Yes, you read correctly. I asked if anyone has ever pooped on your besides your pet. I have had the misfortune of this happening twice! Once several years ago, and again today.
Several years ago, we were still living in our old house. It was summer and my husband's brother and his family came to visit. They have six kids. It was a mad house. All the kids were swimming in the pool out back; the husbands were outside watching them while my sister in law and I were inside putting lunch together. Suddenly I could hear my husband bark at my stepson to get out of the pool. Next I heard a muffled butt chewing right outside our back door (it was just off the kitchen). In comes Drew, fresh out of the pool and no towel in sight. As he traipses across the kitchen floor I find mysef getting annoyed that he is leaving puddles behind as he goes. Little did I know I should have been wishing the puddles were the only mess he would leave on my kitchen floor. Unbeknownst to me, Drew was having such a merry old time with his cousins in the pool that he couldn't be bothered with such civilities as coming in the house to use the bathroom. Nope. He crapped himself. I found this out when my husband grabbed Drew's arm to hurry him along through the kitchen, and jarred a turd loose...which in turn slithered out of his pants and onto my floor. My kitchen floor!!! Speachless. Slightly embarrassed. Conflicting feelings of aggravation and amusement all at once. That was me in the horrible seconds after it made its debut with a sickening little plop. Like I said, my brother in law and his wife have six would take much more than that to shock my SIL.
Flash forward to today. I am putting a Christmas movie on for Addyson when she goes bolting out of the room towards my bedroom. Her potty is in my bathroom, and this is a regular occurrence so I knew she would be hollaring for me to come and wipe her momentarily (I bet you think you know what happens). Maybe I go to wipe her and she has had an accident on the floor in there? Nope. She never calls me to wipe her. She just comes gallivanting back out to the living room. I am distracted with the DVD player, and absently tell her to go back in to the bathroom so I can wipe her bottom. She stays. She farts. She laughs. I say something like "oh that was really nice, Addyson." She thinks she is funny, she tries to fart again, and does. Still distracted I hadn't noticed something else had also escaped her precious little bottom. She tears out of the room to the bathroom wailing away. Crying? What did she do? I look down to the space on my carpet she had occupied not seconds before to see a little bitty poop. Does it get any better than this? Fortunately, it cleans right up without leaving a trace. I go in to wipe and console her. I explain that I am not mad...I know it was an accident. She stops crying. All's well that ends well.
Time for Mama M's Five Question Friday. Granted it's a little late in the game...but still plenty of time to slip it in under the wire! To play along, simply copy the questions, paste them into a post, answer them, link to Mama M., and then go add your post to the link on her blog. Or, you could just answer any of the questions you'd like right here in the comments. That's perfectly acceptable too ;)
Today's questions are: 1. If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be? 2. Where did you get your very first kiss? 3. How did you welcome in the New Year? 4. What is your favorite Beatles song? 5. Donuts: Overrated, underrated, or 'bout right?
My answers: 1. If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be? My first answer was Edward Cullen, then I read Keely's post and saw that she answered I thought I should try to come up with someone else. Just can't do it. Edward is the ultimate in fictional fantasy, so Edward it is.
2. Where did you get your very first kiss? I was 15, and staying in Evanston, IL. for the summer with my aunt, uncle and cousins. We went to the beach every day and there was the cutest lifeguard there. I hoped to catch a glimpse of him every time. Well, one day he walked over to where we were and introduced himself...Ari Stone. He was 17, and my aunt let me go out to a movie with him. When he was dropping me off after ice cream, he walked me to the door. I knew it was coming, and I was as tight as an overly wound guitar string. He kissed me, and all I could think about was how awful it was. Nothing redeeming about it whatsoever. Just plain gross.
3. How did you welcome in the New Year? Played a few rounds of Sorry Sliders with Drew and my husband, then watched Pirates of the Carribean...Dead Man's Chest. That's it.
4. What is your favorite Beatles song? I don't listen to the Beatles purposely. That doesn't mean I don't love them, it just means I only listen to them if they happen to be playing somewhere. There are a ton of songs by them that I really like, and someone else has already listed a couple...but I really like "And I Love Her" off of their A Hard Day's Night album.
5. Donuts: Overrated, underrated, or 'bout right? I suppose it depends. I never eat donuts because I don't think there are really any worth eating anymore. In the past I may have said underrated, but not any more. I think Krispy Kreme are highly overrated. I don't like them at all. But Dunkin Donuts, like ten years that's a donut. I loved the vanilla cremes. Powdered sugar outside, inside over-filled with sweet sugary vanilla frosting. Yes, that is a donut.
What about you? I understand if you don't want to answer them all, but it is really fun to play along. As always, I still like reading your anwers in the comments too!
I was thinking that lately that I have been doing way too many of these meme things and not enough writing just my own thoughts. Then I slapped myself and said "snap out of it." So, here I am...once again, sharing with Keely and the gang. If you're new to these parts (and I sincerley thank you for joining) then you haven't seen this before. If you want to join in, just copy the questions and answer them in a post of your own, and link up to MannLand5.
The questions..
1. Waffles, pancakes or french toast? Gotta say it's a toss up between pancakes and french toast. French toast if it's done right. Either way I have to have a little butter and powdered sugar on top. If I'm going to indulge...I'm not going in half way. **If I'm eating for health, I actually have a recipe for very healthy, protein packed pancakes**
2. Dream home..What would it look like? Heck, it could be a cardbaord box if it had a kitchen like this...
3. Favorite sport to watch during the Winter Olympics? Ice skating, though I much prefer summer olympics...and eventhough it wasn't asked, I'm going to tell you anyway, that then I love to watch swimming.
4. The first word that comes to mind when describing yourself? Gregarious.
5. Dresses, pants (jeans, leggings, etc.) or skirts? Jeans all the way...for like a month out of the year. Then, it's shorts, tanktops and flip flops.
6. What is your favorite time of day? Night. It's the only time of day when I can hear the voices in my head myself think.
7. Beach or Mountains..which do you prefer? Really? This would be like asking me which kid I love most. There is so much to love about each, and they are so different. Even looking at the bad...on one hand Jaws has me marked, and the other there is a bear waiting to turn me into shredded beef.
8.Will you watch the Super Bowl? No! I will be in my photography class.
Well, just in under the wire. It is still Saturday though, and I still want to post my snapshot, so here goes…
Anyone who knows me also knows that I pretty much live in these bad boys all summer long. In fact, I’d say I live in them eight or nine months out of the year. These puppies, do not however, get to experience sand on even an infrequent basis. I don’t mean desert sand like the kind we have in the wash behind our house. I mean like silky fine beach sand. So this was a moment worth documenting ;)
Oh, and if you’ve never treated your tootsies to a pair of Reefs…you’re missing out. Buy some now. Your feet will thank you if you are a flip flop lover. BUT…they have to be the “Sandy” (no pun intended) make. Yes indeed. Reefs are the only way to flip flop.
Keely over at Mannland5 does Getting to Know You on Sundays, and it has been a little while since I have participated with her. Her questions are fun, and make for an easy post. Just what I need on a Sunday. If you decide you'd like to participate just copy and paste the questions into a post, answer and link up. Easy.
1. If you could star in any movie genre..what would it be..romance..horror..comedy..suspense or action? How about a mix of comedy and romance? That seems about right.
2. Do you recycle? Of course. I wear the same clothes at least twice before I wash them...oh, that's not what you meant? Yes, I do recycle.
3. Have you ever been to a strip club? Totally not my cup of tea...but I have.
4. Do you have a nickname? I guess "Nonie." Started as Shanonie, and was shortened. My old boss was the one to call me that, and it stuck for some people.
5. What's a name you can't stand to be called? I'm not a big fan of "honey, sweetie, baby." Yuck.
6. What are your Summer staples? As is food? I have no idea. How about clothes...I say my flip flops. Can't be without them.
7. What was the last thing you bought for yourself? A roll of sugar free wintergreen breath savers and a pack of gum.
8. Are you happy with your boob size? I'm indifferent to be honest. I have never been wrapped up in that at all.
There you have it. How about you? Gonna play? Let me know so I can come see...or just answer any or all of them right here.
Last week, I was set to dig out some old photographs, but Julie gave us a reprieve since she slacked off was busy and didn't get her post up, and I was able to get Andy to take some pictures of me with the kiddos on Easter. Of course most of the pictures are of the usual variety whenever I am included. Lots of squirming, fussing and an overall poor disposition. The kids aren’t especially thrilled either.
Lovely…Just lovely. Oh, but wait…there’s more, much more!
I was interrupting his scouting for eggs. What was I thinking?
The closed eyes is not the worst part. Could the nostrils be any more flared?
Oh, Addyson…thanks for cooperating! Let’s just see if we can get you to smile.
Ummmm, Nope! Losing her. Quick…one more!
Too late. She’s done-zo. I am officially dubbing myself the outtake queen. Rose at We live in a Zoo (by the way, she does these "and so and so says" things where she posts hilarious things her kids say...super cute) asked me if I was hiding behind my kiddos…and just to prove, that despite appearances, I am most certainly not…here is one of me all by myself. Proudly sporting the tummy I want gone!
Oh, and I didn’t get to participate in Keely’s Sunday hop, but one of her questions was “what color do you wear the most?” I didn’t know the answer until I looked at these pictures again. For me, the question should have been “what shirt do you wear the most?” Apparently this one! Same one I wore in my last pictures. Clearly it’s time to expand my summer wardrobe ;) Now, head over to The Peanut Gallery…exit here to see some other Moms getting in front of the lens for a change.
Mama M. is truly wonderful, and it has been quite some time since I have participated in her Five question Friday. So, even at the risk of running some off with my overdoingitness in the blog hop department, I am playng along today.
If you'd like to as well, you simply copy and past the questions into your own post, answer away, and link on up. Here goes...
1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Sandra Bullock...pretty much hands down. Not based on looks, AT ALL. But just based on her personality. She is super quirky. I dig that about her. I'm pretty quirky myself (some say I'm just plain old weird, but I am not letting my illusion of cute quirkiness be shattered like that).
2. Did you ever go to summer camp? Once. It was when I was 15. I was staying with my cousins in Chicago, and I went with them to a camp in North Carolina that was part of their church group. I had a great time, and still have find memories from that week.
3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction? Cockroaches. Nasty little critters. Now, I will catch and kill them, but it wigs me a MAJOR way. I am always afraid the thing will escape my trap and touch me. Thank goodness we don't have an issue with them here or I would insist we move. To any place. Can't stand them!
4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts? I actually posted about this a while back, and have a discussion here (come share after you're done reading, will ya?) about something similar. Without question it's my obsession with having the covers neat and straight before going to sleep. That's right, I don't make the bed when I get up, but before bed...I want perfection. It makes him batty, because if he's dared to get into bed before I've had a chance to straighten the sheets, I will just straighten around him. He gets mad every single time. You'd think he'd just get over it by now.
5. What is currently your favorite song? Not that the song itself is current, but probably Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. Love it.