Super Noob [Search results for house

  • I've Been Tagged...

    I've Been Tagged... the Lucky Chinese Tag

    Erin over at The Mother Load tagged me. I have to now tell you my answers in each of the categories, then tag 8 new people.
    8 TV Shows I Watch: (I have to say that if I could, I would watch all of these shows. I don't. I have watched them all, and like them all, but never watch them all)
    -Grey's Anantomy
    -Private Practice
    -The Bachelor
    -Law and Order SVU
    -Property Virgins
    -House Hunters
    -Dora the Explorer...defeated sigh

    8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink:
    -Sushi Den (Dever, CO).
    -Les Rendezvous
    -Paradise Bakery
    -PF Chang's
    -Morton's Steakhouse

    8 Things I Look Forward To:
    -Bed time for the kids
    -Going to the bathroom in peace
    -My photography class
    -Being able to wear all of my clothes
    -Completing P90X
    -Having a wildly successful blog
    -Someday having a clean and orderly house...again.

    8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
    -We had Chinese for dinner
    -I took the kids to the park (I felt too warm in my long sleeved shirt)
    -I wiped butts 6 times (none of which were my own)
    -I made protein pancakes for breakfast
    -P90X Plyometrics kicked my booty
    -I went crazy
    -I came back briefly
    -Just to be sent straight there again

    8 Things I Love About Winter:
    -It's not 115 degrees outside
    -Warm drinks
    -Did I mention it's not so hot?
    -Taking the kids to the park and having them not get 3rd degree burns from the slides/swings
    -No swimsuits for a while
    -Heatwaves are non existent on the roads (sensing a trend here)
    -Sleeping comfortably

    8 Things on My Wish List:
    -A maid
    -The ability to eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce
    -Winning the lottery
    -A new house
    -Well behaved children
    -More patience
    -The Super Nanny
    -My trip to Russia

    8 Things I'm Passionate About:
    -My children
    -My husband
    -My parents and brother

    8 Words/Phrases I Use Often:
    -What the hell's wrong with you?
    -Stop hitting him/her
    -Are you kidding me?
    -Why don't you listen?
    -Please stop it!
    -You don't talk that way to Mommy
    -Can I get a break?

    8 Things I've Learned From the Past:
    -You can't change it
    -It's made me who I am today
    -There are things I regret not doing
    -Friends come and go, a few stay forever
    -Nothing matters more than the ones you love
    -My mother was right, I had one just like me
    -It takes time to be comfortable and confident with who you are
    -Fish food doesn't taste good...not even a little

    8 Things I Currently Want/Need:
    -Canon EF 85 mm L series lens
    -A massage
    -The new Lady Antebellum CD
    -More free time
    -A date night
    -A girls' night
    -To meet my newest little nephew

    8 People I'd Like to Tag:
    Tamara at The (Un)Experienced Mom
    Elizabeth at Confessions of a Working Mom
    Shandal at My Life in 3D
    Michele at Finding Trinity
    Cop Mama
    Nicole at A New Normal
    Heidi at From 3 to 5
    Maven at A Fabulously Good Life

  • Rubber Balls...with Pictures!

    Rubber Balls...with Pictures!

    Once upon a time there was a woman who had a clean house...where did she go? I'll tell you where. Crazy. That's where. Each night I go to bed with my crazy tank at full. I mean topped off. Morning comes, and I rise with slightly renewed vigor. Then it begins. My day as short order cook, washer of dishes, wiper of butts, healer of hurts, teacher of lessons. My day of being incessantly needed by these tiny little people.
    I once made a reference to the seagulls on Finding Nemo...about their mindless chanting of "mine! mine! mine!" Well, just replace "mine" with "mommy" and press repeat. So it's no wonder my house is no longer the place of cleanliness and order it once was. At first, I was in a constant state of distress. Frazzled at every coner turned within these walls. Not one five foot stretch of floor can be walked over without encountering a car, shoe, doll, ball, lego, unopened tampon (no, there is nothing private space), action figure, stuffed animal, muffin tin, and the list goes on. Daily I precariously walked the fine line between this world and looney town.
    Until I simply decided to not care. That's right. I decided there are glass balls and rubber balls. Glass balls are the ones that will break when dropped...things like reading to Addyson and Colton, making their meals, giving them love. Rubber balls bounce. So the living room floor that is littered with toys and countless other articles, rubber ball...bounce. Having clean laundry... glass ball...break. Having folded laundry, rubber ball...bounce. This way of thinking keeps me hanging on to the last fraying thread that is my sanity.
    Now, I am about to post some very frightening pictures of my house at its worst. Bear in mind this is not (despite my proclamation) the usual state of my home. If it were, ain't nothin' that would keep me planted in reality! This is the state of my home post Christmas. I will say, however, that it stayed like this until just a few days ago. Oh, and the living room is exactly like this still.
    Be warned...not for the faint of heart.

    One of the two living room couches in its usual fashion.

    Part of the living room. Yes that's a bottle of the living room.

    More living room.

    Kitchen island. See the Clorox bottle? Yeah...that helped. I will say though, my dishes are always clean. For me, that is another glass ball.

    My nightstand. Sadly, this is always the way it looks. Oh, yes...I sleep with earplugs so I don't have to listen to the rattle and hum from the other side of the bed.

    Sigh. My floor. This is gone now.

    Just beside our entry. That is a hitch on the floor. You know, in case we need to make a quick get away and have to use the hitch. Really, I have no idea. This area has also been whipped into shape.
    So now that I have given you ample reason to feel better about your own house, kindly thank me before you leave.

  • Has Anyone Ever Pooped on Your Floor?

    Yes, you read correctly. I asked if anyone has ever pooped on your besides your pet. I have had the misfortune of this happening twice! Once several years ago, and again today.

    Several years ago, we were still living in our old house. It was summer and my husband's brother and his family came to visit. They have six kids. It was a mad house. All the kids were swimming in the pool out back; the husbands were outside watching them while my sister in law and I were inside putting lunch together. Suddenly I could hear my husband bark at my stepson to get out of the pool. Next I heard a muffled butt chewing right outside our back door (it was just off the kitchen). In comes Drew, fresh out of the pool and no towel in sight. As he traipses across the kitchen floor I find mysef getting annoyed that he is leaving puddles behind as he goes. Little did I know I should have been wishing the puddles were the only mess he would leave on my kitchen floor. Unbeknownst to me, Drew was having such a merry old time with his cousins in the pool that he couldn't be bothered with such civilities as coming in the house to use the bathroom. Nope. He crapped himself. I found this out when my husband grabbed Drew's arm to hurry him along through the kitchen, and jarred a turd loose...which in turn slithered out of his pants and onto my floor. My kitchen floor!!! Speachless. Slightly embarrassed. Conflicting feelings of aggravation and amusement all at once. That was me in the horrible seconds after it made its debut with a sickening little plop. Like I said, my brother in law and his wife have six would take much more than that to shock my SIL.

    Flash forward to today. I am putting a Christmas movie on for Addyson when she goes bolting out of the room towards my bedroom. Her potty is in my bathroom, and this is a regular occurrence so I knew she would be hollaring for me to come and wipe her momentarily (I bet you think you know what happens). Maybe I go to wipe her and she has had an accident on the floor in there? Nope. She never calls me to wipe her. She just comes gallivanting back out to the living room. I am distracted with the DVD player, and absently tell her to go back in to the bathroom so I can wipe her bottom. She stays. She farts. She laughs. I say something like "oh that was really nice, Addyson." She thinks she is funny, she tries to fart again, and does. Still distracted I hadn't noticed something else had also escaped her precious little bottom. She tears out of the room to the bathroom wailing away. Crying? What did she do? I look down to the space on my carpet she had occupied not seconds before to see a little bitty poop. Does it get any better than this? Fortunately, it cleans right up without leaving a trace. I go in to wipe and console her. I explain that I am not mad...I know it was an accident. She stops crying. All's well that ends well.

  • Who is Mamma?

    Why me, of course! So... my actual name is Shannon. I wasn't really trying to be incognito. I've already shared all the names of the rest of my family. Why not mine too? Born in San Diego, I didn't live there long. When I was still just a babe, my parents and I moved to Arizona (my dad's home). My parents were actually in the military when they met, got married and had me. Shortly after I was born, they moved here. Wow! Am I really starting that far back? Me thinks not.

    In between then and now, I have gone to and graduated from the Uof A, lived in Ireland (only for about 6 weeks), worked in corporate America (where I was wildly successful in sales I might add), bought my first house, got married, sold my house and bought another (with my husband), had my daughter (who was conceived in the UK), sold and bought another house, had my son (who was conceived nowhere exciting) and here we in the inferno that is the Arizona Desert.

    A woman of many interests, I love taking pictures but don't call myself a photographer. I work out habitually, yet I habitually lack the desire. Books are like water to me, without them I wouldn't survive. Outgoing by nature, I can be a bit forward and often (so I am told) abrasive. I have a loud laugh that always starts with an old man wheeze when I think something is truly funny. Taking things at face value is a problem for me, I am always looking for deeper could say I am a bit of an over analyzer. Though I like to think I don't worry unnecessarily, since having children I have come to realize I do. No matter how I try otherwise.

    At the heart of me is my family. I love these people that live with me more than any blog post would ever do justice. My brother is one of my very truest, most loyal and closest friends...I love him so. I am blessed to have a wonderful relationship with my is to her that I credit my wackiness...she has been my comfort when I have needed it most and my laughter when nothing else would do. And I am a daddy's girl. I find today that I still look to him for guidance and direction. Just as I am certain I will always be his little girl, at the risk of sounding cliche, he will always be my hero.

    As a mother I strive, together with my husband, to raise our children in such a way that they reach their full potential...teaching them to love deeply, believe strongly, respect fully, and befriend faithfully. Showing them how to love the fair weather days and hoping that we have equipped them with the skills to ride out the storms.

    What's to come remains to be seen. So happy to have you along for the ride.

  • No Explanation Required

    I don't understand why moms feel the need to justify their choices to other moms. Or anyone for that matter. I am not even talking about moms who stay at home vs. moms who go to work. Nope, I am referring to the little things that seem so big. For example, I have always been so very laid back over-the-top anal when it comes to my children and their sleep. This was particularly bad with my daughter. When she was napping, I freaked out whenever anyone would make a noise in the house. I wouldn't answer the phone during her naps for fear of my hushed voice waking her. I seriously thought my daughter was born with the special power to hear even a pin drop from clear across the house. husband would get so irritated with me (rightly so), and my dad would blast me for not answering his calls, and I would get looks from friends whenever I mentioned my daughter sleeps on a schedule. You know the looks I mean, right? I think every mom has gotten them at some point. They are the very looks that create the need in us to justify our choices. Now...I will say, that when my second came along, and my daughter was only 18 months, there was no real way to keep her hushed when he was sleeping. So I had to become more laid back. Do I still think sleep in ultra important to their overall health and development? You bet. Do I freak out if one of them wakes too early at naptime anymore? No way. However, back when I was in the freak out mode still, I felt the constant need to justify my hyper-sensitive ways regarding my daughter's sleep. "You need to make noise in your house so she gets used to it." My dad would say. "I know, and I do, but dad she is a really light sleeper, and she needs her naps or she just gets so cranky." I would tell him. I am certain what he heard is "I am a first-time mom, and I don't know what I am doing." The thing is, I did know what I was doing. I knew that I was a little (okay a lot) over the top, but I also knew that her sleep was something that was a non-negotiable for me. It was something that I believed, and still believe, is crucial to healty development.

    Just today, my kids and I were at the park for one of our mommy meet ups. A friend of mine was making a bottle for her 8 month old daughter, and asked her 2 year old son if he wanted one too. I can say with the utmost sincerity that I thought absolutely nothing of it! Seriously. But do you know what happened next? She began justifying why he was getting the bottle. There is actually a very sound reason behind it I might add. But that isn't the point. The point is that she is his mom. She knows what is best for him. Who on God's green earth am I to judge that decision?

    So what is this innate behavior we moms all seem to possess? Why does it crop up like that? The bottom line is this...we are all just doing what we feel in our hearts to be the best for our children. No one in the world loves her child more than a mother, and we are all in the same boat. So how about next time you see a mom doing something you would never dream of doing, you just give her a knowing smile instead of a what in the world are you doing look. **This of course does not apply to anyone who is doing something obviously harmful in any way to their child**

    Just remember the next time you feel the need to explain yourself to someone about a choice you have made for your child(ren)...don't. Remind yourself that mommy does in deed know best.

  • I Didn't Know You Had a Dog

    As my daughter careens toward her third birthday I am plagued slightly troubled by thoughts of what is yet to come. See, she is already so wilfull and mischievous and smart, and...I think you get the point. What scares me most is how similar in personality she is to me. Now that I am a mother, I have a greater appreciation for my own, and all that she endured. One might think I was hellbent on driving her over the deep end. I'm not saying I was a bad teenager, and that I got myself into major trouble. Nope, I was mellowed out (mostly) by then. I am referring to my days as a three year old...not that I remember much of them, but I cringe at some of the recounted tales.

    It's 1979 and we are living in Worcester, Massachusettes (my mom's home town). My parents decided to live there for a little while, at my mom's request, to be near her family. My mom is hugely pregnant with my brother, and in no mood for my shenanigans. So she sends me out front to play (I still can't believe there was ever a time when that was okay). After an unpsecified amount of time elapses, she looks out the window to check on me. No Shannon...I wasn't Mamma then ;). Having a brief moment of panic, she goes out front for further inspection. Strewn about the sidewalk are my clothes. With much effort, she bends to retreive my articles from the sidewalk, only to find they are super soaker style. Blood pressure rising, she looks to the right. Still no Shannon. Looks to the left and there is Shannon, running naked from the waste down. She hollars calls sweetly for me to get my little butt over to her. All sugar and innocence, I come to my mom. My mom rushes me inside to put on clean pants, chastizing me all the way about not peeing in my clothes. "Shannon, when you need to go potty, you don't go in your clothes!" "Okay, momma." I say sweetly. "Can I go back outside to play now?" Of course she lets any mother, she was anxious for any precious moments of peace she could muster.

    For the second time, I am outside playing, mom is inside. Time passes, and reluctantly she hefts herself up to check on me. Expecting to see me galavanting down the street with the other little boys and girls, she coems to the window and stares in silent horror at the scene layed out before her. Her daughter, to whom she had told just moments before "we don't go potty in our clothes" was not in fact going potty in her clothes. Nope. Her daughter was squatting on the sidewalk right in front of the house, taking a poop. Paralyzed, my mom doesn't know what to do. Clearly she has to retreive her demon spawn angelic child, and get her into the house. Yet the thought swimming in her head is one of the neighbors saying "I didn't know you had a dog" as she is stooped over scooping the poop. Fortunately for my mother, no one saw her when she did finally go out to clean my mess. In my defense...I did not go potty in my clothes.

    If this story is not enough to have me running scared over what's to come, well I need not look any further than my mom's memory of me and my escapades for further horror material.

  • Leaving...On a Jet Plane...Or Just in My Car

    I am leaving to go to Phoenix tonight as soon as Andy gets home from the gym. I am headed up to go the the U2 concert which is tomorrow. It is just much easier for me to go tonight and not have a torrent of tears and an all out scream-fest at my leaving. Yes...Andy needs to learn to control his emotions a bit better. The kids are still very attached to Mamma.

    Anyway, I have packed my bags, and now anxiously await my husband's return. All the while feeling sad. Isn't that crazy? Sad because I am going to miss my kids. Sad because it means (more than likely) the end of my nursing Colton. I suppose it's time anyway. He is, afterall, 14 months old. Sigh. Reminds me...I have to update the kids baby books.

    Who will be watching the kids while I am off jet setting? Why Andy! He is taking Tuesday and Wednesday off to stay home with them. I will be back Wednesday mid-morning sometime. I can't wait to come back to my house in perfect order all clean and fresh...Ahem, or just come back to my house exactly as it is now. That'll do just fine.

  • The Inconvenience Store House -You Know You're a Mom...

    The Inconvenience Store House -You Know You're a Mom...

    Time again for You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE. It's a fun way to share anything and everything about being a mom. The funny moments, the not so funny moments. The insane, the cute, the melt your hearts. All of it. You can post with pictures or just stories...or even quippy little one liners like "you know you're a mom when you've forgotten what your flooring looks like due to the absurd number of toys constantly cover it up." I'd love to see you link up this week. So come on...join us, won't you?

    Lately more and more items have been placed to the highest points possible in our home. No matter what efforts we take, however, it seems my little 3 year old angel manages to foil them.

    Child proof Tylenol? Pft. Maybe...but not Addyson proof. Dental floss in the medicine cabinet? Not anymore. Oh, and that one isn’t because I have moved it…nope…that one is because the sweet cherub unraveled the whole stinkin’ thing all over my bathroom counter.

    But my favorite? Her inventive way of putting maxi pads to use. Ingenious if you ask me.

    So…you know you’re a mom when…in an effort to avoid this…

    Addyson potty
    Toilet cover
    Door decorations
    The master at work
    The aftermath

    You turn your house into something like this…


    Your turn. What is reminding you today that you are indeed a mom? If you’ve done your post…come on back and link it up. If not, you can always share right here.

  • These Pretzels Covers are Making Me Thirsty Crazy!

    My husband tells me I'm neurotic. He says I have full blown OCD when it comes to the covers on our bed. He says I am passing that neurosis on to our daughter. This might be true. As a cover control freak, I see the signs.

    In the morning, I leave my bed in precisely whatever state of chaos it has managed to become through the night. It remains that way all day. Unless we are having company, and there is a greater than small chance they may see our room, I never make the bed.

    Yet, when the time of day rolls around for me to crawl in and make my way to slumber land...the covers have to be perfect. I mean, perfect. They have to be pulled up and flipped back neatly, they must be covering both sides of the bed an equal amount, and the pillows have to be lined up. It causes me distress when Andy gets in the bed before I have had the chance to go about my ritual of crazy. I do it anyway...and this drives him right up the wall. It's not new. It's not something I have taken to doing since we've had kids, or since we've been in this house. No, I've done it always. I figure, he oughtta be used to it by now. He's not.

    When he is in the bed first, I start on my side and work my way to his. He sighs and moans and complains the entire time. "Build a bridge" is what I say, "and get over it." I don't do it to torture him, though I bet he thinks I get some sort of impish satisfaction out of imposing my quirks onto him (hmph, he may be right...a little). The main thing is that I simply can't sleep unless the bed is "just so."

    Anyway, I was just sitting here wondering why I seem to be afflicted with this particular brand of strange. The rest of the house is in constant disarray...and if you've been reading for a while, you've even seen pictures in this post. So what is it? What is this freak of nature need for neatness at bedtime? What I've come up with is nothin'. A big fat zilch. Oh well, I'm tired and the messy covers are playing a siren song.

  • The Mysterious Missing Knife

    And I don't mean of the butter variety. I am talking about the real deal. Full on Cutco 6 3/4" serrated blade knife. Like 12 inches with handle knife. Like holy crap someone in my house is going to die if I don't find it knife!

    How on earth does a knife like that just go missing? In the butcher block on my counter, then...not.

    The kicker is that no one, and I mean no one, seems to have any idea where it went. It's the old "grew legs and walked away" theory. Seriously, did I use it, and then inadvertently leave it somewhere? That is preposterous to me. That would mean I've lost a few screws and I need to go on medication. Like yesterday!

    Am I to believe that Addyson somehow managed to get onto the counter, and all the way to the back corner, and fish out that particular 12 inch (plus) knife, stealthily pull it down, hide it away somewhere in the cavernous abyss that (I'll admit the description isn't far off) is my house? All without so much as nicking herself? Not even a little? It's not even possible that it was Colton in that same scenario.

    Drew turns 12 next month, and therefore knows (and I choose to believe this), the dangerousness of taking one of my knives. I mean come on...he knows I'd cut his fingers right off as punishment. So that's right out the window.

    I'm utterly befuddled.

  • Long Overdue Lake Powell Pictures

    Long Overdue Lake Powell Pictures

    The first week of June we took our annual Lake Powell trip. My family has been going there since long before I was born…so it’s a bit of a tradition. As a kid, one of my favorite things about going was that every year we would have some crazy stories to tell. Nothing crazy happened this year, and the adult in me is thankful.

    Here are just a few of the pictures from our trip.

    These two were taken from the house boat as we motored up the lake.

    Lake Powell 2
    Lake Powell 1

    First day on the house boat, and my graceful daughter already has a battle wound. Face meets storage bin.

    Lake Powell Battle Wounds

    Have I mentioned that Colton is a lover. Proof positive right here. Smooching a waterdog.

    Colton Waterdog kiss

    The water was cool, but refreshing. Usually it’s way too cold when we go to really enjoy any type of swim.

    Drew Lake Powell

    My brother always has the best ideas. Lawn chair in the lake. Beer in the hand. Who needs anything else?

    Jason in lake

    These last few are pictures from inside our little cove.

    Lake Powell 4
    Lake Powell 3
    Lake Powell 5
  • Andy's Answers to All of Your Questions

    Andy's Answers to All of Your Questions

    Okay, you all asked, and my husband answered. One of the qualifiers to get him to do this was that I could in no way edit what he wrote. So this is all him, without any meddling from me. I didn't say, however, that I wouldn't add my two cents if I felt it warranted. Just saying...and if my two cents does show up anywhere, it will be in orange. Now, on to your questions and his answers.

    Melis of The Zookeeper's Diary asked: If your wife could have any profession BESIDES being a SAHM, what would you want it to be? And why? And do you read her blog? What do you think of it? And finally, would you ever consider moving your family to where I live and buying the house next-door so we can all be IRL friends? Is that weird?

    Any profession – A photographer seeing as she has an eye and a passion for it.

    Do I read her Blog? – Are you all kidding?…hardly ever, but I don’t need to…I live it everyday.

    What do I think of her blog? – I have always thought her to possess a true gift when it comes to that of the written form…On the occasion when I curl up with a cup of coffee and my computer to catch up on the latest prose of “Arizonamamma,” she confirms my thoughts.

    Would I consider moving to be your neighbors and is that weird? – I know you are joking…

    Keely from MannLand5 wanted to know: What made you fall in love with your wife? How did you 2 meet? Will you have more kids? :-) What do all do for fun as a family? What do you think your wife's best physical feature is? What do you do for a living?

    What made me fall in love with your wife? – her independence, beauty, charm and her complete acceptance of me.

    How did we meet? -We worked together on an outside sales team.

    Will we have more kids? – I can’t answer this one on my own…AZMAMMA has a pretty big stake in this answer as well…however, if it were up to me I think that there will be no more children conceived.

    What do we all do for fun as a family? – Every Saturday morning we get up just as the sun is about to rise in the East…saying East is silly…doesn’t it always rise in the East? Anyway, we ALL get up just before the sun rises…we bring plenty of water, lunch and our trimming shears…we hike 13 miles (AZMAMMA and I take turns pulling our two youngest children in the wagon, they certainly couldn’t make the trek on their own) to the llama farm and we sneak into their grazing area….On even days AZMAMMA lasso’s three of these creatures while I teach the children how to shave cool designs into their fur….on odd days, we switch places…The kids find this absolutely hysterical and the llamas, well they don’t seem to mind one bit either….On the way home we usually dig 2 random holes with a large baking spoon (I don’t find this particular activity “fun” at all, but the rest of the family does and sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do). (If you all think this is serious, then you haven't been reading my blog for very long...I would never let anyone use my baking spoon to dig holes).

    What do I think my wife’s best physical feature is? – AZMAMMA was very blessed when it comes to her ‘4th point of contact,” her rear end. This, in my humble opinion, is her best physical feature….****This is where I must put my disclaimer, I am sure that ALL of you were hoping for some romantic answer like the beautiful sparkle in her eyes when she is truly happy, or the curls in her hair when she styles it my favorite way…maybe you even wanted me to answer with the color of her lips after she has had a glass of wine…but what can I say? I am an ass man and even after two children that shit ROCKS!!!!(Sorry, there should have been a disclaimer regarding the PG13 language...this is the only spot though).

    What do I do for a living? – I work in a sales management job for ADP

    Dondi at Confessions of a Housewife asked: Westpoint. Did you like it, was it worth it...I wanna know.
    West Point is one of those places that is wonderful to be from and not be at…but looking back, in a warped demented type of way, I did enjoy it. I certainly took it seriously and internalized the discipline. Was it worth it? Yes, I would not go back and do it any differently

    Liz from Harmonysong wanted to know: Most favorite (material) gift you have ever given Mamma?
    I would have to say the amethyst heart and chain that I got for her on her 1st Mother’s Day. (I can't resist...I have to explain a little more why this one is so great. It has amethyst which is Addyson's birthstone, and a tiny bit of diamond, which is was the most perfect Mother's Day gift ever...very thoughtful).

    Julie of The Peanut Gallery kindly asked: What is the weirdest thing that your lovely wife has done since you've known her?
    I can choose only one?…That hardly seems fair as many situations I find myself in with her are weird, not to mention all the stories I have heard of the weird antics of this person…and they are weird because she makes them so. I have struggled with this one and I thought, could it be the time that she clucked like a rooster as she was following behind a group of people? Could it be the time that she dissected a water dog while bored on a fishing trip? Could it be the time she shouted a reminder out of the car window as I trekked through the busy supermarket parking lot, “Don’t forget your hemorrhoid cream!”…No, these are all weird, but I gotta say one of her finest moments occurred on this blog. Her post about peeing while she laughs was a little uncomfortable for me. Many of you may disagree, but the whole time I was reading that rather strange post, I couldn’t help but be mortified. I mean I kept thinking to myself, “Why is she sharing this with the whole blog reading world? Hell, I didn’t even know that she was stricken with this rather strange condition!”….NOW THAT’S JUST WEIRD! (To save you the trouble you can read the post's not as bad as he says...I never claimed to pee when I laugh).

    Kate of Kate's Life wants to know: 1) What does your wife do or say that just makes you melt? 2) What do you love the most about her? 3) Do you have a nickname for her? 4) Is there a limit to how many questions I can ask?


    What does AZMAMMA say that makes me melt? – You wanna (bow-chicka-bow-bow)…?(Kate, I never say bow chicka bow bow...not ever).

    What do I love most about her? – The wonderful mother that she is…

    Do I have a nickname for her? – No I do not.

    Is there a limit to how many questions you can ask? – you just reached it…

    Desert Rose asked: Seeing how AZ Mamma and I are fellow Arizonans...just what is it that she likes to do around these parts?

    She likes to spend time with her family in Phoenix…she is extremely close to her family

    His sister Melissa asked: Andy, if you were stranded on a island with one of your siblings, which one would you rather it be and why?
    Seeing as how this was asked by one of my siblings I can’t, in good conscience, answer this. A very fine gentlemen recently advised me to steer clear of offending any one of my siblings, because if you do it may permanently damage a relationship no matter how many “I’m sorry’s” you try to throw at said situation…

    Drea of Peanut Butter Jelly Days asked: Honestly, what do you think of your wife blogging? do you think it has taken too much time from everyday things, or do you see it as a good outlet for her?

    Honestly what do I think of my wife blogging? – She enjoys it…I say blog away

    Do I think that it has taken too much time from everyday things or do I see it as a good outlet for her? Sometimes I feel it interferes with our time together…She never lets it interfere with the childrens' time…but when I ask her if I can get some of her time she obliges…As far as a good outlet for her – sure, I guess so.

    Scott of This Daddy's Blog asked: Being a sports fan the best event I have ever been to was the Army-Navy game many years ago at the Meadowlands since you were part of that tradition, besides that what is the best sporting event you have ever attended?
    Back when I was 12 my Dad took me to a rodeo. I thought that the rodeo was pretty cool, but the idea that pops and I got to spend some time together – that was truly spectacular. He is one of two men that I truly idolize in life…(His dad really is a wonderful man, and though this may make it seem so, was not absent from Andy's life...he did travel a lot in the military, but Andy just treasures any and all time with his dad).

    Heide of From 3 to 5 asked: Do you love Seinfeld as much as AZ Mamma? What is your favorite TV show? What is your favortie thing to do in your free time? Did you contribute to Addyson and Colton's name selection? Az Mamma is quirky about the sheets, what is your quirk? Do you leave the seat up? What is your favorite room in your house? Are you originally from AZ? If not what brought you there? If you are from there is there any where else you would like to live? Can the AZ Mamma come visit me?

    Do I love Seinfeld as much as AZMAMMA? Does she even like that show? Hahahaha….I like that show, is it as much as her? Not sure :-)

    AZ MAMMA is quirky about the sheets…Holy S**t she IS quirky about the sheets! I don’t have quite the breadth of quirks that she does.

    Do I leave the seat up? Only on purpose.(No he doesn't...he's very good about it).

    What is my favorite room in the house? Our eat-in kitchen…some of the most scrumptious things in the entire world are created in that space just awaiting my consumption…but more importantly, AZMAMMA and I both agree that sitting down as a family for dinner is extremely important. Over the last five years some of my most cherished memories are those that were shared and created while we have broken bread over dinner…

    Am I originally from AZ? Nope, my Dad was a career Marine so I don’t have an original home…I ended up in AZ after my short stint in the Army came to a conclusion. I found my first corporate career in PHX.

    Can the AZ MAMMA come and visit you? See one of my first answers – AZMAMMA is extremely independent and does not need to ask my permission. In fact, many may say that AZMAMMA wears the pants in the family, so you may be better off asking her this question.

    Lula Lola asked: If time and money weren't a factor, how would you spend the next year? And, what's he think is the coolest thing about you?

    If money were not a factor how would I spend the next year? I would want to travel to Australia, Ireland, Brazil, Hawaii and Iceland… I would also like to spend several weeks with our out of state family.

    Coolest thing about her? She puts up with me.

    Sheila of My Crazy Life asked: Why do men start projects and then never totally complete them?
    Is this a question for me? If it is, my answer would be that we get distracted by women…

    Abby of Murdocks Mama wanted to know: What kind of vehicles do you own? What is your favorite household chore to do/help with? What is your favorite meal that your wife makes?

    What kind of vehicles do we own? We own a Ford Expedition (Our second vehicle is one issued to him through's a Mercury).

    What is my favorite household chore to do/help with? While I do not consider this a chore, it is a task that needs to be done -- Giving our two young children a bath and getting them ready for bed, followed up by reading them 3 stories.(He does this every night! Every.single.night.)

    My favorite meal? Salmon Scallopini or Stuffed Pork Tenderloin. (Irony of this is I don't make these that often, and neither has been a Tasty Tuesday feature...yet).

    That's it! This is Mamma again, and I just want to give a huge thank you to my husband for being (mostly) a good sport about this. Can I let you all in on a little secret? I did mention this idea to him in a passive way, but I never actually got his consent before I drove forward with it. He was thrilled, let me tell you! He thinks I am bound and determined to have him start a blog. In any case, I think he did a great job. Thanks again, Andy for taking the better part of an evening to get these answered. I love you!

  • A Girl's Gotta Dream

    Are you a dreamer or a goal setter? I'm somewhere in the middle. There are things that I certainly dream about. Like the house that has my perfect kitchen and huge laundry room (like maybe if I had the space I would be more inspired to do my laundry start to finish rather than just let the clean stuff pile up all over my couch). Or my dream of traveling the world with my husband and kids. Those are still in dream phase for me because they are so far off, and really because there are other things that are taking priority.

    My goals are made up of the here and now and the not too distant future. The distinction is that my goals are written down. I tell people about them. That way I am much more determined to make them a reality. Perfect example...I really want to become better with the camera. That is a real live goal for me. Truth be told, I want to be able to do photography aside my stayathomemommyness. I am taking it in bite sized pieces. An online class to learn my new camera better...check. A "group share" setting where I can go to get feedback from others who have more experience...check. Long awaited new lens...still waiting. You can see though that there is a distinct pattern of setting and checking off.

    Another example (though not as successful currently) is my weight loss. I have been struggling with these last ten stubborn stuck to my A$$ pounds! Ugh. So here it is...I am writing it down here. How's that for letting people know to serve as motivation? Goal: Ten pounds off by February 1st. Now, that seems pretty managable. But I am also a realist, and my favorite nosh-fest holiday is right around the corner. I will say this. I plan on having 5 of these buggars off before Christmas. I'll keep you posted (absolutely no pun intended).

    So how about you dream or set goals and do something to make them real?

  • Call Me Annie Oakley

    Sonora at Twinfinity did a post confessing her ownership of a gun, and DG at Diary of a Mad Bathroom did a couple of posts about a crazy slightly eccentric uncle, and both ladies prompted me to write this one.

    I own a gun. In fact, we own two guns. I have a twenty two rifle, while my husband has a shotgun. We don't own them for protection...our ammunition isn't even kept in the same part of the house as our unloaded weapons. We have them only for recreational purposes.

    When I was about six or seven, and my brother was about four, we began learning about guns...both use and safety. Yep, at the tender age of seven I could take a twenty two rifle and shoot a soda can onto its side from about 150-200 feet away. My father is a huge advocate of teaching children at a very young age to have respect for weapons, specifically guns. It's his belief that by introducing the proper handling of guns, you eliminate the mystery and intrigue...the fascination held by many young people is lost. Having been raised that way, I can say for myself and my brother that this theory proved true. We have never felt the need handle or even look at the guns without an adult present. Our respect for them is great.

    My experience, while it has made me a believer in my dad's teachings, also has me readying myself for my own children. Drew has already been shooting with my dad, my husband, and my brother. He began when he was about six or seven. So, like us, he has no fascination for the would be bringers of injury or death. I fully intend to teach my youngest ones sooner than later as well.

    There are some things from which children should be shielded for as long as possible. One example off the cuff for me would be pornography. I am sure a very creative person might be able to draw some sort of flimsy parallel between gun and pornography exposure...but it would be just that...flimsy.

    I may take a lot of flack for this, but I am a staunch believer in exposing my kids to guns while young. Now before you get all judgmental on me...think about how much safer kids would be if they didn't have a keen interest in guns. How many children would be spared from senseless (not that there is another type) accidental shootings at the hands of another child? The whole purpose is teaching them proper handling, safety and respect...not to turn them into firearm wielding maniacs. Finally, please note that my belief in teaching them at a young age does not alleviate the parent of the burden of keeping weapons stored safely out of reach of little hands. This you can liken to having a pool. Does a fence around it alleviate the parents of the responsiblity to carefully guard their children against drowning accidents? Absolutely not, and so it is with guns.

  • Not Me! Monday

    Not Me! Monday

    First, don't forget to read this post for your chance at a free blog makeover. I mean total makeover. The contest will end January 1st.

    Now on to Not Me! Monday. If you don't know by now, this is a teeny huge carnival done by MckMama, where moms come to spill the beans about the things they have not done over the past week.

    This week it was certainly not me who whacked my husband in the arm after he scared the ever living crap life out of me while driving. It was also not me who denied that I hit him. I certainly wouldn't have tried to convince him that it was just my startled reaction (which it was actually) and that I just tapped his arm.

    It's not me who has a clean set of sheets sitting on the dresser to be put on the bed. Those same sheets have not been sitting there collecting dust for about three weeks now. They absolutely were not sitting in a heap on my couch for a week before that. I never let so much time pass between bedding changes. Especially since Addyson does not sneak food into my bed and she does not ever leave crumbs.

    Finally, it was not me who was a raging witch (you know I want to change the first letter of that word) to everyone in the house (except Colton) yesterday. I am not at all stressed out that my husband's holiday party is this Friday, and I am not even a fraction of the way ready. Nope, I am always calm, cool and collected.

    There you have it. Now let's have yours. You can leave them here in the comments or do your own post if you dare. If Mckmama gets her act together, we can all go link up ;)

  • Calling All Arizonans

    Calling All Arizonans

    Jeni of Frasier Fields Swap is an Arizona blogger and she is hosting a Swap on February 27th in Mesa.
    A swap is a great and inexpensive way to trade in some of your old stuff. To participate, you will need to drop off at least three items. They are accepting them between Thursday and Saturday, and must be there before 9am on Saturday. In addition to the items people bring, Jeni has some great spnosors lined up, who will be there with their wares. They are listed on her go have a peek. There will also be breakfast. You can click the button in this post to head over to her blog and learn all about the swap. She explains in great detail what it is, and what you can expect. It looks like a lot of fun to me! Aside from that, it's a great way to support a fellow blogger and meet in real life ;)

    Here are just a few details:

    Fraser Fields Historic District
    on the front lawn of:
    213 N Fraser Dr W.
    Mesa AZ 85203

    There is a 3-item minimum to participate and a $10 participation fee.
    Drop off your items Thursday thru Saturday before 9am

    Please RSVP either by emailing.
    with Pay Pal (you can access this on her blog)

    At the very least, please head over to her blog to read more about it. I know you must have some things you would like to get out of your house, right? Don't we all?

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE...

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE...

    If ever you have walked through your house to see an item that belongs to someone else at every turn, or if you’ve ever laughed so hard you’ve cried at something one of your offspring has said, or if you’ve ever cried out of sheer frustration over something one of your offspring has done…then this is for you. Come share a story, or a picture or a bunch of quippy little one liners about what keeps your role as motherhood at the forefront of your life.

    Colton bright eyes

    You know you’re a mom when a look like this on one of your children is like seeing a glimpse of God’s grace.

  • Fill in the Blank Friday

    I have yet to participate in one of these, as my blog is so new. Seems like fun though, so I thought I would give it a whirl. This great idea is courtesy of this awesome lady. So head on over to her blog to check it out and read more of what others moms have to say on the subject!

    Without further goes.

    The one quality/behavior/thing I say that proves I am turning into my own mother is: ____________

    My tendency to become tearful at what seem like the silliest things. I used to give her a hard time because she would cry at commercials. I never used to be like that. Now, I think maybe there have been less than a handful of times that a commercial has made me tear up...but I absolutely have the tendency to become teary whenever something strikes a certain emotional cord. It usually has to do with the parent-child bond. Let's just say, that now I am in a glass house and can no longer throw stones at my own dear Mamma ;)

  • Frenzied Mad Woman on the Loose

    Contest Update:
    First things first, for those of you who want to win a blog makeover, be sure to go back and read this now...or after you're done here. As for the contest...the currents stats are: Elizabeth at Our Journey Through Life has two points. Mindy at Part of Me also has two points, and Heidi at From 3 to 5 has one point. The contest is over January 1st, so there is still plenty of time to get in the running.

    I am feeling stark raving mad slightly harried this morning with all that needs to be done. My husband's holiday party is being hosted here tomorrow, and I have not a thing done. That's right not one thing! Fortunately, Andy is taking the day off tomorrow to help me. I have decided to do all the cooking myself rather than cater (I must have made that decision after taking a long slow pull off the crack pipe). In addition to the meal, I need to make cookies, toffee and appetizers. Did I mention my house is not even party ready yet? There are toys still on the living room floor, the windows need to be washed (as do the floors) dusting needs to be done, the vacuuming is not taking care of itself, and the shopping fairy still has yet to make an appearance...sigh. I supppose I will have to do that myself too.

    Needless to say, my usual oh so calm and put together self has been replaced by a stark raving lunatic. But the screaming, yelling, pouting, sassing and all around unpleasant behavior out of my two little ones this morning is totally helping. Yeah, helping to unravel the last of my rapidly fraying nerves.

    So tomorrow will come, and it will either go off without a hitch, or I will be drooling in a padded room within the sterile walls of an asylum. I'm cool with that.

  • The Case of the Stinky Sippy Cup

    Addyson and I were sitting on the couch yesterday when she picked up a sippy cup from the floor (Lord only knows how long it had been there) and asked me to open it. I complied. She sniffed the inside of the cup, and said "Oh, that stinks...did Daddy fart in it or something? Seeing as how I have the sense of humor of a 3 year old, I laughed.

    You might assume, based on her automatic question, that Andy makes a habit of farting in the sippy cups in our home then securing the lids to capture the stench for an unsuspecting child to later discover. I almost want to let you believe that to be true. It's not. He doesn't. Why that was her first inclination is beyond me.

    Maybe the people in this house have an unhealthy obsession with farts. Or at least the people under 3 feet high.