began this blog, I set out with the intention of chronicling my childrens' lives (at least for now), and then having the pages bound into a book. That is still my intention. Somewhere along the way though, I started "meeting" some pretty inspiring people, and a few of those people have become friends. That part of blogging is a true joy.

    However, there is another part of blogging that I find slightly less than joyful. That part is the nagging sensation I have of needing to "keep up" with every post of every blog I've ever read. Of course that is a slight exaggeration, but I have a feeling most of you get the point. When I allow that to take over, I feel so overwhelmed by it all, and blogging becomes a chore rather than a pleasure.

    I suppose this is my way of saying that I am still here. I still plan on writing about my kids, and whatever else strikes me...but I may or may not be around to comment as much as I once have. My inkling is that I will go in spurts. So, if you haven't "seen" the likes of me as much, take no offense. I am just busy being a mom.

  • Laying the Drama to Rest

    To all those who have read and commented on this post, thank you! I make a point of commenting on other's blogs when they comment for me, but I think I have fallen behind. So, I wanted to do a sort of blanket post to you all. I appreciate your support while I was trying to navigate through weird waters.

    After having a chance to simmer down, I still think what this woman did is wrong, but I feel more sorry for her than anything. It's pathetic really. Stealing other's words is no form of flattery. It's just sad. I am thinking that this woman must need some serious help. Perhaps she has a gaping hole in her life, and simply craved the attention we all love from blogging. Perhaps that was enough to drive her to do strange things.

    In the end, it was just words...for me. For Erin, it was a picture of her children. Again, crazy...but sad. Oh, and for those of you who asked how I found this was actually through Erin. She sent an email to several bloggers as a heads up and asking if we knew of her. I didn't. I was nosy. I went to snoop. I found my posts. I was ticked. I wrote my post.

    Deb at Menopausal New Mom and Erin at The Mother Load both wrote posts about this too. I agree with what they wrote. We should look out for one another. It is, afterall, a community we have built here. A place we all feel comfortable and confident to share, in many cases, our innermost selves.

    Now, I'd like to lay the drama of it all to rest. I have enough drama in my every day life, I'd like to keep my blogging as free of it as possible. Missy, if you're reading this...I hope you find the help and support you need to find your own inner confidence, and your own writing voice should you choose to continue blogging.

    Going forward I suppose we could all learn a little from this experience. I am going to look into protecting my pictures at the very least. Will you?

  • 21 Questions...Or Just 9

    So Keely has a sister, Kassi. Who knew? Maybe you did, but I didn't, and I suppose that this is what this is all about. Getting to know eachother just a little bit better. These questions were originally posted by Kassi, but then Keely snaked them, turned them into a little blog hop of sorts. Since my well of thoughts is tapped out tonight, I am playing along.

    1. How old are you?
    I am 33...but recently told someone at the gym that I was 31. I was serious. I wasn't lying. Not intentionally. Then later, when recounting the story to my friend R, she asked why I said I was 31. It was only then that it dawned on me that I totally forgot my own age. Sigh. I suppose it's all downhill from there.

    2.Where are you from and where do you live now?
    If by from, this means where I was born, then the answer is San Diego. If it means where did I grow up, then the answer is Arizona which is where I am now. I bet you're happy to have that mystery solved!
    3. What music have you been diggin lately?
    When my car stereo isn't taken over by toddler tunes, I go between classic rock and country. I am lovin' Antebellum's Need You Now.
    4. Favorite food(s)?
    Is this a joke? Like many others, I love Mexican food. Come on, you can't grow up in Arizona, and not like Mexican food. I also really like sushi. Oh, and pretty much any sort of dessert.

    5. Single,married, divorced?
    Hitched. 5 years this coming March. Best years of my life so far ;)
    6. Kids? If so, how many and how old?
    My step-son will be 11 in February. My daughter will turn 3 the same month, and my son will be 2 next August.
    7. What are 3 blogs you read daily?
    Yours, yours and hers. Really? Come on. No way am I going to list just three. There are some great reads out there. I happen to like quite a few of them.
    8. What is your favorite Christmas/Holiday tradition?
    I love Christmas. We have mostly always spent it with my Dad's side of the family. We all get together both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. In my own home, my husband and I started our tradition of decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving. I love it.
    9. Lastly, if you're a blogger, how long have you been blogging and if you don't have long have you been reading blogs?
    Funny thing, like Keely, I started out reading MckMama's blog. I had heard of blogging, but never stepped foot into bloggy land until MckMama's. I was captivated with the story of her son. Plus she is just interesting. Then, she would link (more often than I wish were possible) to other blogs of families fighting for a child's life. Finally I had to stop going to check them out. Breaks my heart. So I stuck with reading hers, and thought about doing one of my own. Okay, I am going to share more here than required. Please don't judge how ridiculous this bit of information is...just rack it up as yet one more reason to call me crazy. I was afraid to start my own blog. It seemed that all the blogs I had been reading had some tragedy going on. Either the tragedy was the reason they blogged, or it happened after they started what was to be a normal, run of the mill, talk about anything and everything blog. I was superstitious. I didn't want to be one of those tragedies (By the way, if you are one of those blogs, don't be offended. I am not at all saying blogging isn't a great place to get support. I would want the support it lends. I just had this totally unrealistic fear that I might bring it on myself). I decided to hike up my panties and get the hell over it. Here I've been since October of this year.

    What about you? Will you share in a post or here in the comments?

  • There is a Theif in Our Midst...This ISN'T a JOKE!!!!!!!

    Read the post to the link above...You see it's dated March 9 2010...right? Well, read my post dated 11/22/09.

    Another of hers

    And mine

    Again, notice mine was up first!
    Just a fair warning to all my blogging comrades out there. This woman has also taken photos from The Mother Load of her children apparently trying to pass them off as her own.

    Note to Missy,

    It would seem to me that while it may not be illegal to "steal" others thougths, and blatantly plagiarize someone's is unethical to say the least. I can't believe you have amassed your group of followers using the words of countless others. If you don't have something unique enough to say, don't post. I don't appreciate this sort of behavior, and will look into reporting your blog.

    To all my other blogging friends,
    You may want to comb through her pictures/posts to see what she may have of yours. Just sayin'.

  • Blogging? What on Earth is That?

    It seems unfathomable that at one point I could scarcely go a day without blogging, let alone weeks. I am, reaching (and I mean really reaching) for something about which to blog. I am hearing Jeopardy's theme song in my head, yet...nothing. Nada. I'm convinced my head just takes up space in the world without having the ability to contribute anything meaningful.

    So, instead I guess I can write about our trip to Pensacola, Florida to visit my brother in law and his family. The fact that we just got back last night, and Addyson seems to have contracted conjunctivitis (pink eye). Fortunately, our doctor doesn't require a trip to the office. She'll simply call in a prescription to our pharmacy. Thankful for that. We've never experienced pink eye here before, and I've never had it in my life. So, I really didn't know if it was the real deal.

    The trip itself was great. I happen to love my in laws and consider myself blessed that they are such great people. Oh, and I happened to learn a very interesting tidbit of information. These same in laws have 6 kids and counting...and they have named Andy and me in their will should something ever happen to them. WOW! I'm incredibly honored that they would choose us for such a huge responsibility...and not a little intimidated at the thought of going from 3 kids to 9 (or more!).

    That's it. I'm tapped out.

  • Yee-Haw and Thanks! **Updated with My Choices**

    Yee-Haw and Thanks! **Updated with My Choices**

    It is about time I stop procrastinating (though I do that so well). Without further delay, and in no order of preference, here are my selections for the heartfelt blogger award:
    1. Lolidots-because her site is great, and she was the only one who sent me a little help when I requested it. Thanks.
    2. The (Un) Experienced Mom- because she most often writes posts that have me saying "man, have I been there!"
    3. Harmonysong-for our shared love of all things Stellan ;)
    4. The Zoo Keeper's Diary-because she is pretty darn funny, and what's better for the heart than a good laugh?
    5. All a Bunch of Momsense-Because even though she just received it, I still find her blog very worthy of yet another!

    Now I know that is not 9, and you can call me a rebel...but I am stopping there. I would so rather do it like this than just pick 9 randomly. Enjoy, ladies.
    ***Original Post****
    Yee-Haw because I just got my first taste of recognition for my little brainchildren rambling posts. Elizabeth of Confessions from a Working Mom chose me along with some fellow bloggers for this "Heartfelt Blogger" award. Thank you, Elizabeth, so much!

    Now here is what I have to do:

    1. Display the award logo.
    2. Nominate up to 9 blogs that make you feel comfy or warm inside.
    3. Link to your nominees.
    4. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting.
    5. Link to the person from whom you receieved the award.

    Choosing 9 additional people will take me a couple of days since I am so new to blogging. If you have any suggestions...I am all ears, er, eyes. :)

  • Inspiration

    I have been operating almost on autopilot this entire day. Nearly numb waiting for news...but praying for news like THIS. I am elated, which probably only scratches the surface of the joy MckMama and her family must feel.

    I am amazed by her story, and how it has affected so many people all over the world. Crazy...this thing called blogging. Mckmama (for the very few of you who have not read her blog) is an inspiration to so many. Inspiring even in the most mundane day to day details, let alone how she has handled the situation with her youngest son, Stellan.

    If I am being totally honest (and that is what I aim to be 100% of the time), she was the reason I started my blog. Not because I wanted to be like her, but because I would read her posts, and find myself with things swimming in my head. These things, aka thoughts, needed an outlet. This is mine. It matters not to me whether I have one million readers or one. I write these posts for me, and for my family...and anyone who cares to read. However, I have gotten a little off the beaten path here.

    Back to what this post was all about to begin with...Mckmama. Through her blog, and with her amazing story, I have been inspired. Inspired in more ways than just to begin a blog. On a very personal level, she has inspired in me a deeper faith in God. Even if this story had had a different outcome, mine would still be the same. For that I believe a sincere thank you is in order. So...thank you, Jennifer. Your one life has touched so many.

  • I've Been Tagged...

    I've Been Tagged... the Lucky Chinese Tag

    Erin over at The Mother Load tagged me. I have to now tell you my answers in each of the categories, then tag 8 new people.
    8 TV Shows I Watch: (I have to say that if I could, I would watch all of these shows. I don't. I have watched them all, and like them all, but never watch them all)
    -Grey's Anantomy
    -Private Practice
    -The Bachelor
    -Law and Order SVU
    -Property Virgins
    -House Hunters
    -Dora the Explorer...defeated sigh

    8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink:
    -Sushi Den (Dever, CO).
    -Les Rendezvous
    -Paradise Bakery
    -PF Chang's
    -Morton's Steakhouse

    8 Things I Look Forward To:
    -Bed time for the kids
    -Going to the bathroom in peace
    -My photography class
    -Being able to wear all of my clothes
    -Completing P90X
    -Having a wildly successful blog
    -Someday having a clean and orderly house...again.

    8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
    -We had Chinese for dinner
    -I took the kids to the park (I felt too warm in my long sleeved shirt)
    -I wiped butts 6 times (none of which were my own)
    -I made protein pancakes for breakfast
    -P90X Plyometrics kicked my booty
    -I went crazy
    -I came back briefly
    -Just to be sent straight there again

    8 Things I Love About Winter:
    -It's not 115 degrees outside
    -Warm drinks
    -Did I mention it's not so hot?
    -Taking the kids to the park and having them not get 3rd degree burns from the slides/swings
    -No swimsuits for a while
    -Heatwaves are non existent on the roads (sensing a trend here)
    -Sleeping comfortably

    8 Things on My Wish List:
    -A maid
    -The ability to eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce
    -Winning the lottery
    -A new house
    -Well behaved children
    -More patience
    -The Super Nanny
    -My trip to Russia

    8 Things I'm Passionate About:
    -My children
    -My husband
    -My parents and brother

    8 Words/Phrases I Use Often:
    -What the hell's wrong with you?
    -Stop hitting him/her
    -Are you kidding me?
    -Why don't you listen?
    -Please stop it!
    -You don't talk that way to Mommy
    -Can I get a break?

    8 Things I've Learned From the Past:
    -You can't change it
    -It's made me who I am today
    -There are things I regret not doing
    -Friends come and go, a few stay forever
    -Nothing matters more than the ones you love
    -My mother was right, I had one just like me
    -It takes time to be comfortable and confident with who you are
    -Fish food doesn't taste good...not even a little

    8 Things I Currently Want/Need:
    -Canon EF 85 mm L series lens
    -A massage
    -The new Lady Antebellum CD
    -More free time
    -A date night
    -A girls' night
    -To meet my newest little nephew

    8 People I'd Like to Tag:
    Tamara at The (Un)Experienced Mom
    Elizabeth at Confessions of a Working Mom
    Shandal at My Life in 3D
    Michele at Finding Trinity
    Cop Mama
    Nicole at A New Normal
    Heidi at From 3 to 5
    Maven at A Fabulously Good Life

  • I'm Tired. So the Filter in My Brain Isn't Working Properly...You'll See What I Mean.

    I'm Tired. So the Filter in My Brain Isn't Working Properly...You'll See What I Mean.

    I survived the party at our house today. It was pretty easy really. But now I am just wiped out! So I am going to get my Sunday post done and go to bed. Keely is awesome. Did you know that? She always sends me the questions early so I can play along since I have my class on Sunday. This week's questions are interesting to say the least. Here they are:

    1 - Why did you start blogging?
    To save the world. Or just because I thought it would be a fun way to document memories and then be able to have them all printed into a keepsake book. I'd love to have something like that now if my mom had done it. Of course, she would never start a blog today (right, mom?).

    2 - Who's the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in "real life"?
    I just get warm and fuzzy thinking about her. ;) All I'll say, is that she knows who she is!

    3 - Why are you always concerned with losing that "extra 10 pounds" when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are?
    Because I don't believe him, and more importantly, because the extra 10 pounds are 10 pounds that weren't there before I got pregnant. I just want to have my whole wardrobe of clothes opened up to me again. Nothing too vain, just don't want to buy more clothes.

    4 - What's the one thing you wish guys could understand about you?
    About me? Like me specifically? I actually think most men have understood me better than a lot of women. I have always gotten along really well with the male species.

    5 - Tattoos. How many do you have and how many are visible when you wear your "everyday" clothes?
    A big fat zero. None. I've never wanted anything enough to have it permanently etched into my skin. Don't mind them on others...just not my thing.

    6 - What was the best year of your life and why?
    This is impossible to answer. There are stand out events in many years, but no one year that is so great as to tower above the rest. Each and every year is one I can say has been full of both all things wonderful, and not so wonderful.

    7 - Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day.
    I'm just gonna say it...have sex. Of course, this would mean that my husband and I have switched places since I am married (because there is no other way I would do this). But I do wonder why men seem to like it so much more (generally speaking) than women. Not that I don't...okay, I'm done talking about that. Can't think of anything else right now...but I think that's big enough to count for three.

    8 - What's your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows?
    I don't drink anything that raises eyebrows. I like dark beer...people typically find that unusual. But I like a good glass of wine too. I'm afraid my days of "buffalo sweat" and "prarie fire" are long over.

    So that's it. I'd be mighty happy to read what you have to say as well. You can link up with Keely, or you can leave me your answers right here. Happy Sunday!

  • Two Worlds Collided

    Two Worlds Collided

    Last week...Monday to be precise...we took a little jaunt to Sedona. Not just any day trip...a most auspicious occasion. We were going to meet some very special people. One person, in particular for me. Several months ago, she and I began commenting on each other's blogs...she had no clue about the email response thing, so I gave her a little schooling. Then, we began to email each other almost daily, and sometimes multiple times a day. Through our interactions a friendship emerged. We'd joke about stalking each other all the time, and finally I bit the bullet and said we should try to meet in person some time. Well, could you imagine my surprise when she said she and her family were actually coming here?!? Do you know who I am talking about? Hint: nuts. Peanuts to be precise.

    Does she look familiar to you? Well, to those that read her blog, she will. To others, you will think I am off my rocker (pft, that's nothing new). Yes, this is Julie of The Peanut Gallery...exit here.
    Again, if you read her blog, you will know that her family just took a trip to our neck of the woods. Of course, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to finally meet her in person. The funny thing is, I have felt for some time now like I already know her. By that I mean, I feel like we have been friends for years. There is a realness and an honesty to her that, unfortunately, you don't find all that often. Or at least not as often as I wish. On some level, Julie and I have connected and formed a real friendship. I have blogging to thank for that. Without it, I never would have met her. That ...I simply couldn't imagine.

    With our men behind the lenses, we set out to document our encounter. This is one of the first photos we took. The next one had Julie making bunny ears over my head. Maybe she has a copy and will be gracious enough to share it. I, however, will not.

    Our girls realized that this was a day like no other, and that it was cause for a real celebration. So...there was dancing in the streets. Come on every guy grab a girl...

    All the children (at least those not passed out on the sidewalk ) got along famously. The Desert Dwellers, and The Peanut Gallery were all fast friends. We spent the afternoon frolicking, eating ice cream, causing near attacks in the hearts of shop owners and generally soaking up all we could of each other in a very short amount of time.

    S-Girl is the sweetest little girl ever. Truly. All of Julie's children are warm, open, and intelligent. Given Julie's recent toilet incident, you may have misgivings about her parenting...but rest assured, these kids are loved beyond measure, and it shows.

    The littlest ones were just worn out.

    Yet, they were troopers nonetheless.

    Before we barely had a chance to say hello, we were already saying goodbye. Julie may be none too pleased with me for posting this photo. But I happen to love it. She is every bit as fun in person as she seems to be on her blog. Her nature is friendly, open, honest and just plain old hilarious! She is infectious, and I am afraid I have caught the "Julie bug." She's a vibrant, beautiful woman, and I am blessed to call her friend.

  • Andy's Answers to All of Your Questions

    Andy's Answers to All of Your Questions

    Okay, you all asked, and my husband answered. One of the qualifiers to get him to do this was that I could in no way edit what he wrote. So this is all him, without any meddling from me. I didn't say, however, that I wouldn't add my two cents if I felt it warranted. Just saying...and if my two cents does show up anywhere, it will be in orange. Now, on to your questions and his answers.

    Melis of The Zookeeper's Diary asked: If your wife could have any profession BESIDES being a SAHM, what would you want it to be? And why? And do you read her blog? What do you think of it? And finally, would you ever consider moving your family to where I live and buying the house next-door so we can all be IRL friends? Is that weird?

    Any profession – A photographer seeing as she has an eye and a passion for it.

    Do I read her Blog? – Are you all kidding?…hardly ever, but I don’t need to…I live it everyday.

    What do I think of her blog? – I have always thought her to possess a true gift when it comes to that of the written form…On the occasion when I curl up with a cup of coffee and my computer to catch up on the latest prose of “Arizonamamma,” she confirms my thoughts.

    Would I consider moving to be your neighbors and is that weird? – I know you are joking…

    Keely from MannLand5 wanted to know: What made you fall in love with your wife? How did you 2 meet? Will you have more kids? :-) What do all do for fun as a family? What do you think your wife's best physical feature is? What do you do for a living?

    What made me fall in love with your wife? – her independence, beauty, charm and her complete acceptance of me.

    How did we meet? -We worked together on an outside sales team.

    Will we have more kids? – I can’t answer this one on my own…AZMAMMA has a pretty big stake in this answer as well…however, if it were up to me I think that there will be no more children conceived.

    What do we all do for fun as a family? – Every Saturday morning we get up just as the sun is about to rise in the East…saying East is silly…doesn’t it always rise in the East? Anyway, we ALL get up just before the sun rises…we bring plenty of water, lunch and our trimming shears…we hike 13 miles (AZMAMMA and I take turns pulling our two youngest children in the wagon, they certainly couldn’t make the trek on their own) to the llama farm and we sneak into their grazing area….On even days AZMAMMA lasso’s three of these creatures while I teach the children how to shave cool designs into their fur….on odd days, we switch places…The kids find this absolutely hysterical and the llamas, well they don’t seem to mind one bit either….On the way home we usually dig 2 random holes with a large baking spoon (I don’t find this particular activity “fun” at all, but the rest of the family does and sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do). (If you all think this is serious, then you haven't been reading my blog for very long...I would never let anyone use my baking spoon to dig holes).

    What do I think my wife’s best physical feature is? – AZMAMMA was very blessed when it comes to her ‘4th point of contact,” her rear end. This, in my humble opinion, is her best physical feature….****This is where I must put my disclaimer, I am sure that ALL of you were hoping for some romantic answer like the beautiful sparkle in her eyes when she is truly happy, or the curls in her hair when she styles it my favorite way…maybe you even wanted me to answer with the color of her lips after she has had a glass of wine…but what can I say? I am an ass man and even after two children that shit ROCKS!!!!(Sorry, there should have been a disclaimer regarding the PG13 language...this is the only spot though).

    What do I do for a living? – I work in a sales management job for ADP

    Dondi at Confessions of a Housewife asked: Westpoint. Did you like it, was it worth it...I wanna know.
    West Point is one of those places that is wonderful to be from and not be at…but looking back, in a warped demented type of way, I did enjoy it. I certainly took it seriously and internalized the discipline. Was it worth it? Yes, I would not go back and do it any differently

    Liz from Harmonysong wanted to know: Most favorite (material) gift you have ever given Mamma?
    I would have to say the amethyst heart and chain that I got for her on her 1st Mother’s Day. (I can't resist...I have to explain a little more why this one is so great. It has amethyst which is Addyson's birthstone, and a tiny bit of diamond, which is was the most perfect Mother's Day gift ever...very thoughtful).

    Julie of The Peanut Gallery kindly asked: What is the weirdest thing that your lovely wife has done since you've known her?
    I can choose only one?…That hardly seems fair as many situations I find myself in with her are weird, not to mention all the stories I have heard of the weird antics of this person…and they are weird because she makes them so. I have struggled with this one and I thought, could it be the time that she clucked like a rooster as she was following behind a group of people? Could it be the time that she dissected a water dog while bored on a fishing trip? Could it be the time she shouted a reminder out of the car window as I trekked through the busy supermarket parking lot, “Don’t forget your hemorrhoid cream!”…No, these are all weird, but I gotta say one of her finest moments occurred on this blog. Her post about peeing while she laughs was a little uncomfortable for me. Many of you may disagree, but the whole time I was reading that rather strange post, I couldn’t help but be mortified. I mean I kept thinking to myself, “Why is she sharing this with the whole blog reading world? Hell, I didn’t even know that she was stricken with this rather strange condition!”….NOW THAT’S JUST WEIRD! (To save you the trouble you can read the post's not as bad as he says...I never claimed to pee when I laugh).

    Kate of Kate's Life wants to know: 1) What does your wife do or say that just makes you melt? 2) What do you love the most about her? 3) Do you have a nickname for her? 4) Is there a limit to how many questions I can ask?


    What does AZMAMMA say that makes me melt? – You wanna (bow-chicka-bow-bow)…?(Kate, I never say bow chicka bow bow...not ever).

    What do I love most about her? – The wonderful mother that she is…

    Do I have a nickname for her? – No I do not.

    Is there a limit to how many questions you can ask? – you just reached it…

    Desert Rose asked: Seeing how AZ Mamma and I are fellow Arizonans...just what is it that she likes to do around these parts?

    She likes to spend time with her family in Phoenix…she is extremely close to her family

    His sister Melissa asked: Andy, if you were stranded on a island with one of your siblings, which one would you rather it be and why?
    Seeing as how this was asked by one of my siblings I can’t, in good conscience, answer this. A very fine gentlemen recently advised me to steer clear of offending any one of my siblings, because if you do it may permanently damage a relationship no matter how many “I’m sorry’s” you try to throw at said situation…

    Drea of Peanut Butter Jelly Days asked: Honestly, what do you think of your wife blogging? do you think it has taken too much time from everyday things, or do you see it as a good outlet for her?

    Honestly what do I think of my wife blogging? – She enjoys it…I say blog away

    Do I think that it has taken too much time from everyday things or do I see it as a good outlet for her? Sometimes I feel it interferes with our time together…She never lets it interfere with the childrens' time…but when I ask her if I can get some of her time she obliges…As far as a good outlet for her – sure, I guess so.

    Scott of This Daddy's Blog asked: Being a sports fan the best event I have ever been to was the Army-Navy game many years ago at the Meadowlands since you were part of that tradition, besides that what is the best sporting event you have ever attended?
    Back when I was 12 my Dad took me to a rodeo. I thought that the rodeo was pretty cool, but the idea that pops and I got to spend some time together – that was truly spectacular. He is one of two men that I truly idolize in life…(His dad really is a wonderful man, and though this may make it seem so, was not absent from Andy's life...he did travel a lot in the military, but Andy just treasures any and all time with his dad).

    Heide of From 3 to 5 asked: Do you love Seinfeld as much as AZ Mamma? What is your favorite TV show? What is your favortie thing to do in your free time? Did you contribute to Addyson and Colton's name selection? Az Mamma is quirky about the sheets, what is your quirk? Do you leave the seat up? What is your favorite room in your house? Are you originally from AZ? If not what brought you there? If you are from there is there any where else you would like to live? Can the AZ Mamma come visit me?

    Do I love Seinfeld as much as AZMAMMA? Does she even like that show? Hahahaha….I like that show, is it as much as her? Not sure :-)

    AZ MAMMA is quirky about the sheets…Holy S**t she IS quirky about the sheets! I don’t have quite the breadth of quirks that she does.

    Do I leave the seat up? Only on purpose.(No he doesn't...he's very good about it).

    What is my favorite room in the house? Our eat-in kitchen…some of the most scrumptious things in the entire world are created in that space just awaiting my consumption…but more importantly, AZMAMMA and I both agree that sitting down as a family for dinner is extremely important. Over the last five years some of my most cherished memories are those that were shared and created while we have broken bread over dinner…

    Am I originally from AZ? Nope, my Dad was a career Marine so I don’t have an original home…I ended up in AZ after my short stint in the Army came to a conclusion. I found my first corporate career in PHX.

    Can the AZ MAMMA come and visit you? See one of my first answers – AZMAMMA is extremely independent and does not need to ask my permission. In fact, many may say that AZMAMMA wears the pants in the family, so you may be better off asking her this question.

    Lula Lola asked: If time and money weren't a factor, how would you spend the next year? And, what's he think is the coolest thing about you?

    If money were not a factor how would I spend the next year? I would want to travel to Australia, Ireland, Brazil, Hawaii and Iceland… I would also like to spend several weeks with our out of state family.

    Coolest thing about her? She puts up with me.

    Sheila of My Crazy Life asked: Why do men start projects and then never totally complete them?
    Is this a question for me? If it is, my answer would be that we get distracted by women…

    Abby of Murdocks Mama wanted to know: What kind of vehicles do you own? What is your favorite household chore to do/help with? What is your favorite meal that your wife makes?

    What kind of vehicles do we own? We own a Ford Expedition (Our second vehicle is one issued to him through's a Mercury).

    What is my favorite household chore to do/help with? While I do not consider this a chore, it is a task that needs to be done -- Giving our two young children a bath and getting them ready for bed, followed up by reading them 3 stories.(He does this every night! Every.single.night.)

    My favorite meal? Salmon Scallopini or Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. (Irony of this is I don't make these that often, and neither has been a Tasty Tuesday feature...yet).

    That's it! This is Mamma again, and I just want to give a huge thank you to my husband for being (mostly) a good sport about this. Can I let you all in on a little secret? I did mention this idea to him in a passive way, but I never actually got his consent before I drove forward with it. He was thrilled, let me tell you! He thinks I am bound and determined to have him start a blog. In any case, I think he did a great job. Thanks again, Andy for taking the better part of an evening to get these answered. I love you!

  • Last One

    Last One

    Julie at The Peanut Gallery...exit here, who has wiggled her way securely into my heart, has awarded me with the Honest Scrap award. Thank you, friend. Since I began blogging, this was probably the one and only award I hoped to receive but never did...until now, of course. Now that I've got it (and I am really excited to finally have this one), I am hanging up the old "award" hat. I think they are fun, and I love it when others think of me...but at the risk of sounding like a major ingrate, I can't find the time to do the posts for them anymore. All the crazy linking, standing on your head, picking your nose, winking your left eye, and singing the Star Spangled Banner all at the same time is just a bit much for me.

    So with this one I have to list 10 honest things about me. Honest? Darn it...there has to be a catch, right? I kid. I'm nothing if not honest. Anyway, here goes:

    1. When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor. As I got older, I didn't want to do the school. As I got even older, I regreted not doing the school. Unfortunately, in college I didn't have the foresight which would have enabled me to see beyond my days of bars and boys. Seriously, I wasn't all that bad...pretty mild in comparison to many. In any case, I am quite happy to be where I am today. Can't imagine what my life would be otherwise.

    2. I have eaten some really strange things in my life. As a child in particular. Among those things are dog food and fish food. Don't even ask.

    3. I once peed in a flower bed in a public place. Again, don't ask.

    4. My favorite number is 13, and my favorite colors are blue and yellow. In fact, our wedding colors were blue and yellow! Love, love, love it.

    5. The one place in the world to which I want to travel over any other, is Russia. I am hugely fascinated with their culture. I would even like to learn the language. I actually know a few words and phrases. When I was fresh out of college and living in Dever, Co. I met some people from Russia. They became good friends, and thus my desire to learn more about their culture was spawned. Kak Dela?

    6. I am currently struggling over whether or not we should change my blog tag line to "eight" little feet. Leaning toward keeping it six.

    7. I cry at commercials. I never used to do that. I used to pick on my mom because she does it. Then I had kids, and my hormones went haywire, and never worked themselves back to their original state. Sigh. Now I am as sentimental as they come.

    8. The blogs I love reading the most are those that write about "real" things. Things like their struggles in day to day life. The joy over their family, kids, etc. Humor over things to which we can all relate, and those that have great photography.

    9. Like Julie said...I love music. I agree with her so much. A song can bring you back to a place in time quicker than anything else. I can instantly feel how I felt then, smell things I smelled then. It's amazing. Led Zepplin is one group in particular that brings back a lot of memories that are near and dear to my heart.

    10. With me, what you see is what you get. Sometimes that's great, and sometimes it's not. My husband often accuses me of lacking the "filter" that others have which enables them to say things nicely. He says I can be abrasive. To his credit, he is not the only person who has said this about me. I'm perfectly okay with it. Better, I think, that you know where you stand with me. There is no wondering over what's going on in my head. Well, that last part may not be true. I mean, come can you not wonder what goes on inside the head of someone who eats dog food and pees in public flower beds?

    Now, I am going to pass along my last award.

    The Empress at Good Day Regular People is, without question, an amazing writer. She has her heart in her blog, and I never feel bad about having spent some time "with her." If you haven't, you should go check her out and be sure to tell her I sent you!

    Heide at From 3 to 5 is such a fun person. She's funny. I feel like I "get her." What I like most about her is the feeling that she doesn't put on aires. She is who she is, and is a joy because of it.

    Three more...hang with me.

    Kate, at Kate's Life. I love her heart. She is just an honest to goodness "real" person. I think she radiates warmth, and I like the way she shows genuine care for others.

    Melis at The Zookeeper's Diary. She was one of my first favorites. Still is. When she sits down to "put it out there," she really does. Again, she is full of heart and honest, and has moved me to tears several times.

    Finally, last but not least.

    Sonora at Twinfinity. Sonora was on the verge of giving up blogging when I found her. I think she actually found me first, but I am so happy she did. And I am even happier she decided to stick with the crazy thing. I enjoy reading her posts which are riddled with funny and endearing stories.

    Please, if I passed this to you, don't feel obligated to do anything with it. Chuck it if it pleases you, but I chose you because I honestly think you deserve it.

    Th th th th th th, that's all folks!

  • The Real Deal

    Looking back through some older posts I realized how much I used to love blogging here. I mean LOVE it. It's such a great way to preserve memories...stories of my kids, crazy things that happen in my life, or just how I am feeling on a particular day.

    After asking myself what happened, it's simply this...I don't want the job. Nor do I want the guilt that comes when I don't do the job. What job? The completely time consuming job of responding to comments simply from a place of feeling obligated.

    Light bulb moment. I can still have my blog. I can post pictures, tell stories, ramble...whatever, and I can do it privately! So, my blog is private now, and if you're reading're among the very few who have been invited to continue along with me here. No, I don't think I'm so special that you should feel part of some elitist club. Just letting you know that there are a handful of people I actually enjoy keeping in touch with here!

    So...onward we go. Or I go. Either way, I'm good with this.


  • Contest! Oh, and I am in Love...

    ...with my new blog design that is! So in love actually that I have decided to spread some of it to a fellow blogging buddy. One of my followers (old faithful or brand new) will have the chance to win the exact same package I got from Jenna at Bloggy Blog Designz. how I would describe my experience with them. Amazing...the job they did. Jenna is super fast, super patient, and super competent! This design far exceeded my expectations. It is everything I knew I wanted and everything I had no idea I wanted all rolled into one.

    So, as for my contest (not giveaway, and I will explain the distinction). Because I like her so much, and I want to spread my holiday good cheer, I will be paying for half of the package that I got (you will get everything you see on my your own design of course). Jenna graciously agreed to give the other half away for free. This is all about spreading the love, so only my followers will have their chance at this one (applies to new and old).

    Rules are:
    1. You must do a blog post about the contest with a link back to my blog and Bloggy Blog Designz (you should comment to let me know you have done that).
    2. You have to refer others this way! (explained below)
    3. The person with the most referrals by the contest end date, will win! That simple.

    Now, what qualifies as a referral? Simply having people come over and comment on this post. Be sure that they USE YOUR NAME (or I won't know who sent them and where to count it). If they decide to follow it will count as two referrals for you. New followers will have the chance to win too by following these same rules. That is why this is a contest, and not just a giveaway...there is an actual tangible way to win, rather than just a random draw. So hurry up and get started. The contest will begin now and end January 1st.

    Maybe, just maybe I will throw in a runner up prize just to be a little cheeky. Have fun and good luck.

  • These are a Few of My Favorite Things Blogs

    I'm an addict. Blogging is my drug of choice. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you view it) for me, there are so many blogs to read. The problem is, in addition to being addicted to the blog world, I am also a mom. I don't have the time to invest in searching out blogs to read. I have meals to make, a house to ignore clean. Playdates to attend. The list goes on. I do, however, have some blogs I love to read... those which make me feel excited if they have a new post. Today, I thought I would share some of them with you.

    I will only mention a few today, and plan to do a series of posts like this over time. The blogs in this post are in no particular order, and are not necessarily my most favorite...they are just in the forefront of my mind.

    Let's get on with it.

    Melis at Diary of a Zookeeper. She's great. Her writing is intelligent, witty, funny, endearing and compelling all rolled into one. While reading one of her posts, I am often "in her moment," feeling as if I am seeing things through her eyes. Her down to earth nature, and warmth make me feel as if we have been friends for a long time. I'm sending you to one of her more heartfelt posts. If you are not reading her blog, you are missing out on a real treat.

    Michele at Finding Trinity. I love funny. So, I love her. She is an awesome blog friend, always leaving witty or thoughtful comments on my posts. She has a raw honesty about her that is just charming and well...funny! Again, she is down to earth (sensing a trend here), and easy to read. What are you waiting for? Go have a look for yourself. Sending to you a post that will allow you to get to know her well right off the bat.

    The last person I will tell you about today is Heide of From 3 to 5. The thing about Heide is that she is as real as they come. I think I first took a liking to her because she so reminded me of one of my old friends. However, as I have gotten to know her more and more, I just think she is great in her own right! She makes me all the time. Here's the best part, I think she's funny even when she's not trying to be so. She just tells a story sometimes in such a way that I can't help but find humor in it. Please go see for yourself what I mean. I am sending you to a Friday Fragment post she did, and there is a bit about nose picking that cracked me up.

    Now...these are just a few on the ever growing list of blogs I dig...and dig 'em I do. Stay tuned, next time you might be mentioned!!

    What about you? Do you already read these blogs? Any that you feel crazy over and want to share? Spill it here in the comments.

    **When I say easy to read, I simply mean her posts are well written, not on the verbose side, not littered with gramatical errors, etc.** Wanted to clarify that as I may use the term again.

    P.S. A big happy birthday to my sister in law.

  • Answering Questions and Filling in the Blanks...Good Times

    Answering Questions and Filling in the Blanks...Good Times
    My Little Life

    Five Question Friday time. For the rules on how to play along go see Mama M.
    1. Would you ever vacation alone?
    Is there any other way? Really the answer is absolutely. But I never have.
    2. Do you go the speed limit?
    Isn't that just a guideline anyway? I guess it depends, I do a lot of the time...within like 5mph. Every now and again, I will look at the ole' speedometer, and say "Holy crap! Good thing there's no cop near me."
    3. Why did you start blogging/following blogs?
    Started because I always read MckMama's blog, and was inspired to do my own. I figured I had enough to share that it would be fun. As for following others, I usually do it because I feel a connection, like I can somehow relate to that person. There have been a couple of ocassions when someone has followed me, and politely suggested that I follow in return. Not my favorite way, but I have, and mostly with good results.
    4. Where do you shop for yourself?
    I like New York and Co. for a lot of things. For jeans, you can't beat the Gap. Oh, did you mean where do I shop for myself now that I am a haus frau? Hmmm. Target's nice. Sigh.
    5. What was the song that you danced your first dance with your spouse to at your wedding...or...what song would you like your first dance to be to?
    At our wedding, which was truly the most splendid experience...and I am not being sarcastic, we danced to "I Love You" by the Climax Blues Band. Never heard it? Click the song title, and listen's awesome and fit us so well.


    This week, as always, I am also answering Tamara's Fill in the Blank question. This week's is:

    For my birthday, the one dessert I want to
    enjoy the most is:________

    Impossible to answer. Truly, I love all things dessert. So, really just about anything will do. But if it's going to be cake, it has to have buttercream frosting, or it can just go home!

    There you have it my friends. Feel like playing along? I say go for it? Don't feel like it? Well, then how about some answers in the comments right here?