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  • Two Worlds Collided

    Two Worlds Collided

    Last week...Monday to be precise...we took a little jaunt to Sedona. Not just any day trip...a most auspicious occasion. We were going to meet some very special people. One person, in particular for me. Several months ago, she and I began commenting on each other's blogs...she had no clue about the email response thing, so I gave her a little schooling. Then, we began to email each other almost daily, and sometimes multiple times a day. Through our interactions a friendship emerged. We'd joke about stalking each other all the time, and finally I bit the bullet and said we should try to meet in person some time. Well, could you imagine my surprise when she said she and her family were actually coming here?!? Do you know who I am talking about? Hint: nuts. Peanuts to be precise.

    Does she look familiar to you? Well, to those that read her blog, she will. To others, you will think I am off my rocker (pft, that's nothing new). Yes, this is Julie of The Peanut Gallery...exit here.
    Again, if you read her blog, you will know that her family just took a trip to our neck of the woods. Of course, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to finally meet her in person. The funny thing is, I have felt for some time now like I already know her. By that I mean, I feel like we have been friends for years. There is a realness and an honesty to her that, unfortunately, you don't find all that often. Or at least not as often as I wish. On some level, Julie and I have connected and formed a real friendship. I have blogging to thank for that. Without it, I never would have met her. That ...I simply couldn't imagine.

    With our men behind the lenses, we set out to document our encounter. This is one of the first photos we took. The next one had Julie making bunny ears over my head. Maybe she has a copy and will be gracious enough to share it. I, however, will not.

    Our girls realized that this was a day like no other, and that it was cause for a real celebration. So...there was dancing in the streets. Come on every guy grab a girl...

    All the children (at least those not passed out on the sidewalk ) got along famously. The Desert Dwellers, and The Peanut Gallery were all fast friends. We spent the afternoon frolicking, eating ice cream, causing near attacks in the hearts of shop owners and generally soaking up all we could of each other in a very short amount of time.

    S-Girl is the sweetest little girl ever. Truly. All of Julie's children are warm, open, and intelligent. Given Julie's recent toilet incident, you may have misgivings about her parenting...but rest assured, these kids are loved beyond measure, and it shows.

    The littlest ones were just worn out.

    Yet, they were troopers nonetheless.

    Before we barely had a chance to say hello, we were already saying goodbye. Julie may be none too pleased with me for posting this photo. But I happen to love it. She is every bit as fun in person as she seems to be on her blog. Her nature is friendly, open, honest and just plain old hilarious! She is infectious, and I am afraid I have caught the "Julie bug." She's a vibrant, beautiful woman, and I am blessed to call her friend.

  • Last One

    Last One

    Julie at The Peanut Gallery...exit here, who has wiggled her way securely into my heart, has awarded me with the Honest Scrap award. Thank you, friend. Since I began blogging, this was probably the one and only award I hoped to receive but never did...until now, of course. Now that I've got it (and I am really excited to finally have this one), I am hanging up the old "award" hat. I think they are fun, and I love it when others think of me...but at the risk of sounding like a major ingrate, I can't find the time to do the posts for them anymore. All the crazy linking, standing on your head, picking your nose, winking your left eye, and singing the Star Spangled Banner all at the same time is just a bit much for me.

    So with this one I have to list 10 honest things about me. Honest? Darn it...there has to be a catch, right? I kid. I'm nothing if not honest. Anyway, here goes:

    1. When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor. As I got older, I didn't want to do the school. As I got even older, I regreted not doing the school. Unfortunately, in college I didn't have the foresight which would have enabled me to see beyond my days of bars and boys. Seriously, I wasn't all that bad...pretty mild in comparison to many. In any case, I am quite happy to be where I am today. Can't imagine what my life would be otherwise.

    2. I have eaten some really strange things in my life. As a child in particular. Among those things are dog food and fish food. Don't even ask.

    3. I once peed in a flower bed in a public place. Again, don't ask.

    4. My favorite number is 13, and my favorite colors are blue and yellow. In fact, our wedding colors were blue and yellow! Love, love, love it.

    5. The one place in the world to which I want to travel over any other, is Russia. I am hugely fascinated with their culture. I would even like to learn the language. I actually know a few words and phrases. When I was fresh out of college and living in Dever, Co. I met some people from Russia. They became good friends, and thus my desire to learn more about their culture was spawned. Kak Dela?

    6. I am currently struggling over whether or not we should change my blog tag line to "eight" little feet. Leaning toward keeping it six.

    7. I cry at commercials. I never used to do that. I used to pick on my mom because she does it. Then I had kids, and my hormones went haywire, and never worked themselves back to their original state. Sigh. Now I am as sentimental as they come.

    8. The blogs I love reading the most are those that write about "real" things. Things like their struggles in day to day life. The joy over their family, kids, etc. Humor over things to which we can all relate, and those that have great photography.

    9. Like Julie said...I love music. I agree with her so much. A song can bring you back to a place in time quicker than anything else. I can instantly feel how I felt then, smell things I smelled then. It's amazing. Led Zepplin is one group in particular that brings back a lot of memories that are near and dear to my heart.

    10. With me, what you see is what you get. Sometimes that's great, and sometimes it's not. My husband often accuses me of lacking the "filter" that others have which enables them to say things nicely. He says I can be abrasive. To his credit, he is not the only person who has said this about me. I'm perfectly okay with it. Better, I think, that you know where you stand with me. There is no wondering over what's going on in my head. Well, that last part may not be true. I mean, come can you not wonder what goes on inside the head of someone who eats dog food and pees in public flower beds?

    Now, I am going to pass along my last award.

    The Empress at Good Day Regular People is, without question, an amazing writer. She has her heart in her blog, and I never feel bad about having spent some time "with her." If you haven't, you should go check her out and be sure to tell her I sent you!

    Heide at From 3 to 5 is such a fun person. She's funny. I feel like I "get her." What I like most about her is the feeling that she doesn't put on aires. She is who she is, and is a joy because of it.

    Three more...hang with me.

    Kate, at Kate's Life. I love her heart. She is just an honest to goodness "real" person. I think she radiates warmth, and I like the way she shows genuine care for others.

    Melis at The Zookeeper's Diary. She was one of my first favorites. Still is. When she sits down to "put it out there," she really does. Again, she is full of heart and honest, and has moved me to tears several times.

    Finally, last but not least.

    Sonora at Twinfinity. Sonora was on the verge of giving up blogging when I found her. I think she actually found me first, but I am so happy she did. And I am even happier she decided to stick with the crazy thing. I enjoy reading her posts which are riddled with funny and endearing stories.

    Please, if I passed this to you, don't feel obligated to do anything with it. Chuck it if it pleases you, but I chose you because I honestly think you deserve it.

    Th th th th th th, that's all folks!

  • This One Goes Out to the One I Love

    This One Goes Out to the One I Love

    Happy birthday to my husband! Today he is 36. GASP! I can't believe that he was 27 when we met. Where on earth has time gone? Oh, I also wanted to make it very clear, that I am not 36. I am almost 34. Just to be clear ;)

    If ever there was a person who was a magnet for husband is it! Being his birthday, I thought it would be fun to tell a couple of stories which perfectly depict the crazy, random things that happen to him.

    My husband goes to Subway to grab a sandwhich, and before he leaves, glances at his bag and notices there are no napkins. He politely walks up to the pimply faced teen behind the counter and asks for some napkins. Teen tells him "they're in the bag." Andy (with a look of mock confusion) holds his bag, looks at it, and says "no napkins." Teen says "we pre stuff all the bags with napkins. They were in there." Exasperated, Andy says "Okay, let's say there were napkins in the bag...can I have some extra napkins?" Teen says "I'm sorry, we don't give out extra napkins." About to lose his mind, Andy storms to the bathroom, spins off about half of the economy sized roll of T.P., wads it in a massive ball under his arm, walks out in front of the counter and loudly says "Hey! Thanks anyway...but I got it all figured out here!"

    Safeway (a local grocery store)
    It's somewhat late on a Sunday night, and I send my husband out to the grocery store to pick up a few things. One of those things is yogurt. Andy gets to the dairy aisle which is occupied by only one other person...a store employee who is busy stocking the shelves. Andy sidles up beside him and begins retrieving the yogurts for which I sent him. The employee sighs loudly and says "are you kidding me?" Andy, very confused, looks at the employee, then looks behind himself, then back to the employee, and says "me?" Employee says "yeah! I just finished stocking all those yogurts, and now you come along and move them all?" Andy, so dumbfounded, just says "whatever dude."

    Brother in Law
    About 3pm one afternoon Andy gets a text message from his brother in law. It reads "I'm getting off here in a bit" Andy, thinking 'thanks for sharing' replies "Ok, that's great." Brother in law says "Should I get something for dinner?" Andy says "If you're hungry." Brother in law "Always, how about you?" Andy "You know I'm always hungry." Brother in law "I can't wait to get home and see you and (BIL's son's name). Andy getting it now "Maybe tonight we can make another little (son's name)." BIL "Oh I'm excited now, I'm almost home!" Andy, unable to keep up the charade "Dude, this is Andy!" Brother in law "OMG! I'm so sorry, I thought it was your sister." **I feel compelled to tell you that BIL and Andy's sister do not have the same first initial...baffles me how this mistake was made**

    Commercial Cleaning Company (In addition to day job, Andy owns a commercial cleaning Co.)
    Andy hires a new employee for a recently acquired account. She is meant to team up with another woman already under Andy's employ. She works a night, and the current employee tells Andy there is no way the new woman will work out. She takes breaks every fifteen minutes and complains incessantly about her back pain. Being that she is in her probationary period, Andy tells her it will not work out. She calls...and calls...and calls to try to fight for the job. Andy stands his ground. She starts to get nasty. Calls and harasses him about getting her check. Andy says "the policy is you get your check when I get my shirts back." They plan to meet to exchange said items, but not before Andy gets a phone call in which someone with a disguised voice informs him that he is going to get his A$$ kicked. Anyway, Andy meets the woman to give her the check. He requests his shirts. Woman says "Oh hell no! I aint given you nuthin til I get my check!" Andy "You do realize the check amounts to $18.00, right?" Woman "I don't give a F#%k how much the check is! I want my check, and I don't trust you." The woman (with a rare stroke of her genius) says "Okay, I have an idea. You hold out the check, and I hold out the shirts, and we let go at the same time." So here is my husband in his shirt and tie, doing a redneck standoff with some irate woman over a couple of t-shirts and $18.00.

    I'm here to tell you, that I have had some strange stuff happen to me, but this man beats all! If there is strange within a mile radius of my husband, it finds him...always. It makes for some most entertaining stories, and no one tells them better than he.

    Happy birthday, Andy...I love you and all your crazies.

  • This is My Life

    My four year old spent the day today as "Willy." As in Willy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. As in Johnny Depp, Willy. No, she didn't dress up. There was nothing going on for which she had to play a role. She simply decided that today...she was Willy. And Willy constantly referred to herself in third person. "Willy's full of this sandwich. Willy doesn't like animal crackers." I honestly didn't even know talking in third person was a skill a four year old would have. I should have known better.

    Fast forward to bath time. Colton was already toweled off and went running, naked, out to the kitchen. I was drying off Willy when I hear Colton say to Finnegan (our dog) "wick my bunghole!" Yes. That was the cherry on the sundae that was my day. This is my life.

  • Not Me!..Or My Husband...Or My Child...Monday

    Not Me!..Or My Husband...Or My Child...Monday

    Last week I took a small break from Not Me! Monday...well, simply because I didn't have anything interesting enough to drivel about on the blog. I'm afraid today may not be much different, but I simply can't stay away two weeks in a row! So, on we go. If you have been living under a cow patty and don't know what it sure to go here to check out others who confess, along with our host, MckMama, all that they have not been doing.

    This past week I went on a major (and I don't use the term loosely) cleaning spree in our bedroom. Seriously, I think the last time I vacuumed behind our nightstands was...never? I honestly can't remember. Anyway, for some gnarly before pics, and some not so gnarly afters, go here. In any case, while cleaning the room and the pseudo officeshouldbeacloset...I did not find two empty beer bottles tucked into our desk/hutch. My husband would never just drink a beer, let alone two, in our office then leave the bottles there like some Jed Clampett descendant. He is much more civilized than that!

    A couple of mornings ago, I was not aroused from my early morning slumber by the sounds of my daughter playing in my son's room. I did not hear her (over the monitor) ask her 17 month old brother if he wanted another mint ball. The sleepy wheels in my brain were not revved into hyper gear, as I clambered out of bed to go investigate. Upon arriving at my son's room, I surely did not find these Ice Breaker Liguid Ice things littering his floor and crib. My 17 month old did not have fabulous breath...not my children.

    Anyone who has children or who has ever had the dubious distinction of "diaper changer," knows all too well the pungent stench that accompanies those nasty little bundles. That being said there isn't a person in their right mind who would change a diaper, exclaiming all the while to the little cherub what a stinky mess he made, wrap the diaper up, then sniff it just to be sure it was actually as stinky as he/she exclaimed. Since no person like that exists, I can safely and surely say that I did NOT do that!

    Your turn. Share what you haven't been doing over the last week either here in the comments, or in your own Not Me! Monday Post.

  • I Want to Be a Better Mom

    I think I'm a good mom...most of the time. I try to be the best mom I can be...most of the time. But I'd like to be a better mom...all of the time.

    I want to be the sort of mom that never loses her patience. The sort of mom that doesn't answer a whining voice in a frustrated tone. The sort of mom who never resorts to yelling as a means of communication. Sadly, I do all of these things on a regular basis.

    I'm guilty. I'm guilty of spending time on the computer that should be spent working on ABC's. I'm guilty of saying bad words within ear shot of my little ones, and telling them later "that's not nice," when I hear those same words repeated. I'm guilty of saying "no," only to give in after the fiftieth "please!" I'd like to be the sort of mom who isn't guilty of these things.

    I'm not perfect. I'm so far from it that I am perfectly imperfect. I want to be a better mom. I try every day to change just one thing. To be a little bit better at just one thing. Today I have not shouted at my kids. I consider that a small victory.

    It's amazing when I think about it. I'm just a person. A person trying to get by. Trying to live the best life I know how to live. Trying to be the best mom I know how to be. Trying to ensure that I don't mess them up. Rather, that I help my children reach their full potential. Trying to ensure that some day, if she so wishes, that my daughter will be a better mom than I. To ensure that Colton, if he so wishes, will be a better parent than I.

    I'm a good mom...I just want to be a better mom.

  • Two More Fantastic Giveaways...Adorable Sun Glasses and a Gift Certificate for Some Unique Jewelry

    Two More Fantastic Giveaways...Adorable Sun Glasses and a Gift Certificate for Some Unique Jewelry

    First, here is the winner from the nursing cover giveaway. I used, but don't know how to capture the I copied and pasted the results, and here they are:

    True Random Number Generator
    Min: 1
    Max: 19
    Result: 13
    Powered by RANDOM.ORG

    Number 13 is Laura of The Bignell Family. So come on over, Laura and learn the next step to getting your new nursing cover. Congratulations, chica!
    Now I have not one, but two more giveaways for you all! Crazy, huh? The ladies offering the prizes for you today are sponsors of the Frazier Field Swap. If you missed out on the most recent swap, shed not a tear...there will be another in November! You can follow the Frazier Field Swap blog to stay informed.

    First up is Myla of Pursenickety. She is offering one lucky person a pair of her sunglasses. Here's how to win.

    For each entry, be sure to leave a separate comment.
    Mandatory entry:
    Head to her blog, choose a pair of sunglasses, and come back to tell me which you chose.

    Additional Optional Entries: (worth one entry unless otherwise stated)
    Follow my blog publicly (not required...stick around only if you like what you read).
    Add my button to your blog
    Tweet the giveaway with a link
    Blog about the giveaway with a link to this post (2 entries)
    Join my Blog Frog Community
    Start/participate a discussion in my Blog Frog Community

    Next up is Kelly of Bella Be-jeweled. She has some really unique stuff, and wants to offer one lucky person a gift certificate for $20.00. to win:

    For each entry, be sure to leave a separate comment.
    Mandatory entry:
    Head to her blog (via text link), look around , and come back to tell me what you would get with your certificate.

    Additional Optional Entries: (worth one entry unless otherwise stated)
    Follow my blog publicly (not required...stick around only if you like what you read).
    Add my button to your blog
    Tweet the giveaway with a link
    Blog about the giveaway with a link to this post (2 entries)
    Join my Blog Frog Community
    Start/participate a discussion in my Blog Frog Community

    A huge thank you to these two wonderful women for offering these prizes. Now get started! sure to tell me for which one you are entering with each CAN enter for both!!

    I was not compensated in any way, monetarily or otherwise to host these giveaways. I consider it a great opportunity to support these women.

  • Digging Deep

    I sometimes wonder about what makes one person more successful than another. In anything. Given the same talent and the same work ethic...why does one seem to soar while the other seems to never really take off? It would be easy to say something trite like "eh, it was just meant to be for that person," but I honestly think that's a cop-out. There IS a real reason. It's like all the pieces of a puzzle come together to make the whole...and magic happens.

    Constantly I tell myself that I will get where I want to be. Even when I am feeling discouraged (which happens more frequently than I care to admit), I somehow redirect my thoughts. I have a passion for photography that rivals my passion for being a mom. It honestly and truly fills my soul in a way that nothing else does. I don't mean it fills me more than my children's just different. It's something that comes from heart...the way I see the world. And I get to share it with the world. Or at least a very small part of it.

    There are days I feel consumed with the uncertainty that surrounds it. Will I really reach the potential within me? When? How can I help it along? What more can I be doing? On these days, my confidence wanes, recedes, allowing my fear and insecurity to come forth. On these days it takes all that I am to dig deep enough to believe. Believe in myself and my own ability to make this dream real.

    I'm in the trenches. I'm battling it out. Fighting my way. Putting in the effort and the work. So that the answer to my "when?" Is...soon.

  • I Left My Engagement Ring at the Hard Rock Cafe, Phoenix

    I Left My Engagement Ring at the Hard Rock Cafe, Phoenix

    In my former life, I was a sales manager for Cintas Corporation. Part of my duties was to perform field rides with my sales reps. One fine day, I was out with “A",” one of my better reps, and we were meeting a potential client at the Hard Rock Cafe in Phoenix.

    “A” and I sat at our table and informed the waiter we were waiting on someone who was running late. He took our drink order and left the table. Meanwhile, in all my newly engaged infinite wisdom, I removed my ring and began to apply lotion to my hands. Our drinks were brought over, and “A’s” phone rang. It was the prospect telling us he was later than expected, and would prefer to meet us closer to his office.

    So, feeling guilty about having only ordered a diet coke, I tipped the waiter $7.00 on a $4.00 tab. We left.

    Half way to the new rendezvous I realized my ring was not on my finger. Instant and breath taking panic. “Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God," was all that I could get out of my mouth. “A” asked what was wrong, and I told him. Immediately he turned his car around, and told me we would tear that place apart looking for it.

    ring 3

    I called the Hard Rock, and spoke with some nit wit who went to check our table. Nope…not there. However, she kindly asked for my phone number and let me know she would call me if she found it. WHAT!!!???!?!??!?!??! Yeah, freaking RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I told her I would be there in 5 minutes, and I wanted to speak with the manager.

    The manager came on the line, I explained, he put me on hold to go ask the waiter if he noticed it. Came back on the line, and said “no…he didn’t see it.”

    Upon arrival, I was a frantic mess, ready to storm the place and beat every last person to a bloody pulp if that’s what it would take to get the ring back. The manager greeted me and said “I think you better sit down.” Again…yeah right! He then informed me that the waiter did find the ring. I cried. He realized his attempt at humor (you better sit down for this news sort of humor), was a grave mistake.

    Anyway, I think the waiter had it all along, but then found his conscience and decided to give it back. I also believe that had I not tipped him so much on a measly little check, that I wouldn’t have my ring today. That was one of the scariest experiences…EVER!

    Thanks, Melis for inspiring me to tell my tale. :)

  • Yee-Haw and Thanks! **Updated with My Choices**

    Yee-Haw and Thanks! **Updated with My Choices**

    It is about time I stop procrastinating (though I do that so well). Without further delay, and in no order of preference, here are my selections for the heartfelt blogger award:
    1. Lolidots-because her site is great, and she was the only one who sent me a little help when I requested it. Thanks.
    2. The (Un) Experienced Mom- because she most often writes posts that have me saying "man, have I been there!"
    3. Harmonysong-for our shared love of all things Stellan ;)
    4. The Zoo Keeper's Diary-because she is pretty darn funny, and what's better for the heart than a good laugh?
    5. All a Bunch of Momsense-Because even though she just received it, I still find her blog very worthy of yet another!

    Now I know that is not 9, and you can call me a rebel...but I am stopping there. I would so rather do it like this than just pick 9 randomly. Enjoy, ladies.
    ***Original Post****
    Yee-Haw because I just got my first taste of recognition for my little brainchildren rambling posts. Elizabeth of Confessions from a Working Mom chose me along with some fellow bloggers for this "Heartfelt Blogger" award. Thank you, Elizabeth, so much!

    Now here is what I have to do:

    1. Display the award logo.
    2. Nominate up to 9 blogs that make you feel comfy or warm inside.
    3. Link to your nominees.
    4. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting.
    5. Link to the person from whom you receieved the award.

    Choosing 9 additional people will take me a couple of days since I am so new to blogging. If you have any suggestions...I am all ears, er, eyes. :)

  • My Big Boy and Me

    My Big Boy and Me

    Today it’s Drew and me in the picture together for Julie’s Mom N’ Me Monday. It’s funny, because I was thinking the other day about the fact that I am in far too few pictures with him. Today, we went up to a nearby mountain, and I thrust my camera into the hands of my eager fairly willing husband and asked him to snap some shots of me with Drew.

    Little did I know that he would take me very literally, and just snap away. I think out of 10 or so pictures, he managed to get me sitting down onto the only spike on this log and stabbing myself in the rear…

    Stabbing rear

    One of me noticing some dirt on my jeans…

    Spotting dirt

    Next, he captured the ever important moment of me wiping off said dirt…

    May 16 2010 040 (2)

    All the while, Drew is smiling away. What a good boy. Here I am next asking Andy if he’s ever going to take our picture. Notice my hand on Drew even raised in question…

    You gonna take a picture

    What?!?!? You’ve been taking them this whole time? That’s hilarious!

    Oh okay ready

    I mean, I didn’t even have time to recompose and smile nicely. Nope. The best we got outta the bunch is the one right above with my extra chin. Thanks, Andy for bringing out my very best. Look at Drew through it all, what a trooper.

    As I look at him next to me in these pictures, I am in awe of the fact that he is nearly as big as I. It truly seems like yesterday when he could just fit snugly into my lap. Wow. He was only three (Addyson's age today) when I met him. He's eleven now. I've been so blessed to be a part of his life. I have loved every second of watching him change and grow to become the person he is today, and I look forward with a happy heart to seeing the man he will become. Drew is a good soul, with a caring and compassionate nature. He will be a wonderful man someday. But today, I think I better just soak up all of his 11 year old ways while I can.

  • You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    You know you're a mom, when suddenly all the "if you don't pick that up it's going it the trashes" become reality and you go on a rampage, throwing away anything and everything in your path.

    You know you're a mom when you are certain that if you hear the voice of just one more person in the next five seconds...demanding yet one more thing of might just SNAP!

    You know you're a mom when you're late to your own party! This meme that is ;) It's up!! Sorry it's late. It's been a hectic couple of days.

  • Call Me Annie Oakley

    Sonora at Twinfinity did a post confessing her ownership of a gun, and DG at Diary of a Mad Bathroom did a couple of posts about a crazy slightly eccentric uncle, and both ladies prompted me to write this one.

    I own a gun. In fact, we own two guns. I have a twenty two rifle, while my husband has a shotgun. We don't own them for protection...our ammunition isn't even kept in the same part of the house as our unloaded weapons. We have them only for recreational purposes.

    When I was about six or seven, and my brother was about four, we began learning about guns...both use and safety. Yep, at the tender age of seven I could take a twenty two rifle and shoot a soda can onto its side from about 150-200 feet away. My father is a huge advocate of teaching children at a very young age to have respect for weapons, specifically guns. It's his belief that by introducing the proper handling of guns, you eliminate the mystery and intrigue...the fascination held by many young people is lost. Having been raised that way, I can say for myself and my brother that this theory proved true. We have never felt the need handle or even look at the guns without an adult present. Our respect for them is great.

    My experience, while it has made me a believer in my dad's teachings, also has me readying myself for my own children. Drew has already been shooting with my dad, my husband, and my brother. He began when he was about six or seven. So, like us, he has no fascination for the would be bringers of injury or death. I fully intend to teach my youngest ones sooner than later as well.

    There are some things from which children should be shielded for as long as possible. One example off the cuff for me would be pornography. I am sure a very creative person might be able to draw some sort of flimsy parallel between gun and pornography exposure...but it would be just that...flimsy.

    I may take a lot of flack for this, but I am a staunch believer in exposing my kids to guns while young. Now before you get all judgmental on me...think about how much safer kids would be if they didn't have a keen interest in guns. How many children would be spared from senseless (not that there is another type) accidental shootings at the hands of another child? The whole purpose is teaching them proper handling, safety and respect...not to turn them into firearm wielding maniacs. Finally, please note that my belief in teaching them at a young age does not alleviate the parent of the burden of keeping weapons stored safely out of reach of little hands. This you can liken to having a pool. Does a fence around it alleviate the parents of the responsiblity to carefully guard their children against drowning accidents? Absolutely not, and so it is with guns.

  • A Giveaway of Something I Made With My Own Two Hands!!

    A Giveaway of Something I Made With My Own Two Hands!!

    I have begun making hand stamped jewelry! I never knew it would be so fun and I would love it so much. Since I am so excited about it…I want to share it with you all.

    I am going to give one lucky person one voucher of $35.00 towards a custom necklace of his/her own. All you have to do is leave one comment telling me what you think you’d want! That’s it. No follow me, no tweet this (though if you wanted to tweet about it, that would be great).

    Here are a couple examples of what I’ve made.

    Blessed. This necklace is $40.00


    Tiny initials. This is $22.00. However, more charms can be added for $7.00 each.

    Simply Initials

    Mommy’s Angel. This was made as a gift for my brother in law’s sister. She lost her new baby who was born prematurely. She had a twin brother who is doing quite well.

    Mommy's Angel

    Baby Feet. $45.00

    Baby Feet

    Love Birds. $38.00

    Love Birds 2

    All the necklaces are made with sterling silver that I hand cut. They come on a sterling ball chain, that is 18” long. 20” is available for $4.00 more, and 24” is available for $5.00 more.

    You can have your choice of a Swarovski crystal pearl accent(included in price if pictured), an actual freshwater pearl accent ($2.50 more), or a Swarovski crystal accent of your color choice.

    I will charge $5.00 to ship.

    Hope you like them! If you have an idea for one but don’t see it here, we can work together to create a custom piece just for you!

  • Tasty Tuesday...One of My Husband's Favorites

    Tasty Tuesday...One of My Husband's Favorites

    In the question and answer post my husband so happily reluctantly did he mentioned a couple of his favorite meals made by me. It dawned on me that I have never posted either one of them. So today I bring you...

    Salmon Scallopini: For all you salmon lovers, this one is pretty darn good if I do say so myself. All measurements in this recipe are approximations because it is one from the old noggin'. I played around a couple different times before settling on this, and now it's almost the only way we will have it in our home.


    1.5 pounds fresh Salmon fillet (about 4-6 oz per more or less depending on family size).
    Olive oil
    2 Tablespoons butter
    3 cloves garlic (finely minced)
    2 Tablespoons capers
    2 Roma tomatoes (diced)
    1/4 Cup white wine
    3/4 Cup Chicken broth
    1 Teaspoon cornstarch (mixed with 1 teaspoon water)


    Remove any skin from Salmon, and cut into 4 to 6 oz portions. Coat the bottom of a large heavy bottomed skillet with olive oil (you don't want to fry, but you do want your pan coated). Set aside. Melt butter in a medium sized skillet over medium-low heat. Add garlic and saute till tender, but not brown. Wisk in wine, and simmer, letting liquid reduce by about half. Wisk in chicken broth and continue to let simmer.

    Now heat your large olive oil coated skillet over medium-high heat. Add salmon in a single layer (cook in batches if needed). Cook through (length will depend upon thickness of fillets, about 3.5 minutes per side). Fish will flake fairly easily when cooked done. Remove from heat and plate the salmon. Add capers, tomatoes and cornstarch to your wine sauce and wisk in. Allow to heat through for about 30 seconds, then pour the mixture over the salmon. Serve.

    It's great served with or over a simple angel hair pasta, and steamed asparagus on the side. You could go crazy and do some garlic bread as well. It's a favorite (mostly) all the way around in our home.

    P.S. I really dislike tile counter tops!

  • Mamma Say What?

    A while back I did a post about the things I find myself saying as a mom. Things which, in any other context, would be highly inappropriate. Could you imagine what any other person would think if you said any of this to them?

    "No, it wouldn't be funny for a shark to eat you. Because it would hurt, and you would bleed."

    "Colton! Get off the table...this isn't a zoo." (because that is acceptable behavior at the zoo).

    "Don't pick your's like poop! It's nose poop!"

    "Wait, why are you yelling at me?" (I always find myself saying "wait" as if they will actually pause).

    "Colton, please take my underwear off your head."

    "Colton...what do you have? (inward gasp) Give mommy that nail right now!!" (a long rusted nail he found outside).

    "No honey, I don't like it when you lick my arm."

    My nose to Colton's bottom "Whew, you are stinky! Are you poopy?" (Hello! Good one, genius).

    "No, you can't have a cookie. No not before lunch. No, you need lunch first. Lunch is in a little bit. I said no, don't ask again. One small cookie, but that's it!"

    "Addyson, you can't see the poop. Because it's gross, and I already wrapped up his diaper."

    I must say at least half a dozen off the wall things every day. It obviously comes with the territory, because talking about all things poop is perfectly normal conversation in the company of other moms. Right?

  • Favor...Prize Involved :)

    I won't have access to my blog until Sunday. I will have access to email, and might be able to see other's blogs from my phone. Might. It's always hit or miss. In any case, I am going to ask for a favor...while I am away, will you please come yack it up over in my community at Blog Frog? I'll even give a prize to the person with the most posts there between now and Sunday night. A cool prize! One good for guy or gal, so don't count yourself out men!!

    Thanks, and have a great weekend...a great drama free weekend ;)

  • Introducing…


    …not Murphy, and not Guinness…but Finnegan! Long story, but we landed on Finnegan for his name. We will call him Finn more than likely, and so far it seems to fit.

    The Full Finney 2

    Finnegan and I had an okay time on the plane ride home. He was scared and unsettled in the airport, and threw up twice in his carrier. He wasted no time letting me know how much work he’d be!
    Once home, he was good to go. The kids adore him, and I am thankful that he doesn’t seem lonely like I thought he would.

    Night was a whole ‘nother story. Up to go potty at midnight, then up at 4am…seemingly for the day. We’re going to have to rectify that in a hurry or mamma is not going to be a happy camper. Meanwhile, coffee is my berry best friend. Yes, I said “berry.” That’s what being up at 4am will do to a person.
    A few more pictures before I bid farewell…

    Colton and Finnegan Kisses

    Get right on in there Colton for a big wet kiss!

    Finnegan and Addyson

    Pay no attention to whatever is on my cabinets. Though, now that’s all you’ll see.

    Finnegan Kisses

    Needless to say…he is a lover.

    Finnegan's Dad

    This last one is Finnegan’s dad. So…this is how he’ll look when he’s full grown. He is going to go through all sorts of awkward and cute along the way, and of course, I will be compelled to share in photos!!

    Oh, and for those of you who missed what type of dog he is...he's an Irish Water Spaniel.

  • Wiping the Slate Clean...and Ask Andy (my hubby) Anything!!!

    For starters, I just want to say that I am not planning to do anymore least not for a while, or forever. I love that I am doing this one, but I think they are pushing me in a direction I am not really ready to follow. I love blogging, sharing my ideas through this medium, and I love the interaction I often get as a result. Like many (or I suspect there are many), I had secret hopes of earning money doing this thing. more is that my desire. I was beginning to feel like a slave to my blog, obsessed (in a not so good way) about how many people wanted to read what I have to say. Really, who cares?! Isn't it nuts when you think about it? Don't misunderstand...I do like people to read, but my first priority when writing a post should be whatever it is that inspired me to write...not "what will people think if I say this, or do that?"

    When I started blogging, it was just so much fun. I was excited to post, and I enjoyed what I wrote. Once I started being more concerned with the numbers of it all, some of that (okay a lot of that) pleasure went right out the window. So, I'm busting the chains. I'm letting go of my secret desire to be a millionaire blogger ;) I'm gonna write about my kids, and show you pictures of the horrific fish cake I made Addyson...really, it's bad...and really I will share. I'm going to post my recipes, because I love them, and if even one person tries one and likes it, then I have given something in some small way. I am going to write selfish posts that no one really wants to read (except for my mom, and me in 40 years).

    I wrote this post just a short time ago, and I think I missed the boat. I meant everything I said in it, and I believe it all 100%, but somehow I still derailed myself. Oh well. New start.

    Not sure what compelled me to explain myself this way...maybe just my way of wiping the slate clean. Allowing me to get back to what I really loved about blogging to begin with, and if people decide to join me along the way...well, then all the better!

    In an effort to do something I think would be a ton of fun...I decided to open the floor to any and all questions. BUT...the questions are for Andy (my husband). You can ask him anything you want. ANYTHING! Now, I will say this, he does reserve the right to not answer should something be out of line. But I have faith that nothing will be. I also give him free reign to answer anything about me. So, get your typing fingers ready, and ask away. What, my friends, would you like to know?

  • Pictures As Promised

    Pictures As Promised

    Here is the new hair. Please don't judge the picture. It is horrible. It doesn't do the cut justice at all. Shella at La Lou is an amazing hair stylist, and I will be sure to post a much better picture to show off her skills.

    Here is the old length. Now, the deal is it NEVER looked like this. I always had it in a ponytail (like I said before, and I don't mean to be redundant). Besides, just think of the person this hair will help!

    So let's hear it. What do you think? Anyone plan on doing anything drastic to their hair? Please do tell!!