Super Noob [Search results for Addyson

  • One of Those Days

    Today started like any other day, and frankly seems to be ending that way as well. The in between is where the crazy lives. My children behaved as if someone told them they would get a prize (though neither of the two little ones understand how a prize system works) if they could send me over the edge.

    Like any other day, Colton went down for his nap about an hour and a half after breakfast. It is during this time, that I usually sneak in my shower. Addyson will lay in my bed and watch a short bit of t.v. while I am enjoying a long leisurly taking a military style shower. Most every day this goes off without a hitch. Most every day. Today was one of those days. You know the ones, right?

    I get out of the shower and instantly hear Addyson and Colton jabbering over the monitor. I wrap myself in a towel and head into Colton's room. There's Addyson chewing away on something. Chewing as if she were a cow with a heaping wad of grass in her mouth.

    Me: Addyson, what are you eating?
    Addyson: Gum
    Me: What? Where did you get gum? Spit it out into my hand right now!
    Addyson: I like it.
    Me: Well I know, but it is not good for you. How many pieces have you had?
    Addyson: I don't know. Can I eat it Mamma?
    Me: No, spit it out please.

    She is spitting it out, and it is at this point that I look to Colton in his crib. He is also chewing. Fabulous. My son has had his first piece of chewing gum at the ripe old age of 14 months.

    Later in the day I attempted to clean the living room. As I picked toys up and put them away, the kids took them right back out and scattered them again. After about an hour (I made a small dent), I gave up. It was time to just move on and accept, for yet another day, the state of chaos that is my living room. No joke.

    Much later in the day, I am in the kitchen doing dishes, and getting dinner started. The kids are outside with Drew playing. I am watching them all through the window as I work. Colton trips over Drew's pogo stick, and does a face plant onto our brick patio. He now has the bruise to show for it, and I am looking forward to the many looks I will get from strangers while out and about.

    Addyson at some point comes running in from outside. She has to pee. Emergency. You know, she can't be bothered to come in unless it is sound the alarm time. So anyway, I am taking her pants off to help her out and not a second after her pants come off, she starts to pee. We are in the kitchen mind you! I am thankful for tile floors. So what could I do but calmly hold her so it didn't get all over her feet and wait until she was done? If I could've done anything else, I didn't think of it. I lectured her while she urinated on my kitchen floor about waiting until the last minute, wiped her up, re-dressed her, and sent her back out to play. Thanks so much, my dearest Addyson. I needed the extra chore today.

  • Car Conversations Between Toddlers

    Saturday is our out to eat night with the kids. They look forward to it all week. After dinner they are allowed to choose where we go to dessert.

    So, this past Saturday we are riding in the car to dinner, and Addyson and Colton are talking about which ice cream place they'd like to have. Addyson says Cold Stone and Colton says Frost. Of course. Never could they simply agree. That would be too...well, simple.

    Then, Colton, in a voice as sweet and smooth as honey, says to Addyson "Do you want Kona Beri, Addyson?" Addyson says, in a sassy voice, "No!" Colton's logical reply to this is "Well, then I'm gonna fart!"

    You bet your sweet a$$ that I found this hilarious!

  • Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys...

    ...let 'em me doctors and lawyers and such. You've heard this Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson song, right? If not, you can go here to check it out. I happen to like this twangy old classic, and its title relates well to something that is on my mind in varying degrees every day. No, I am not worried that my babies may actually grow up to be cowboys, nor do I care whether they become doctors and lawyers and such (though that would be wonderful). What does concern me is their character. I am concerned over who they will be rather than what they will be, and I worry over my husband's and my role in shaping just that.

    I like to think of a baby as a blank slate when born. A newborn baby doesn't lie, manipulate, steal, cheat, blame, swear or any other number of things our morally bankrupt society does on a regular basis. They are a clean slate, just waiting for someone to make their mark on them. This is where it all begins, this long arduous journey of shaping the moral character of another human being. Heavy.

    So what do we do as mothers or fathers when we catch our child in a lie? What do we do when we witness our 2.5 year old manipulate her 15 month old brother so that she can end up with the toy that her little brother was contentedly playing with? What do we do when our 2.5 year old hears what we say, yet deliberately chooses to do something all together different than instructed? These things seem so small when singled out, but I believe that our answers to these questions are the blueprint used in shaping our children.

    Modifying my children's behavior on a daily basis is exhausting. It is mentally and emotionally taxing. It sucks the life right out of me. But it is necessary.

    Let's take lying. When our child lies to us, how do we react? Well, I for one, do not let it slide. Ever. In my opinion there is no reason...ever...that it is okay to lie. It is one trait that I consider absolutely despicable. So, when my 10 year old lies, he has a consequence. Now, I know that the consequence itself won't stop him from lying in the future, but it may have him at least thinking about it more carefully before he does it the next time around. And so it will go until he is an adult and out on his own. Hopefully, the constant reinforcement while home with us will have taught him that lying is never an okay solution.

    Now, one more example. Deliberately disobeying. Addyson does this. Not very often, but often enough to test my patience. So when this occurs, it is stopped swiftly. She is redirected (as calmly as I can muster) by going for a timeout. Timeout is what works best for my daughter. She sits in her timeout spot for 2 minutes, then I calmy re-explain why she had a timeout. I tell her I want an apology, I give her a kiss and a hug and then we get on with our day. Most times, this same behavior doesn't crop up again (at least not in the same day). Through this reinforcement, Addyson will learn that having repsect for others is necessary. It is a characteristic she will carry with her throughout her life.

    Our children are a direct reflection as adults, of the way they were parented as children. Being a parent is a huge responsibility and a tremendous blessing. In becoming a parent, I believe, we made a choice to always do what is right for our children. To always put their best interest first. It's not easy. In fact it's down right hard. Which means there are times when I would like to pretend I didn't just witness Addyson push her little brother down, or that I didn't hear Drew teasing Addyson relentlessly. In those times my husband's motto from Westpoint Military Academy resonates with me : Always choose the harder right over the easier wrong. In so doing, I take the worry out of the equation. I feel confident in my husband's and my role in helping to shape who they will be.

    And if Colton and Drew want to become cowboys...well, that is A-Okay with me. So long as they are honest, hard-working, upstanding and moral cowboys ;)

  • Mom N’ Mom N’ Mom N’ Me

    Mom N’ Mom N’ Mom N’ Me

    Recently I traveled to Florida to visit my mom (who was there from Massachusetts), and my grandma. From a young age I have always had a special place in my heart for this grandma. I love my dad’s mom too! Very much. It’s just that my mom’s mom was, well…special.

    She makes the best pancakes in the world. Her pierogies and stuffed cabbage (she’s Polish) are beyond amazing, and if I laid my head on her lap, she would rub my hair for as long as I wanted.
    Sorta like this…

    Grandma and Addyson

    Seeing her in a familiar pose with my daughter, warms my heart in a way I didn’t expect.

    Grandma and Addyson BW

    Seeing her look at my daughter, and knowing that the love in her heart mirrors my own, warms my heart in a way that I only could have imagined.

    I love this woman. I can’t believe that such a short time ago, I sat where Addyson is sitting. Snuggled into her warmth.

    Now here I sit, next to my mother and she next to hers, as a mother myself. Four generations. Such a treasure. Though it’s obvious she doesn’t think so here, even Addyson will realize what a gem it is some day.

    Four Generations

    Thanks, Julie for giving us a reason to share these! If you haven’t go check out the others over at the Peanut Gallery.

  • Discipline Without Distress

    Discipline Without Distress

    Ha! Says who? I have a book with the above title. Funniest joke ever. There is no discipline without distress when it comes to Addyson. Might I add that the one in distress is not always the three year old? Nope. Sometimes it’s me…the thirty four year old.

    Cheeky little thing

    Here’s how it usually plays out…

    Addyson “Can I have a ______________?”
    Me, in all my infinite wisdom deeming the requested item not necessary “No, not right now.”
    Addyson “Can I have a (same item)?”
    Me “I said no.”
    Addyson “Can I have a (same item again…this time with panic and, yep…distress, in her voice)?”
    Me, trying and failing to remain calm “No! Don’t ask again or you will sit in timeout!”

    She asks again, as I knew she would. I knew when I mentioned timeout that I would, indeed, be putting her there.

    So, to timeout she goes. Crying and screaming ensues. Distress. For me, for her. It’s pure insanity.

    Just once I would love to say “no,” and be met with “Okay, mommy. You of course know what’s best for me, so I won’t continue to pester you until you want to pull out your hair.” Just once. Call me crazy (you wouldn’t be the first), but I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Not just once anyway.

  • Christmas Bits and a Crapload of Pictures

    Christmas Bits and a Crapload of Pictures

    I am doing a melting pot of posts tonight. First, I really want to answer Keely's

    Getting to Know You question. What was your favorite gift that you received this year for Christmas? This one is incredibly tough as I did receive some really spectacular gifts. So, I will mention two of them (though there are more that I loved just as much). First, Andy got me a necklace from Lisa Leonard Desings. It has the names of my kids on it, and I adore it (p.s. totally not sponsored to say that or anything...just lovin' the gift I got). Next was a gift that Andy went through a ton of trouble to procure. He registered me for a photoraphy class at a local community college. He actually had to get me accepted to the program they offer first. In order to do that, he pretended he was me to get my diploma, and my college transcripts. Sent them to the community college, and applied/enrolled online as if he were me. Crazy! Crazy that he did all that, and crazier that a community college needs all that when I already have a four year degree (well, it took me five years, but who's counting?). Anyway, I now get to attend the photography class starting in February once each week for, get this, six hours! The class is over three months long. Thrilled. Such a thoughtful gift.

    This leads me right to my next segment ;) Christmas. Rather than bore with a lot of details, I will simply say that it was a wonderful time spent with family. We all received some wonderful gifts and the kids had a blast (as exhibited by pictures below). I am not entirely sure that Addyson got it as much as I thought she might. She loved opening presents, but I think the connection between the opening and the fact that they are now her gifts eludes her a little. Though I can't be certain. Colton, without question, had no clue...didn't expect him to. We had good food and good fun, and now I am feeling the "let down" effects after cresting the last peak on the Christmas roller coaster. Sigh. Happens every year. Now...for some pictures ;)

    Addyson getting a peak at the loot Santa left behind.

    Said loot

    Addyson has a thing for Tink.

    Turns out all Colton needed this Christmas was a box. Who knew?

    My brother (taken with my new lens I might add). Yes, that was another favorite gift for me this year...from my Dad.

    Addyson showing off her new shoes.

    This is what I get when I ask her for a smile.

    My cutest little bug...playing with the window.

    This one my dad

    My brother's girlfriend.

    So now that I have inundated this one with pictures, I think I am done. The holiday buzz is dissipating (sadly we don't usually do anything for New Year's), and we are getting back to normal around here. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • Mom N' Me Monday- When Colton Joined the Pack

    Mom N' Me Monday- When Colton Joined the Pack
    BWS tips button

    I have this picture that Andy took of me holding Colton. He was a brand new little guy, and I was in love. So in love that it floored me. I experienced it once before when Addyson entered the world, but I didn't really believe my heart could hold that much more. What a fool I was. The second I heard his cry, my eyes flooded and my heart expanded. God had blessed me with another little soul, and Colton immediately found his place.

    When I learned I was pregnant with Colton I was a bit surprised. Not, of course, at the how of it...just at the how soon of it. Andy and I had decided it was time to let nature take its course again...and let me just say, nature had the fast track in mind. I was worried about my little Addyson. She was 9 months old when Colton was conceived, and I fretted over her being kicked from the nest too soon. It broke my heart.

    As Colton's scheduled due date arrived I fretted over that too. I had tremendous guilt that my babes needed to be born via c-section. With Addyson, I at least went into labor with her, and was able to give it the good ole' college try. But with Colton, I chose his birthday. I hated that (and I don't usually say hate). What if we were taking him out before he was really ready? Shouldn't he have been the one to say "okay I come!" It took me a long time to be okay with that.

    So, here are two pictures actually. The first is one of my holding Addyson after they wheeled me back from surgery. My eyes (and entire face) were so puffy. It's a wonder I could stop crying long enough to have a picture with her. My little baby...too soon the big girl.

    Here she is, so unsure of what is all happening. Only 18 months old. But a brave little face nonetheless. She obviously knew something I had yet to learn. That Colton was a precious gift to her. God gave her a new best friend.
    And here I am with my newest little addition. I am looking at my screen through a filter of tears as I remember how I felt then...and how even that doesn't compare to what I feel today.

    Thanks, Julie for hosting such a wonderful theme. It has afforded me with some wonderful knew photos, and has enabled me to relive some very treasured memories.
    Please go join up with Julie for some more Mom N' Me posts.

  • Mom N’ Me Monday

    Mom N’ Me Monday

    I didn’t get behind the camera this week for Julie’s Mom N’ Me Monday, so I had to dig for an old picture. I found this one, and thought it perfectly depicts life as I know it. Laugh or cry. Laugh or go insane. Laugh or just…be bald. I like to chose to laugh. I laugh when Addyson is yelling in my arms because her brother thought she might make a good teether. I laugh when I walk into the kitchen to find my newly put away clean pots and pans strewn about the dirty kitchen floor. I laugh when I find an entire package of napkins balled up and scattered in front of the water cooler…because Addyson had been playing with the water, and “cleaned” her own mess. I laugh when I am running late, searching for some last minute diaper bag items, am just about to leave, and Colton lets loose a huge mess in his pants. I laugh because if I don’t, then what? I laugh because my life is good. I laugh because I want to leach as much joy out of every single moment I am allowed here.

    Colton Eats Addyson Mom N' Me

    And yes, my laugh is as obnoxious as it looks.

  • Our Halloween

    Our Halloween

    Just a quick little post tonight. We had a great time for Halloween. Very simple, but fun. We (Andy, my dad and I) took our kids trick or treating. Drew was some scary jester, Addyson was a ladybug and Colton was a monkey. Colton made it to two houses before Andy had to take him home to get ready for bed. He did have an outstanding time helping to pass out candy before he went down for the night though. My dad and I continued on with Drew and Addyson until they had their fill until my dad and I were tired. Here are a few pictures:


    Colton-ever so happy

    Until next time...

  • While You Were Sleeping

    I'm not exactly sure when it happened...but I've been trained. I'm so ashamed. Once upon a time I stood my ground. I made a statement, and I held to it. Was I only dreaming?

    When Addyson came along, she began training me immediately. Boy, was I surprised. See, I was so sure that I would be training her. I even planned to have her eat and sleep on a schedule. She was going to be the best sleeping baby that ever graced God's green earth. I even read Babywise in preparation. Well, Addyson did not read her copy of the book, and she had other plans. For twelve weeks I held her for every nap. Well, I did, or Andy did (don't even get me started there, we were so at each other's throats). Holding her at naptime wouldn't have been so bad if she would have slept in a sling so I could multi task. Heck, I would have been happy if she would have let me hold her and just read a book. Again, she had her own ideas. My darling daughter had to be in her room, with the shudders closed, in my lap while rocking in the glider. If one of these criteria wasn't met, all hell (yes hell) broke out in the Mamma household. So you see, she has been working us from the start.

    When she was 12 weeks, I was finally determined to teach her how to sooth herself at naptime. This bolgna started to seep into our nights (which to that point had been just fine, she'd nurse two or three times a night and go straight back down), so we sleep trained. It was the best thing I ever could have done...for her, for me... for my marriage ;) In three days time she would go down for a nap in her own crib with no soothing from me. Amazing.

    Today, I was thinking about this as I lay next to her during rest time. It dawned on me that somewhere along the way, she worked me over. Did you notice the first sentence of this paragraph? That's I lay next to her during rest time (insert record skip). It's the only way I can get her to nap now, and even that is failing lately. So I may throw in the towel. We may just give up once and for all on the old naptime for Addyson. That or I'll still be sleeping with her when I'm 80.

  • Has Anyone Ever Pooped on Your Floor?

    Yes, you read correctly. I asked if anyone has ever pooped on your besides your pet. I have had the misfortune of this happening twice! Once several years ago, and again today.

    Several years ago, we were still living in our old house. It was summer and my husband's brother and his family came to visit. They have six kids. It was a mad house. All the kids were swimming in the pool out back; the husbands were outside watching them while my sister in law and I were inside putting lunch together. Suddenly I could hear my husband bark at my stepson to get out of the pool. Next I heard a muffled butt chewing right outside our back door (it was just off the kitchen). In comes Drew, fresh out of the pool and no towel in sight. As he traipses across the kitchen floor I find mysef getting annoyed that he is leaving puddles behind as he goes. Little did I know I should have been wishing the puddles were the only mess he would leave on my kitchen floor. Unbeknownst to me, Drew was having such a merry old time with his cousins in the pool that he couldn't be bothered with such civilities as coming in the house to use the bathroom. Nope. He crapped himself. I found this out when my husband grabbed Drew's arm to hurry him along through the kitchen, and jarred a turd loose...which in turn slithered out of his pants and onto my floor. My kitchen floor!!! Speachless. Slightly embarrassed. Conflicting feelings of aggravation and amusement all at once. That was me in the horrible seconds after it made its debut with a sickening little plop. Like I said, my brother in law and his wife have six would take much more than that to shock my SIL.

    Flash forward to today. I am putting a Christmas movie on for Addyson when she goes bolting out of the room towards my bedroom. Her potty is in my bathroom, and this is a regular occurrence so I knew she would be hollaring for me to come and wipe her momentarily (I bet you think you know what happens). Maybe I go to wipe her and she has had an accident on the floor in there? Nope. She never calls me to wipe her. She just comes gallivanting back out to the living room. I am distracted with the DVD player, and absently tell her to go back in to the bathroom so I can wipe her bottom. She stays. She farts. She laughs. I say something like "oh that was really nice, Addyson." She thinks she is funny, she tries to fart again, and does. Still distracted I hadn't noticed something else had also escaped her precious little bottom. She tears out of the room to the bathroom wailing away. Crying? What did she do? I look down to the space on my carpet she had occupied not seconds before to see a little bitty poop. Does it get any better than this? Fortunately, it cleans right up without leaving a trace. I go in to wipe and console her. I explain that I am not mad...I know it was an accident. She stops crying. All's well that ends well.

  • Not Me Monday

    Not Me Monday

    Woo Hoo! Time for another Not Me Monday. I did my first one a few weeks ago. Then Mckmama had to go to Boston with Stellan so they could get their MckMiracle on. So I shelved mine...until now.
    After the amount of time lapsed, you would think I have a ton of these bad boys saved up. But alas..only these few.

    This week, while doing the dishes one afternoon, I did not notice an ugly dark spot on the kitchen floor. You know, because my floor is always spit-shined. And speaking of spit-shines, I did not lean down, spit on the spot and wipe it up with a paper towel. Who would do that? Well, I know I wouldn't.

    One morning, I was not still in bed while Addyson was up and roaming the house, foraging for whatever she could find. When she came into my room with her pita chips (remember this post), I did not let her crawl into bed with me on my husband's side just so I could lay there for ten precious more minutes. When my husband crawled into bed that night and found pita chip crumbs all over his side, I most certainly would never have told him I had no idea how they had gotten there. Not me!

    Finally, when I ran out of juice this week (and Addyson's ritual is to have half juice/half water after nap or crazy happens), I did not seriously consider for just one second using a sweet white wine just to satiate her. Gosh, what sort of mother would even let that thought cross her mind? Glad to say...not this kind!

    So that's it friends. That's what hasn't been happening here in the Desert lately. To see what others have not been up to you can head on over to Mckmama's blog and check it out. Post your own Not Me's if you dare.

  • The Fish Cake

    The Fish Cake

    When I make a promise I deliver! So here it is, in all it's hideousness splendor, the fish cake. Honestly, Addyson originally asked for a dinosaur cake. I didn't know how I would get that done. Fortunately for me, in her ever fickle way, she changed her mind and settled on this beauty.

    This, my friends, is why my cake decorating skills have gone undiscovered for so long. They simply don't exist. Addyson, when first she was able to gaze upon her mother's creation, exclaimed "Mama, I asked for a fish cake!" Pft...that's as good as you're gonna get outta this mama. "What does it look like?" I ask her. "A star" is her reply. Upon further examination, I can certainly see how she came up with that. In the end I was able to convince her of its fishiness, and all was well. I will say this for myself...I can bake. The cake tasted great, and even had homemade cream cheese frosting.
    For those of you waiting on my husband's will more than likely receive them tomorrow. Possibly, they will be in installments...we'll see.
    Lastly, my current giveaway will end tomorrow and I will announce the winners (that's right, remember there will be two winners?) shortly thereafter.
    Oh, maybe not lastly. I wanted to pass along what another blogger is doing. Julie at The Peanut Gallery isn't calling this a meme, but she is starting Mommy and Me Mondays. She is encouraging all of us moms (or dads) to get in the picture with our kiddos. Too often we are the ones behind the lens. So on Mondays, get a picture on your blog of you with your child(ren). Fun challenge for me! Feel free to link back to her or not (it's the only right thing to do really). Can't wait to see you all!!

  • The Inconvenience Store House -You Know You're a Mom...

    The Inconvenience Store House -You Know You're a Mom...

    Time again for You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE. It's a fun way to share anything and everything about being a mom. The funny moments, the not so funny moments. The insane, the cute, the melt your hearts. All of it. You can post with pictures or just stories...or even quippy little one liners like "you know you're a mom when you've forgotten what your flooring looks like due to the absurd number of toys constantly cover it up." I'd love to see you link up this week. So come on...join us, won't you?

    Lately more and more items have been placed to the highest points possible in our home. No matter what efforts we take, however, it seems my little 3 year old angel manages to foil them.

    Child proof Tylenol? Pft. Maybe...but not Addyson proof. Dental floss in the medicine cabinet? Not anymore. Oh, and that one isn’t because I have moved it…nope…that one is because the sweet cherub unraveled the whole stinkin’ thing all over my bathroom counter.

    But my favorite? Her inventive way of putting maxi pads to use. Ingenious if you ask me.

    So…you know you’re a mom when…in an effort to avoid this…

    Addyson potty
    Toilet cover
    Door decorations
    The master at work
    The aftermath

    You turn your house into something like this…


    Your turn. What is reminding you today that you are indeed a mom? If you’ve done your post…come on back and link it up. If not, you can always share right here.

  • It's the Final Count Down

    I have not even crossed the finish line yet. I still have to get one (maybe two) more gift(s), and I have to get stocking stuffers...I tell you, Santa is a slacker! Isn't stuffing the stocking part of his job?

    Wrapping is well underway, however, and that has me feeling pretty pleased. I have been wrapping as I go, so I only have a few gifts left that need their festive skins. Our tree already has a fairly hefty bounty below.

    We leave tomorrow to travel far and wide about 120 miles to visit family for all the festivities. I have been delegated to make the Spanish rice for our Christmas Eve dinner. Also, I opened my mouth and mentioned salsa...or something or other. So, I now have to do that too.

    With all the craziness that is this season going on, I have not taken much time to sit back and enjoy it, or even think about enjoying it. Today's the day. I will get my last items scratched off my list, and will finally sit back (with a glass of wine perhaps) and revel in the completed tasks.

    I honestly can't wait to see what Addyson will be like this year. I do think Colton will just be all about tearing the paper, but Addyson may finally "get it." So it should be fun.

    In any case, since we are leaving, I probably will be M.I.A. for a little bit. Maybe not though...there is always the chance that some creative surge will occur and I will be able to get some posts done and scheduled. We'll see. Whatever the case...Merry Christmas! Happy every other holiday too for those of you that are not Christmas celebrators (is that a word?). Here's to great food, fantastic family and friends, lots of laughs, and being able to wear your favorite pair of shoes without a swollen foot (that one is just for MODG).

  • I Can Finally Sleep Again

    I Can Finally Sleep Again

    Sunday I had the anxiety pleasure of photographing a wedding. Yikes! Who the heck do I think I am? Well, to be fair, I did tell her I wasn’t so sure I was the right person for the job, but she wanted me to do it. Careful what you wish for?

    It was an amazing experience, and the whole thing was very relaxed. Truly a great “getting your feet wet” sort of experience. However, there were some very specific challenges. For one, the ceremony was at 1:10pm in bright sun, with no shade. Not exactly a recipe for photographic success.

    Now for the fun task of sorting through over one thousand pictures, painstakingly trying to weed out the losers, editing the keepers (and I am a novice at best with editing), and getting them to the bride. Sigh. Here might be a fun place to mention that after spending at least 6 hours on editing these babies, I was looking at a couple today when Addyson yanked the power on my Mac. Gone. All the editing, poof…just gone. It corrupted that particular catalog in my Lightroom. I have all the originals, but all that work. **tears running down face…bald patches on head…fifty lashes on Addyson’s (oh, right…that last one is not true at all)** I think I lacked the energy to really be mad about it.

    Okay…moving on. I’m sure a few pictures are in order. So without anymore fanfare, here they are…

    New Family
    Los Guapos
    The dress
    Amy and Mom

    Now for a maternity session on Saturday!

  • How I Do Psychological Damage to my Children

    It's been building for a while now. I've felt it coming. Today it all broke loose. Like a torrential outpouring, I was flooded with the pent up frustration I've been carrying around for who knows how long. Now that it's been released, I honestly can't say for sure what has had me in such a state. Is it the perpetual mess in which I find myself daily? Is it the constant won't let me breathe can't poop in peace incessant need of my time and attention? Certainly I am not performing any feats above and beyond my peers. Yet, at times, I feel absolutely defeated. Sigh.

    So today, I was having a challenging telephone conversation with my husband, and in the midst of it, a basket full of my hair ties, barretts, etc. were dumped out (by my children) and cleaned up (by me) four times. My children always have impeccable timing. They seem to know just when to plot against me. Well, upon hanging up the phone, I croucehd to my knees to clean up (yet again) the articles that were strewn all over my bedroom floor. This added to the frustration my phone call left me feeling, sent me over the edge. I cried. I yelled something about being tired of cleaning up all the messes. Something about the living room always being a disaster. Addyson, having never seen me do this, started crying too. Talk about adding insult to injury. Immediately I thought "oh perfect, what sort of psychological damage am I doing to her?"

    I pulled my crap together and told her not to worry, that sometimes mommy's had a hard time. Then, I instructed her to go wait for me in the living room while I put Colton down for a nap. So I changed his diaper, and put him down. Bless this baby for being such a wonderful sleeper.

    As I come out toward the living room I see Addyson carrying a box of pasta from the living room to the pantry. Curious, I make my way to the living room to see that she has cleaned a large portion of the room. All the toys that she could manage were put back in the toy basket, and the accent pillows were put back on the couches. Immediately tears sting my eyes. I can't believe that my little daughter has such a huge amount of compassion already. I can' t believe that I made her feel so insecure that she felt like she needed to please me that way. figure out how to do that every day ;)

  • Sibling Love

    Often, I wonder at Drew's relationship with our other two children. Will it be a good one? He is 8 years older than Addyson. Or will it be strained and distant? What does Drew really feel about them? These are not questions I can ask him...they are questions that will only be answered in time.

    Today, I was sorting through a couple of things next to my computer, when I came across a handwritten poem that Drew had done. It is obvious that the poem was one that the teacher assigned, and the students had to change the wording to make it their own.

    His is titled "Addyson"

    It reads:
    If I could grant a wish for you
    I would get a thrill or two

    May you get no chores when you get older
    May you get older and a whole lot bolder

    May you be beautiful and really sweet
    May you be always organized and really neat

    May you have the skills of a great saint
    May you always have fun and never faint

    May you always have a lot of fun
    May you get married and have one son

    May you never have to pay a fare
    May you never be attacked by a bear

    May you always be very rich
    May you never become a snitch

    May you never be truly pale
    May you never step on a nail

    May God bless you all of the time
    My you live until 99

    Oh, if I could grant a wish for you,
    I would get a thrill or two.

    Thank you, Drew for answering one of my questions early. I sure do love you.

  • Kids Say

    Recently we had the battery in my car crap out on us. Very typical problem in Arizona. Batteries are lucky to last two years here.

    It was Saturday (our family out to dinner and dessert night), and we were at Cold Stone Creamery. When we got in the car to leave, the car wouldn’t start. So, I said to Andy “let’s ask that woman if she will jump us.” We did, she tried, it failed.

    Sparing the rest of the details…we got it all worked out with AAA and now have a 6 year warranty on a thousand hundred and fifty dollar battery.

    Fast forward several weeks to today. Addyson and Colton are playing, and they decided to “drive” somewhere in their “car.” Addyson declares that the car won’t start. To Colton she says with authority “we need someone to jump up on us.”

    Apparently it worked, because after that, their car started and they were on their way to get ice cream. I’ll have to remember that next time the car won’t start.

  • Tired is My Normal State of Being

    I was just thinking about how I can't remember the last time I woke up and didn't feel at least a little tired. Seriously, in the first trimester of my first pregnancy it began. Then it never ended. Addyson came, and I was exhausted. Then Colton, and now double exhausted. Throw Drew in the mix half the time just for good measure. How do you moms with more handle it so well?

    It doesn't matter if I go to bed early, or if I get to sleep in later than usual, when I open my eyes I think "already?" I keep waiting for that to end. Once I would like to wake up and say "I'm ready!" Yet when the first of my angelic children is up, and often in our house it's even before the light of day, I roll over and beg for just five more minutes. When Addyson comes in I want to reach over and bat at her head in search of her snooze button. Alas, there is none to be found.

    So I start each day the same way...tired. Albeit I shake it off pretty quickly. Which is a relief, because let's face it, babies don't have time for tired mommies.