Super Noob [Search results for Photography

  • Looking for a Little Website Help

    I recently put together a new website for my photography. I love it...mostly. However, there are a few things that don't sit 100% well with me. I can't quite pinpoint what they are, only that there is

    It would be wonderful to have some feedback! Actually, I'd appreciate feedback both on my site, and my blog. What's great? What could be better?

    My website is here: Shannon K. Photography and my blog is here Shannon K. Photography Blog.

    After looking at each, maybe you could leave the feedback on the blog?? Thank you!

  • I've Been Tagged...

    I've Been Tagged... the Lucky Chinese Tag

    Erin over at The Mother Load tagged me. I have to now tell you my answers in each of the categories, then tag 8 new people.
    8 TV Shows I Watch: (I have to say that if I could, I would watch all of these shows. I don't. I have watched them all, and like them all, but never watch them all)
    -Grey's Anantomy
    -Private Practice
    -The Bachelor
    -Law and Order SVU
    -Property Virgins
    -House Hunters
    -Dora the Explorer...defeated sigh

    8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink:
    -Sushi Den (Dever, CO).
    -Les Rendezvous
    -Paradise Bakery
    -PF Chang's
    -Morton's Steakhouse

    8 Things I Look Forward To:
    -Bed time for the kids
    -Going to the bathroom in peace
    -My photography class
    -Being able to wear all of my clothes
    -Completing P90X
    -Having a wildly successful blog
    -Someday having a clean and orderly house...again.

    8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
    -We had Chinese for dinner
    -I took the kids to the park (I felt too warm in my long sleeved shirt)
    -I wiped butts 6 times (none of which were my own)
    -I made protein pancakes for breakfast
    -P90X Plyometrics kicked my booty
    -I went crazy
    -I came back briefly
    -Just to be sent straight there again

    8 Things I Love About Winter:
    -It's not 115 degrees outside
    -Warm drinks
    -Did I mention it's not so hot?
    -Taking the kids to the park and having them not get 3rd degree burns from the slides/swings
    -No swimsuits for a while
    -Heatwaves are non existent on the roads (sensing a trend here)
    -Sleeping comfortably

    8 Things on My Wish List:
    -A maid
    -The ability to eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce
    -Winning the lottery
    -A new house
    -Well behaved children
    -More patience
    -The Super Nanny
    -My trip to Russia

    8 Things I'm Passionate About:
    -My children
    -My husband
    -My parents and brother

    8 Words/Phrases I Use Often:
    -What the hell's wrong with you?
    -Stop hitting him/her
    -Are you kidding me?
    -Why don't you listen?
    -Please stop it!
    -You don't talk that way to Mommy
    -Can I get a break?

    8 Things I've Learned From the Past:
    -You can't change it
    -It's made me who I am today
    -There are things I regret not doing
    -Friends come and go, a few stay forever
    -Nothing matters more than the ones you love
    -My mother was right, I had one just like me
    -It takes time to be comfortable and confident with who you are
    -Fish food doesn't taste good...not even a little

    8 Things I Currently Want/Need:
    -Canon EF 85 mm L series lens
    -A massage
    -The new Lady Antebellum CD
    -More free time
    -A date night
    -A girls' night
    -To meet my newest little nephew

    8 People I'd Like to Tag:
    Tamara at The (Un)Experienced Mom
    Elizabeth at Confessions of a Working Mom
    Shandal at My Life in 3D
    Michele at Finding Trinity
    Cop Mama
    Nicole at A New Normal
    Heidi at From 3 to 5
    Maven at A Fabulously Good Life

  • You Knob

    You Knob

    No, not you. I would never call any of my blog readers knobs...well, not most of you ;) I like Heather from Traveling Down the Tracks with D and H. She's easy to read, and she participates in a lot of picture stuff. If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you might know that I love photography. I am an amateur photographer (I inwardly cringe at even calling myself a photographer at all) at best. I soak up all I can from everyone I come across like an Arizona Desert parched sponge. Anyway, Heather participated in this photography link up on Sailor and Company. The theme this week is door knobs, and the idea is that you can not edit, in any way at all, your photo. So here it knob.

    Pretty special, isn't it?

  • She's Like the Wind...

    I'm a woman, and therefore reserve the right to be as fickle as they come. No offense. I know that's a generalization...blah, blah, blah. But seriously. This is the end of the blog, then the blog goes private, then suddenly it's back to public. Ah. I'm like the wind.

    The thing is...I'm having a hard time pulling it all together into one place. I have a new blog that I have been using (though not as diligently as I should) for photography, and I had thought it would be an okay place to blog personal things too. Somehow, though, it just doesn't feel right.

    This blog, my first blog, just feels right. Like that comfy old pair of jeans that fits just right. The pair you refuse to throw out even as the backside become threadbare. Yes. Just like that. So, I don't know what this means. I don't know if I'll move it all over here and blog photography, personal, and everything else in between. Or if I'll keep this place as the sounding board for the myriad of things that clutter my head. Whatever it is remains to be seen, and I'm not going to stress myself out about it. In the recent (and irritating at the time of utterance) words of my husband "I'm just going to go with the flow."

  • This is the End...My Friend...the End...and a New Start!

    Well, it was bound to happen, I suppose. I have not dedicated much time at all in the past several months to posting on this blog. Is it any wonder with all the endeavors I seem to pile on?

    Writing is certainly an outlet which I enjoy immensely, so I am not giving it up entirely. I am simply shifting focus.
    I have dived head long into photography, and of my free time, it occupies about 90%. Part of this will be a blog centered around my journey in the photography world.

    All are welcome to come and join me as I wander (sometimes aimlessly) down this path. You'll find my blog here.

    For all of my family and friends (all like 3 of you!) who like to read about the every day happenings, I will still be updating on our life there as well. So sure to bookmark the new site address!

    For the rest of you I've "met" along the way, I certainly would like to hear from you on the new blog, but I won't have a "follow" widget, because frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a damn! :)

    So, for the last time...signing off as

  • A Girl's Gotta Dream

    Are you a dreamer or a goal setter? I'm somewhere in the middle. There are things that I certainly dream about. Like the house that has my perfect kitchen and huge laundry room (like maybe if I had the space I would be more inspired to do my laundry start to finish rather than just let the clean stuff pile up all over my couch). Or my dream of traveling the world with my husband and kids. Those are still in dream phase for me because they are so far off, and really because there are other things that are taking priority.

    My goals are made up of the here and now and the not too distant future. The distinction is that my goals are written down. I tell people about them. That way I am much more determined to make them a reality. Perfect example...I really want to become better with the camera. That is a real live goal for me. Truth be told, I want to be able to do photography aside my stayathomemommyness. I am taking it in bite sized pieces. An online class to learn my new camera better...check. A "group share" setting where I can go to get feedback from others who have more experience...check. Long awaited new lens...still waiting. You can see though that there is a distinct pattern of setting and checking off.

    Another example (though not as successful currently) is my weight loss. I have been struggling with these last ten stubborn stuck to my A$$ pounds! Ugh. So here it is...I am writing it down here. How's that for letting people know to serve as motivation? Goal: Ten pounds off by February 1st. Now, that seems pretty managable. But I am also a realist, and my favorite nosh-fest holiday is right around the corner. I will say this. I plan on having 5 of these buggars off before Christmas. I'll keep you posted (absolutely no pun intended).

    So how about you dream or set goals and do something to make them real?

  • I Eat Snails

    I Eat Snails

    Keely was so nice and emailed me the questions early, and I still dropped the ball and neglected to get this post up until now. I started my photography class today...very excited. In any case, I am home now, and getting my answers in for Keely's Sunday blog hop.

    1. How many piercing's do you have?

    Well, the answer to how many I have had, and how many I have now is different. I, at one time, had my ears pierced twice, and my belly button pierced. Now I just have my ears pierced once. Not to say you can't see where the previous piercings were, but I consider them inactive.
    2. I love the sound of...?
    Rain on the roof when I am trying to go to sleep. Or anything other than my children screaming.

    3. Favorite city?
    Dublin, Ireland. To date, but I plan on seeing so many more, that I reserve the right to change my mind.

    4. Colts, Saints, or could care less?
    Well, I don't care that much. Seeing as how I am being asked to choose, I will say Saints.

    5. Frozen yogurt or ice cream?
    What? Who came up with this? I suppose I copuld be all health conscious and say frozen yogurt, but that would be a big fat lie from my big fat ice cream eating mouth.

    6. Favorite appetizer?
    Is this assuming I only eat at one type of restaurant? I mean, come one it French, Italian, Greek, Mexican? The choice is different at each. I'll pick French. Escargot.

    7. What item in your closet currently makes you the happiest?
    Anything that I can stretch over my arse.

    8.Favorite facial moisturizer?
    Clinique. Moisture Surge to be precise.

    Now, I showed you mine...let's see yours!

  • Tasty Tuesday Wednesday- Featuring Heather

    Tasty Tuesday Wednesday- Featuring Heather

    This week Heather of Traveling Down the Tracks With D and H is sharing one of her favorite recipes with us all. It looks delicious and I will certainly give it a try. After taking a peek at the recipe, please go say hello to Heather and be sure to check out some of her photo posts. They are great as is she!! So why not follow her while you are at it...I do ;)

    **This is a recipe from Rachael Ray's mom that was featured on her site. You can click on the link here , to be able to print it out easily**

    Beef Burgundy

    Ingredients :

    3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus additional as needed
    4 slices bacon, chopped
    2 1/2 pounds sirloin or sirloin tips, cut into large, bite-size pieces
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    1/3 bottle red burgundy wine
    2 cups beef stock
    1 package frozen pearl onions
    2 teaspoon sugar
    5 tablespoons butter, divided
    1/2 pound mushrooms, quartered
    2 tablespoons flour
    1 teaspoon orange zest
    1 pound wide egg noodles
    A handful chives, minced Instructions:

    Preheat oven to 375°.
    Salt and pepper the sirloin tips and set aside. Preheat Dutch Oven and olive oil. Chop up bacon(easiest way to do this is to use kitchen shears). Cook in the pot until it is brown and crispy.

    Remove bacon and add beef. You may have to do this in a few batches. Add more olive oil as needed and brown all the sides. Remove the beef and add 1/3 of a bottle of wine. Stir it to release any brown bits from the bottom. Let it bubble and reduce slightly.

    Then add 2 cups of beef stock and the beef and bacon back to the pot. Cover and place in the oven. After 1 hour prepare water for the noodles. Then, place the onions in a pan to cook. The recipe calls for sugar to go in with the onions, I don't add this, I just add the water and it is fine. Then get a pan ready for the mushrooms. Add one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of butter. Cook the mushrooms until brown. After they are done cooking add salt and pepper. When the onions and mushrooms are done, combine them by putting the mushrooms in the onion pan. When the meat is done cooking in the oven (30 minutes after you started getting the water, onions and mushrooms started) take it out of the oven and place on a burner. I don't add the onions and mushrooms yet. First, I get the roux ready by heating up 2 tablespoons of butter and then sprinkle the flour over it. Cook it, stirring constantly for about a minute. Then add liquid from the pot and stir until thick. Add that to the pot and stir. Then add the mushrooms and onions and let it simmer for a few minutes. When your noodles are done cooking add a tablespoon of butter and the chopped chives. Serve the beef burgundy over the noodles.

    Enjoy!I changed this recipe slightly by omitting the sugar and orange zest.
    Thank you, Heather! Now please go say hello at her blog. I linked to a photography post I enjoyed...sure you will too.

    Oh, and on a sidenote...I have some fun giveaways coming later in the week, so stay tuned!

  • Are My Hair Washing Rituals Really That Interesting?

    Are My Hair Washing Rituals Really That Interesting?

    More than likely as you read this, I am sitting in my photography class dutifully soaking up as much as I can from the instructor who, thus far, lectures by reading from the FREAKING book. Ah well, I am holding out hope that he steps up his game. In any case, the most fabulous Keely is not only hosting her Sunday "Getting to Know You" again, she also sent me the questions ahead of time so that I could participate like the good little follower I am.

    You too can be a lemming supporting follower by copying/pasting these questions, answering them in a post of your own and linking up with Keely. Or not. You can always give me your down and dirty here in the comments. I love comments...don't you?

    Without further horse$h!t ado, here are the questions:

    1. How often do you wash/change your sheets?

    Lately it has been about every other week. That sounds pretty good. Let me just throw in that it is due to my daughter having two accidents during naptime (she will only nap in my bed) within the last month. Prior to that, let's just say I'd be embarrassed to fess up.

    2. When is your birthday?
    El once del Abril.

    3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life?
    Not yet. But I just learned that a blogger I like a lot lives like 6 houses away from me. I won't say who she is though, she is part of the witness protection program, and I don't want to single handedly send her family into a state of panic, causing them to uproot for the thousanth time in their lives...okay, really it's because she is more open about the city she lives in than I am...yet. Pst...hey neighbor...don't tell ;)

    4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney?
    Brad Pitt, as long as he is Thelma and Louise's Brad Pitt.

    5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?
    Currently, I guess it would have to be the saggy flaps of skin on my chest that used to be known as breasts. Don't want them bigger, just...well, perkier.

    6. How often do you wash your hair?
    You mean there are moms out there who still do?

    7. Do you have pets?
    Are horses pets? If so, then yes...two horses.

    8. How many social networks do you belong to..if you had to give up one, what would it be?
    Four. Twitter would get the boot with nary a tear shed by me. I am not in love with Twitter, but I am trying.

    Wasn't that short and sweet, and easy to read? Can't wait to check out what everyone else has to say later tonight. So, be sure to let me know if you played along. Or, like I said before...just comment here and I'll still come see what you have goin' on.

  • Take Notes, I Will Be Conducting a Quiz

    Take Notes, I Will Be Conducting a Quiz

    I was thinking that lately that I have been doing way too many of these meme things and not enough writing just my own thoughts. Then I slapped myself and said "snap out of it." So, here I am...once again, sharing with Keely and the gang. If you're new to these parts (and I sincerley thank you for joining) then you haven't seen this before. If you want to join in, just copy the questions and answer them in a post of your own, and link up to MannLand5.

    The questions..

    1. Waffles, pancakes or french toast?
    Gotta say it's a toss up between pancakes and french toast. French toast if it's done right. Either way I have to have a little butter and powdered sugar on top. If I'm going to indulge...I'm not going in half way.
    **If I'm eating for health, I actually have a recipe for very healthy, protein packed pancakes**

    2. Dream home..What would it look like?
    Heck, it could be a cardbaord box if it had a kitchen like this...

    3. Favorite sport to watch during the Winter Olympics?
    Ice skating, though I much prefer summer olympics...and eventhough it wasn't asked, I'm going to tell you anyway, that then I love to watch swimming.

    4. The first word that comes to mind when describing yourself?

    5. Dresses, pants (jeans, leggings, etc.) or skirts?
    Jeans all the way...for like a month out of the year. Then, it's shorts, tanktops and flip flops.

    6. What is your favorite time of day?
    Night. It's the only time of day when I can hear the voices in my head myself think.

    7. Beach or Mountains..which do you prefer?
    Really? This would be like asking me which kid I love most. There is so much to love about each, and they are so different. Even looking at the bad...on one hand Jaws has me marked, and the other there is a bear waiting to turn me into shredded beef.

    8.Will you watch the Super Bowl?
    No! I will be in my photography class.

  • Last One

    Last One

    Julie at The Peanut Gallery...exit here, who has wiggled her way securely into my heart, has awarded me with the Honest Scrap award. Thank you, friend. Since I began blogging, this was probably the one and only award I hoped to receive but never did...until now, of course. Now that I've got it (and I am really excited to finally have this one), I am hanging up the old "award" hat. I think they are fun, and I love it when others think of me...but at the risk of sounding like a major ingrate, I can't find the time to do the posts for them anymore. All the crazy linking, standing on your head, picking your nose, winking your left eye, and singing the Star Spangled Banner all at the same time is just a bit much for me.

    So with this one I have to list 10 honest things about me. Honest? Darn it...there has to be a catch, right? I kid. I'm nothing if not honest. Anyway, here goes:

    1. When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor. As I got older, I didn't want to do the school. As I got even older, I regreted not doing the school. Unfortunately, in college I didn't have the foresight which would have enabled me to see beyond my days of bars and boys. Seriously, I wasn't all that bad...pretty mild in comparison to many. In any case, I am quite happy to be where I am today. Can't imagine what my life would be otherwise.

    2. I have eaten some really strange things in my life. As a child in particular. Among those things are dog food and fish food. Don't even ask.

    3. I once peed in a flower bed in a public place. Again, don't ask.

    4. My favorite number is 13, and my favorite colors are blue and yellow. In fact, our wedding colors were blue and yellow! Love, love, love it.

    5. The one place in the world to which I want to travel over any other, is Russia. I am hugely fascinated with their culture. I would even like to learn the language. I actually know a few words and phrases. When I was fresh out of college and living in Dever, Co. I met some people from Russia. They became good friends, and thus my desire to learn more about their culture was spawned. Kak Dela?

    6. I am currently struggling over whether or not we should change my blog tag line to "eight" little feet. Leaning toward keeping it six.

    7. I cry at commercials. I never used to do that. I used to pick on my mom because she does it. Then I had kids, and my hormones went haywire, and never worked themselves back to their original state. Sigh. Now I am as sentimental as they come.

    8. The blogs I love reading the most are those that write about "real" things. Things like their struggles in day to day life. The joy over their family, kids, etc. Humor over things to which we can all relate, and those that have great photography.

    9. Like Julie said...I love music. I agree with her so much. A song can bring you back to a place in time quicker than anything else. I can instantly feel how I felt then, smell things I smelled then. It's amazing. Led Zepplin is one group in particular that brings back a lot of memories that are near and dear to my heart.

    10. With me, what you see is what you get. Sometimes that's great, and sometimes it's not. My husband often accuses me of lacking the "filter" that others have which enables them to say things nicely. He says I can be abrasive. To his credit, he is not the only person who has said this about me. I'm perfectly okay with it. Better, I think, that you know where you stand with me. There is no wondering over what's going on in my head. Well, that last part may not be true. I mean, come can you not wonder what goes on inside the head of someone who eats dog food and pees in public flower beds?

    Now, I am going to pass along my last award.

    The Empress at Good Day Regular People is, without question, an amazing writer. She has her heart in her blog, and I never feel bad about having spent some time "with her." If you haven't, you should go check her out and be sure to tell her I sent you!

    Heide at From 3 to 5 is such a fun person. She's funny. I feel like I "get her." What I like most about her is the feeling that she doesn't put on aires. She is who she is, and is a joy because of it.

    Three more...hang with me.

    Kate, at Kate's Life. I love her heart. She is just an honest to goodness "real" person. I think she radiates warmth, and I like the way she shows genuine care for others.

    Melis at The Zookeeper's Diary. She was one of my first favorites. Still is. When she sits down to "put it out there," she really does. Again, she is full of heart and honest, and has moved me to tears several times.

    Finally, last but not least.

    Sonora at Twinfinity. Sonora was on the verge of giving up blogging when I found her. I think she actually found me first, but I am so happy she did. And I am even happier she decided to stick with the crazy thing. I enjoy reading her posts which are riddled with funny and endearing stories.

    Please, if I passed this to you, don't feel obligated to do anything with it. Chuck it if it pleases you, but I chose you because I honestly think you deserve it.

    Th th th th th th, that's all folks!

  • In His Shoes

    In His Shoes

    Sami at Sailor and Company does this really fun photography themed meme each week. All you have to do is post a picture of something having to do with her weekly theme, and link up. BUT…most important part is that your photograph can not be edited in any way! Not even cropping. Nothing. Nada. Got it? Good.
    Here’s mine…

    Walkin' in his shoes

    Because I know it is only a matter of a few brief moments before his little shoes are as big as his Daddy's.

  • Get Ready to Gasp...Or Something

    Get Ready to Gasp...Or Something

    First if you haven't entered to win a fantastic nursing cover, please do so here.

    I just finished getting my assignment together for the photography class I am taking. It's Saturday night (as I write this), and Keely sent me the questions ahead of time so I could get this post done. Isn't she swell? I think so. Why not head to her blog after reading this to see what others answered to the following questions? Heck...while you're at it, copy and paste the questions to play along. Just remember to link back to Keely :)

    1. Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?
    Really? Hmmm...would I rather plunge to my death via faulty parachute or faulty rope? Guess I'd say parachute. It would probably most resemble the feeling of flying, and because I fly in my dreams I'd love to see what it's like in real life.

    2. When using a public restroom to you squat over the seat or sit?
    Always hover. Never sit. YUCK! As gross as this is, I even use my forearm as a barrier between the seat and my daughter's butt when I take her to the bathroom in public. I can scrub my arm, not so easy to do with her butt.

    3. Favorite flower?
    Tulip or calla lilly or tulip...I can't decide. I love them both...had both in my wedding.

    4. Pedicure or manicure?
    There once was a woman who actually had time for this sort of thing. Where did she go?
    5. How many siblings do you have?
    One fabulous brother. Three years younger than I.

    6. Do you pee in the shower? (gasp!)
    Gasp? What do you mean gasp?

    7. Bikini, tankini, or one piece?
    Hazmat suit, thank you very much.

    8. Where do you hate to shop at, but go there anyway?
    The grocery store.

    Inquiring minds want to know...what are your answers? Leave 'em here or post and link 'er up!

  • Christmas Bits and a Crapload of Pictures

    Christmas Bits and a Crapload of Pictures

    I am doing a melting pot of posts tonight. First, I really want to answer Keely's

    Getting to Know You question. What was your favorite gift that you received this year for Christmas? This one is incredibly tough as I did receive some really spectacular gifts. So, I will mention two of them (though there are more that I loved just as much). First, Andy got me a necklace from Lisa Leonard Desings. It has the names of my kids on it, and I adore it (p.s. totally not sponsored to say that or anything...just lovin' the gift I got). Next was a gift that Andy went through a ton of trouble to procure. He registered me for a photoraphy class at a local community college. He actually had to get me accepted to the program they offer first. In order to do that, he pretended he was me to get my diploma, and my college transcripts. Sent them to the community college, and applied/enrolled online as if he were me. Crazy! Crazy that he did all that, and crazier that a community college needs all that when I already have a four year degree (well, it took me five years, but who's counting?). Anyway, I now get to attend the photography class starting in February once each week for, get this, six hours! The class is over three months long. Thrilled. Such a thoughtful gift.

    This leads me right to my next segment ;) Christmas. Rather than bore with a lot of details, I will simply say that it was a wonderful time spent with family. We all received some wonderful gifts and the kids had a blast (as exhibited by pictures below). I am not entirely sure that Addyson got it as much as I thought she might. She loved opening presents, but I think the connection between the opening and the fact that they are now her gifts eludes her a little. Though I can't be certain. Colton, without question, had no clue...didn't expect him to. We had good food and good fun, and now I am feeling the "let down" effects after cresting the last peak on the Christmas roller coaster. Sigh. Happens every year. Now...for some pictures ;)

    Addyson getting a peak at the loot Santa left behind.

    Said loot

    Addyson has a thing for Tink.

    Turns out all Colton needed this Christmas was a box. Who knew?

    My brother (taken with my new lens I might add). Yes, that was another favorite gift for me this year...from my Dad.

    Addyson showing off her new shoes.

    This is what I get when I ask her for a smile.

    My cutest little bug...playing with the window.

    This one my dad

    My brother's girlfriend.

    So now that I have inundated this one with pictures, I think I am done. The holiday buzz is dissipating (sadly we don't usually do anything for New Year's), and we are getting back to normal around here. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • Digging Deep

    I sometimes wonder about what makes one person more successful than another. In anything. Given the same talent and the same work ethic...why does one seem to soar while the other seems to never really take off? It would be easy to say something trite like "eh, it was just meant to be for that person," but I honestly think that's a cop-out. There IS a real reason. It's like all the pieces of a puzzle come together to make the whole...and magic happens.

    Constantly I tell myself that I will get where I want to be. Even when I am feeling discouraged (which happens more frequently than I care to admit), I somehow redirect my thoughts. I have a passion for photography that rivals my passion for being a mom. It honestly and truly fills my soul in a way that nothing else does. I don't mean it fills me more than my children's just different. It's something that comes from heart...the way I see the world. And I get to share it with the world. Or at least a very small part of it.

    There are days I feel consumed with the uncertainty that surrounds it. Will I really reach the potential within me? When? How can I help it along? What more can I be doing? On these days, my confidence wanes, recedes, allowing my fear and insecurity to come forth. On these days it takes all that I am to dig deep enough to believe. Believe in myself and my own ability to make this dream real.

    I'm in the trenches. I'm battling it out. Fighting my way. Putting in the effort and the work. So that the answer to my "when?" Is...soon.