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  • Wiping the Slate Clean...and Ask Andy (my hubby) Anything!!!

    For starters, I just want to say that I am not planning to do anymore least not for a while, or forever. I love that I am doing this one, but I think they are pushing me in a direction I am not really ready to follow. I love blogging, sharing my ideas through this medium, and I love the interaction I often get as a result. Like many (or I suspect there are many), I had secret hopes of earning money doing this thing. more is that my desire. I was beginning to feel like a slave to my blog, obsessed (in a not so good way) about how many people wanted to read what I have to say. Really, who cares?! Isn't it nuts when you think about it? Don't misunderstand...I do like people to read, but my first priority when writing a post should be whatever it is that inspired me to write...not "what will people think if I say this, or do that?"

    When I started blogging, it was just so much fun. I was excited to post, and I enjoyed what I wrote. Once I started being more concerned with the numbers of it all, some of that (okay a lot of that) pleasure went right out the window. So, I'm busting the chains. I'm letting go of my secret desire to be a millionaire blogger ;) I'm gonna write about my kids, and show you pictures of the horrific fish cake I made Addyson...really, it's bad...and really I will share. I'm going to post my recipes, because I love them, and if even one person tries one and likes it, then I have given something in some small way. I am going to write selfish posts that no one really wants to read (except for my mom, and me in 40 years).

    I wrote this post just a short time ago, and I think I missed the boat. I meant everything I said in it, and I believe it all 100%, but somehow I still derailed myself. Oh well. New start.

    Not sure what compelled me to explain myself this way...maybe just my way of wiping the slate clean. Allowing me to get back to what I really loved about blogging to begin with, and if people decide to join me along the way...well, then all the better!

    In an effort to do something I think would be a ton of fun...I decided to open the floor to any and all questions. BUT...the questions are for Andy (my husband). You can ask him anything you want. ANYTHING! Now, I will say this, he does reserve the right to not answer should something be out of line. But I have faith that nothing will be. I also give him free reign to answer anything about me. So, get your typing fingers ready, and ask away. What, my friends, would you like to know?

  • You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You're a Mom When-sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. Just share what has you knowing you're a mom (or dad) today, and then come link up. It can be anything...a picture, story, or a bunch of "you know you're a mom whens..."

    You know you’re a mom when…

    …you can take five stacks of folded laundry to their respective rooms without dropping a single article of clothing.

    …you call yourself a genius because in an attempt to get a little more protein into the little people, you mix plain Greek yogurt into their mac n’ cheese and they are none the wiser.

    …you consider yourself an accomplished cook, yet consistently manage to burn the food you make for yourself.

    Come on over and share what has you knowing you're a mom today!

  • Who Has the Dirtiest Mouth?

    We are conducting an experiment in the name of science. Heading up the experiment is Drew. It's for his 6th grade project.

    After having several ideas dashed to bits by the science teacher, Drew finally found (well, Andy found, but who's keeping score), a grand idea. Who has the dirtiest mouth? The subjects? Two dogs, two horses, and two people. Drew has to test in order to prove his theory. He believes (as do I), that the people will have the dirtiest mouths. Orbit anyone? Followed by the horses, then finally, coming in with the cleanest of the three types, the dogs.

    In a petri dish he has mixed a sterile solution of agar (forms a gelatin), upon which he swipes a swab that has been rubbed in the mouth of the subject. He is to make observations daily, and note any changes.

    The project began last night, and already the two dishes with activity guessed it...the people. Condensation is forming in the veritable hot house of germs within the peoples' petri dishes. Nothing so far on the others.

    Isn't this riveting? Soon, we will all be armed with the ever so useful knowledge, and answer to the age old question...Who has the dirtiest mouth?

    Stay tuned!

  • Better Late Than Never

    Hey, Keely…don’t count me out yet! I know it’s late, but I thought I’d jump in with Keely’s Getting to Know You Sunday. You still can too. I know she’ll have ya. Just answer the following questions and link up.

    1. The most expensive thing hanging in my closet is...?
    My wedding dress. Does it count if it’s actually preserved in a box? It’s still in my closet. Second to that would be my breast pump. Yep…I’m all about the glam.

    2. Have you ever played a team sport?
    Of course! Softball, swimming and track. I’m a firm believer in team sports, and will encourage all of my kids to join one as well.

    3. If you were a bug, what kind would you be?
    A dragonfly. Not just any dragonfly...a blue and yellow one. So colorful, and they can fly ;)

    4. Where on your body is the worst place to get sunburned? (thanks Ian )
    Any place is bad. But the shoulders have got to be the most painful with the need for a bra and all.

    5. Are you happy?
    Mostly, yes. I certainly have my days though.

    6. People are always abbreviating..are there any abbreviations that make your skin crawl when people use them?
    Not that I pay attention to. Unless you are talking about lol and stuff like that. In that case, all of those, most of the time. There are some people who use them (like Rose from We Live in a Zoo), and it doesn’t bother me in the least. Not sure what that’s all about. I guess because when she uses them…it’s actually in a place that I could really imagine her laughing out loud.

    7. Do you love where you live..or could you live anywhere?
    I don’t love where I live, and I could probably live anywhere. IF…it weren’t for my family. I really like being close to them, so it would be hard for me to live elsewhere for that reason.

    8. What, if any, extreme measures do you go to to keep yourself from overeating when you're full?
    None. Maybe that’s the problem.
    I’d love to see your answers too. Be sure to link up, or just leave a few right here.

  • Things That Make You Say Hmmmm...GROSS!

    When it comes to germs I have always had a mild to moderate phobia. I don't like to share drinks...not even with my own mother. I will not use someone else's chapstick or lipstick. If I want a bite of what you're eating I will use my own fork...being careful to pick a spot that you have not forked twice. Yes, you could say I'm a touch of a germaphobe.

    It comes as no surprise then that I have a bit of useless trivia stuck up here in the old noggin regarding this very subject. If you would rather remain blissfully ignorant, then stop reading here. Okay, I have warned you.

    Let's start with the lemon wedge. Nice, refreshing, citrusy goodness that adorns most drinks you order up in a bar or restaurant. These little suspects are a hot house for bacteria. In one study 21 restaurants were tested. Guess how many lemons turned up dirty? Three quarters of them. Yes. A whopping 75%. Not done, the first group tested were loaded with fecal matter. Precisely why I order my water or tea sans lemon.
    Yes, I'd like water...hold the poop please.

    How about your shower head? Seems totally harmless. I mean, come on, it's a shower. Legionella bacterium housed there causes a potentially fatal, pneumonia-like condition called Legionnaires’ disease. It's contracted by inhaling water droplets which are infected with the bacteria. "The organism feeds on cysteine, a substance produced by a wide variety of waterborne organisms and bacteria found in potable water. Legionella can survive in tap water for many months, and showerheads provide a hospitable environment." Philip M. Tierno, Jr., PhD. Clean those showerheads at least once a year.

    I will just scratch the surface of public restrooms. I have this whole OCD ritual whenever I use one. I wash my hands once I am inside the restroom, but before using the facilities. See, I plan on wiping myself, and I do not want to transfer germs from the nasty door handle get the picture. I do not sit, not even if there is a liner. I am a hoverer through and through. I tear off the first several squares of paper before I get to the part I will use (someone else was there before me...and God only knows what they did). I flush with my foot (I admit this part is silly, considering I will wash my hands again). After getting to the sink, I dispense the paper towels before I turn on the water. I wash my hands again (thrilled when the faucet is operated by sensor). If not on a sensor, I turn the water off with my paper towel. Then I exit the bathroom, careful to use the paper towel on the door handle. Ah...and if there are no paper towels, water goes off with elbow, door gets opened by toilet paper, and hands air dry. I NEVER use the air dryers. Excessive? Maybe. But when I learn things like 42% of men don't wash their hands after using the restroom and 51% of women don't, I choose to err on the side of excess.

    Hand dryers are germ spreaders.

    I used to work in sales for a company called Cintas. Part of what they offer is restroom products. A tid bit I learned from one of those reps is that the hand dryers are not sanitary and simply spread bacteria. I have even heard that the schools and universities that have had the H1N1 outbreak this year are being told by the health department that they have to take out all of their hand dryers and replace them with towel dispensers because the hand dryers are spreading disease.

    Ok, the last on my list tonight are the candies offered up in a bowl as you leave the restaurant. Without giving you any more statistics, I will just paint a picture for you. Let's just say for fun that fifty people before you have dug their paw into that dish of candy. Let's also say that half of those people used the restroom while there. That means, that approximately 25% of those people are dipping in with excrement on their hands. Yummy! I'll just stick with the mints in my purse, thank you very much.

    Now, I should say this. Of all the thousands of germs out there, only a fraction of them actually can be harmful. The others are considered good germs. Germs can indeed be our friends. In fact we need them to help us stay healthy. But YIKES! Again, I'll just take my chances, and continue on with my phobia of the little critters. How about you?

  • Regalos y Gracias or for all you (me too) gringos...Gifts and Thanks.

    Regalos y Gracias or for all you (me too) gringos...Gifts and Thanks.

    Having started my blog in October of this year, I never thought it would be such an awesome outlet for me. Never would I have counted on *meeting* some seriously fun and friendly people. So when people name me to receive these little awards of recognition, I'm thrilled. They are so much fun. Here are a couple I have gotten recently.

    Jenna at The Neuff, Shandal at My Life in 3D Tyler at Just Another Day in Our Paradise all gave me this Happy 101 award. Thank you all for thinking of me! This one says you must list ten things that make you happy, and then pass it on to ten others.
    Ten things that make me happy:
    1. Sweet lovin from my babies
    2. An earnest compliment from my husband
    3. My family
    4. A good book
    5. Being cozied up in p.j's on the couch when it's raining outside
    6. Cooking...and eating!
    7. Jeans that fit just right
    8. Working out
    9. Taking a great picture
    10. The smell of the desert after the rain
    I am going to pass this on to Elizabeth at Our Journey through Life, the Molly at The Snyder 5, Tammy at My Thoughts in Color, Becky at In the Trenches, Elizabeth at Confessions of a Working Mom, Megan at All a Bunch of Momsense, Rudy Family Rukus, Liz at Harmony Song, Keely at MannLand5, and finally last but in no way least, Melis at The Zookeeper's Diary.

    The next one I got is A Sweet Award from Mindi at part of me. Mindi's blog is a lot of fun, and filled with some awesome crafts you can do together with kids. Thank you Mindi for choosing me. With this award, you must thank the giver, link to their blog, list five things about yourself and then pass it on to five more people.

    Hmmm...5 things about me:
    1. I can waterski slalom
    2. I love to camp, fish and shoot a gun
    3. My first kiss was with a boy named Ari...he was 17 and I was 15
    4. When I workout, I don't just do cardio...I lift weights. I can bench press three sets of fifteen at 135lbs (but I am so not a behemoth...just strong).
    5. I drive an Expedition...and it is such a mom car. By mom car, I mean loaded with crumbs, toys, books, get the idea.

    So now to pass this one on as well. Humph. All this linking is making me need a glass of wine! Here goes: Nancy at If Evolution Really Works, Heidi at From 3 to 5, Drea at Peanut Butter Jelly Days, Amy at The Adventures of JAMC, and Amy at Mommy of the Year.

    To all of you whom I forwarded these, either enjoy reading your blog, love that you are such an active commenter to mine, or both! Thank you.

  • A Girl's Gotta Dream

    Are you a dreamer or a goal setter? I'm somewhere in the middle. There are things that I certainly dream about. Like the house that has my perfect kitchen and huge laundry room (like maybe if I had the space I would be more inspired to do my laundry start to finish rather than just let the clean stuff pile up all over my couch). Or my dream of traveling the world with my husband and kids. Those are still in dream phase for me because they are so far off, and really because there are other things that are taking priority.

    My goals are made up of the here and now and the not too distant future. The distinction is that my goals are written down. I tell people about them. That way I am much more determined to make them a reality. Perfect example...I really want to become better with the camera. That is a real live goal for me. Truth be told, I want to be able to do photography aside my stayathomemommyness. I am taking it in bite sized pieces. An online class to learn my new camera better...check. A "group share" setting where I can go to get feedback from others who have more experience...check. Long awaited new lens...still waiting. You can see though that there is a distinct pattern of setting and checking off.

    Another example (though not as successful currently) is my weight loss. I have been struggling with these last ten stubborn stuck to my A$$ pounds! Ugh. So here it is...I am writing it down here. How's that for letting people know to serve as motivation? Goal: Ten pounds off by February 1st. Now, that seems pretty managable. But I am also a realist, and my favorite nosh-fest holiday is right around the corner. I will say this. I plan on having 5 of these buggars off before Christmas. I'll keep you posted (absolutely no pun intended).

    So how about you dream or set goals and do something to make them real?

  • I've Been Tagged...

    I've Been Tagged... the Lucky Chinese Tag

    Erin over at The Mother Load tagged me. I have to now tell you my answers in each of the categories, then tag 8 new people.
    8 TV Shows I Watch: (I have to say that if I could, I would watch all of these shows. I don't. I have watched them all, and like them all, but never watch them all)
    -Grey's Anantomy
    -Private Practice
    -The Bachelor
    -Law and Order SVU
    -Property Virgins
    -House Hunters
    -Dora the Explorer...defeated sigh

    8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink:
    -Sushi Den (Dever, CO).
    -Les Rendezvous
    -Paradise Bakery
    -PF Chang's
    -Morton's Steakhouse

    8 Things I Look Forward To:
    -Bed time for the kids
    -Going to the bathroom in peace
    -My photography class
    -Being able to wear all of my clothes
    -Completing P90X
    -Having a wildly successful blog
    -Someday having a clean and orderly house...again.

    8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
    -We had Chinese for dinner
    -I took the kids to the park (I felt too warm in my long sleeved shirt)
    -I wiped butts 6 times (none of which were my own)
    -I made protein pancakes for breakfast
    -P90X Plyometrics kicked my booty
    -I went crazy
    -I came back briefly
    -Just to be sent straight there again

    8 Things I Love About Winter:
    -It's not 115 degrees outside
    -Warm drinks
    -Did I mention it's not so hot?
    -Taking the kids to the park and having them not get 3rd degree burns from the slides/swings
    -No swimsuits for a while
    -Heatwaves are non existent on the roads (sensing a trend here)
    -Sleeping comfortably

    8 Things on My Wish List:
    -A maid
    -The ability to eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce
    -Winning the lottery
    -A new house
    -Well behaved children
    -More patience
    -The Super Nanny
    -My trip to Russia

    8 Things I'm Passionate About:
    -My children
    -My husband
    -My parents and brother

    8 Words/Phrases I Use Often:
    -What the hell's wrong with you?
    -Stop hitting him/her
    -Are you kidding me?
    -Why don't you listen?
    -Please stop it!
    -You don't talk that way to Mommy
    -Can I get a break?

    8 Things I've Learned From the Past:
    -You can't change it
    -It's made me who I am today
    -There are things I regret not doing
    -Friends come and go, a few stay forever
    -Nothing matters more than the ones you love
    -My mother was right, I had one just like me
    -It takes time to be comfortable and confident with who you are
    -Fish food doesn't taste good...not even a little

    8 Things I Currently Want/Need:
    -Canon EF 85 mm L series lens
    -A massage
    -The new Lady Antebellum CD
    -More free time
    -A date night
    -A girls' night
    -To meet my newest little nephew

    8 People I'd Like to Tag:
    Tamara at The (Un)Experienced Mom
    Elizabeth at Confessions of a Working Mom
    Shandal at My Life in 3D
    Michele at Finding Trinity
    Cop Mama
    Nicole at A New Normal
    Heidi at From 3 to 5
    Maven at A Fabulously Good Life

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. So with this, the possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post in the “You know you’re a mom when…” fashion. Grab my brand new button (if you fancy). Then come back over and link up.

    You know you’re a mom when you think to look in the toy basket for one of your missing shoes…and you find it.

    You know you’re a mom when, in a pinch, a cookie seems like a perfectly acceptable snack to feed the little ones…right before lunch.

    You know you’re a mom when bedtime at 7:00 for the kids really means bedtime is at 7:30 or 8:00 by the time the “I’m thirsties, and I have to go potties, and there’s a noise in my rooms” are all said and done.

    You know you’re a mom when you unsuspectingly take a gulp of your water only to find that floating particles seem to have mysteriously appeared, and you don’t even feel that grossed out by it.

    Now let’s have it! What little things make you feel like “this only happens to a mother (or father)?” Whatever you’ve got, post it and link up. I’d love to read what you have to say.

  • The Case of the Stinky Sippy Cup

    Addyson and I were sitting on the couch yesterday when she picked up a sippy cup from the floor (Lord only knows how long it had been there) and asked me to open it. I complied. She sniffed the inside of the cup, and said "Oh, that stinks...did Daddy fart in it or something? Seeing as how I have the sense of humor of a 3 year old, I laughed.

    You might assume, based on her automatic question, that Andy makes a habit of farting in the sippy cups in our home then securing the lids to capture the stench for an unsuspecting child to later discover. I almost want to let you believe that to be true. It's not. He doesn't. Why that was her first inclination is beyond me.

    Maybe the people in this house have an unhealthy obsession with farts. Or at least the people under 3 feet high.

  • Freedom of Choice

    Freedom of Choice

    It's Friday! I love Friday because I get a reprieve from having to come up with my own ideas. Usually I participate in The (Un)Experienced Mom's Fill in the Blank Friday, and a couple of times I have done Mama M's Five Question Friday. Since I can't choose one over the other, today I will do both!

    The rules for both are pretty much the same. You cut and paste the question into a post of your own, answer them, link back to their respective founders and then link your post up to their blog.


    First, The (Un)Experienced Mom's Fill in the Blank Friday. The question this week is:

    If I were going to be on a reality television show, I'd be on ________.
    I don't think the 10 pounds I have to lose would qualify...but I would totally want to be on The Biggest Loser if I did need to lose that sort of weight. What an amazing experience to be able to absolutely transform your life. I always feel so inspired by what those people accomplish. Plus, I may have mentioned once or twice that I enjoy working out. ;)

    My Little Life

    Next up is Mama M's Five Question Friday. The questions are:
    1. What's your "comfort food"?
    2. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?
    3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
    4. What is your favorite online recipe site?
    5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?

    1. What's your "comfort food"?
    Dessert! Almost any type...but I prefer baked treats over ice cream (though I do love ice cream too). If it's done right, Creme Brule is the creme de la creme!
    2.Do you send Thank You's(handwritten or email)?
    Yes, but sporadically. Well, maybe not so much sporadically as only for specific events. For example, when I had my baby shower, I sent them. For Christmas, I don't. Maybe it's because I get gifts for the same people who get them for me, so it's like an even note required. At least I'm going with that!
    3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
    Rosanne. That way, when I got back to my own reality, I would appreciate it that much more. Plus I think she's a riot.
    4. What is your favorite online recipe site?
    Food Network. There is a recipe there for anything, and everything...and so many of them are awesome! In my opinion, it trumps all others.
    5. If you had to choose "Friends" or "Sienfeld"?
    Hmmmm. I really enjoy "Freinds," but Sienfeld is freakin' funny. "THESE PRETZELS ARE MAKING ME THIRSTY!!"

    Now, go do your own post and be sure to link up. Then again, if you don't want to, and you'd rather leave me a comment with an answer or need to twist my arm!

  • Blogaholics Anonymous

    My name is Shannon, and I am a blogaholic. Seriously. If this were recognized as a real addiction, I would have to say that I am afflicted. It is the most spectacular way to let go of whatever it is I've got going on in my head. It allows me to have some me time. I love that people actually read what I have to say, and more often than not, have interesting, funny, witty or just nice comments to leave.

    Like any addiction, there are lows that follow the high. For me, the low is the serious blogetition. Not because there are so many blogs out there, or even that there are so many out there that cover the same array of topics. What I am referring to is this sort of desperate need for more more more more more. Followers that is. Oh, and to be very clear, I have this same need. You see, having followers is like the ultimate validation. People actually want to read what I have to say. What a strangely awesome feeling. Wait...I was supposed to be describing the low here. Low comes when that number (you know which number I mean) doesn't change despite any and all efforts to the contrary.

    In times of the low, I find that I read posts on blogs I love, and think to myself "ah...I completely get that!" Then..."now why didn't I think to write about that?" Then comes the inevitable blogger's block. Blogger's block for me is paralysis by analysis. Too much time spent thinking about what others might like to read rather than what I want to write. Thinking about how I could make something funny, when really it's just not. Too much time worrying about my tendency to be introspective. Well, not tonight.

    No more pandering. (Here is where I should slip in a little note about the fact that none of the posts thus far that have made it up onto my blog have been of the pandering variety). No, that only happens in my head.

    While I may be broody or moody or at times even downright melancholy in my introspection (sorta like here), it is me. It's how I occasionally feel inspired to write. It's how I feel authentic, and let me tell you this...I would take authenticity over originality any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

  • I See Dead People

    I See Dead People
    My Little Life

    I almost forgot that it was time for Five Question Friday. Then I saw the reminder Mama M. left at The Blog Frog. These may be some of my favorite questions yet. Well, a couple of them anyway. If you'd like to answer too, do a post and link up to My Little Life.

    1. What are you most afraid of?
    I used to be afraid of dying. I still am, don't let me fool you. But now, my biggest fear, beyond a shadow of doubt, is something happening to one of my children. At times I even feel a little panick stricken thinking about all there is that could happen. It's seriously a sick obsession for which I have considered seeking help. Really, I have thought about talking to our Priest...but honestly don't want to hear about how I need to let go of my earthly bonds, etc. If it were that easy, I would have done it already.

    2. Do you use a flat iron or curling iron?
    I have used both, but not for a long time. My hair is as short as it is now because when it was long, I seldom managed to do anything other than pull it back into a ponytail. Now it's just a round brush and hair dryer.

    3. Hands-free or phone to the ear?
    Phone to the ear. I have to say this...I don't have anything against the hands-free set, but when you are in a place where you don't need it, then get over yourself. I don't mean you, the you reading this. I mean the self-important morons who speak loud enough for everyone in a mile radius to hear, while sitting at a table in a restaurant, using hands-free (or vitually anywhere that its use would be just frivilous). What the? Serious?

    4. Do you have a matching bedroom set?
    Yes. Me gusta mucho!

    5. Do you believe in the paranormal?
    Hmmm. Let's see. My normal answer would be, I just don't know. However, this is catching me at an apropos time. Andy has been out of town the past two nights, and I have been awake until the wee hours, jumping at every little noise, straining to see shadows in the dark, and avoiding looking towards the location on the walls which house mirrors. Make of it what you will.

    Your turn. Don't care to post, leave me a comment or two with some answers. I'm interested in what people have to say to numbers 1 and 5 the most.

    Oh, and do you have any quirks that others view as off the wall? I can read about my crazy here if yo haven't yet.

  • I'm a Mother, Not a Blogger

    When I began this blog, I set out with the intention of chronicling my childrens' lives (at least for now), and then having the pages bound into a book. That is still my intention. Somewhere along the way though, I started "meeting" some pretty inspiring people, and a few of those people have become friends. That part of blogging is a true joy.

    However, there is another part of blogging that I find slightly less than joyful. That part is the nagging sensation I have of needing to "keep up" with every post of every blog I've ever read. Of course that is a slight exaggeration, but I have a feeling most of you get the point. When I allow that to take over, I feel so overwhelmed by it all, and blogging becomes a chore rather than a pleasure.

    I suppose this is my way of saying that I am still here. I still plan on writing about my kids, and whatever else strikes me...but I may or may not be around to comment as much as I once have. My inkling is that I will go in spurts. So, if you haven't "seen" the likes of me as much, take no offense. I am just busy being a mom.

  • Back in the Not Me Saddle

    Back in the Not Me Saddle

    Not Me! Monday...oh how I've missed you. It's been several weeks since I have mustered up the energy to confess all the ridiculous things I haven't been doing. Certainly, that doesn't mean there have been a lack of ridiculous things perpetrated by me, nope...just laziness I assure you. Wanna unload too? You can have a look at MckMama's blog to see the rules.

    I pride myself on being a patient, loving, attentive, and compassionate wife and mother. Seeing as how that's always the case, I did not say "oh great" when Andy informed me that he wasn't feeling well. My thoughts did not automatically go to my kids getting it, and my having to deal with their crabby sick little selves. Nope, I immediately said "oh, I'm so sorry you're feeling unwell...what can I do for you?" Yes, I am certain it was something along those lines.

    Again, because I am so patient with my children, it was not me who nearly lost her mind at every turn this past week. I didn't shout at my little ones more times than I care to count, and I absolutely did not make at least one threat on which I had zero intention of following through. I am never that type of mother.

    Have you ever met those people who worry about everything? I mean everything! Yeah, me too. I don't ever feel like one of those people. Nope, I don't. Not even when I spend over an hour on the computer (which uses a wireless signal) trying to research a link between wireless signals in the home and childhood cancer. That would be absolute nonsense, and something I without question, did not do last night.

    Now, because I love knowing there are an abundance of others out there who do not do equally ridiculous things, I want to hear from you! What didn't you do last week?

  • The Chicken Within

    I should warn you that this is just a random post about nothing much at all. Just was remembering a couple of things, and here goes...

    When I was younger, well, no...not when I was younger. At least not just when I was younger. I still do it today. What? Ah yes, let's get to that. I ask questions like "would you rather...?" or "what would you do if I...?" I get a huge kick out of asking the most outlandish things. What's even funnier is I have actually done some of the "what would you do if I's?"

    My husband (then just plain old boyfriend) and I were walking by a restaurant, and I asked him "what would you do if I pressed my bare butt (does that offend you? should I say bottom?) against the glass window to the people eating just inside?" He couldn't get me outta there fast enough. He already knew what sort of crazy streak I have and he embarrasses easily.

    Not sure why I find this so funny. I have always appreciated humor that defies the norm. I get the biggest charge out of seeing people's reactions to behavior that isn't considered socially acceptable. So much so that I have done some pretty out there things just so I could get those reactions.

    Read on.

    I am in high school. I am walking home and trailing behind a small group of boys (not anyone I recognized). One of them is straggling just behind the others. I am alone. Idea. I speed up so that I am just behind the straggler and I softly make a noise like a chicken "baaaak." The straggler stiffens a little, but pretends not to notice. I am stifling a laugh. I repeat the noise...only this time slightly louder and with a little poke of my index finger to his back. He turns to look at me immediately. Unmasked shock in his eyes (I couldn't blame him). Then without hesitating he catches up to his friends and is frantically whispering to them. Well, I couldn't make the guy look crazy to his friends, right? That's what I as they were standing huddled just fifteen feet in front of me, I begin scratching at the ground with my right foot and loudly making the chicken noises ( I am dying of laughter at the memory as I write). My arms are bent at the elbows and I am flapping as if I have wings. They are staring, no doubt wondering if I was on something, or if I was a little crazy...I was neither. As this is happening, my adrenaline surges, and in one last burst I shoot forward to their group, scuttle through them (all the while making the chicken sounds), then stop and calmly walk away. They are left standing and still wondering what on God's green earth is wrong with me. I laughed all the way home that day. On a little side note I ran into them later in the year at a post football game party. They all laughed and shouted "hey it's the chicken lady." They all admitted they thought I must have been totally crazy, but that they thought it was hilarious. It was. Anyway, we were friends after that night.

    As I sit here tonight, I realize that I actually don't do stuff like that anymore. Not really. Now I am too busy making sure that bottoms and noses are wiped, mouths are fed, no one is hurting anyone else, my house is at least in some state of "respectable." Yet the thing is, I know that I will do those things again. My kids have no idea what lurks in their future. I thought my mom could embarrass me when I was young? (okay, so maybe I was the one who embarrassed her, but that doesn't fit in with the point I am trying to make). Anyway, all I am saying is: Drew, Addyson and Colton, beware! The chicken still lives within.

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. So with this, the possibilities of this are really endless...the creativity is all yours. In order to play along, all you have to do is either post a picture of something crazy, wonderful, endearing, or just plain cute, that your kids have done...explaining how it made you feel or the story behind it. Or, write a little post in the “You know you’re a mom when…” fashion. Grab my brand new button (if you fancy). Then come back over and link up.

    You know you’re a mom when you seem to be the only one who can see this laying in the middle of the floor…the very floor that everyone has to walk over in order to get from the kitchen to the hall.


    You know you’re a mom, when after one meal…your floor looks like this…

    Floor under Colton's chair

    Finally, you know you’re a mom when you go to grab your baker’s chocolate from the pantry only to find two curious little teeth marks gnawed into the end of it.

    Baker's chocolate

    Ah yes. The many joys of motherhood! Please share some of yours!!

  • Guest Post: Farm-Raised Humor: Daily Life with My Kids

    I'm a mom from the middle of nowhere, South Dakota. Our little town has a population of just over 1,000 now - but when we first moved here, it was still working up from the 900s. Our big family of six didn't quite push the town over the top, but we came close. We moved out here from North Carolina when my youngest wasn't even one year old - now, that was a road trip - so my husband could be near his parents and help keep up the family farm. We also thought it would be a calmer, quieter place to raise a family than the big city of Raleigh.

    Our kids had some trouble adjusting at first, but now they love living here and are always begging to visit their grandparents on the farm. Grandma always spoils their dinner with root beer floats and helps them make crafts out of coffee filters or her big jar of colorful buttons. Then there's Grandpa, who gets out the old train set and teaches my son all about golf while the sounds of putts and drives from the TV fill in the background. There are pet cats, cows, and sheep galore, and one friendly dog who greets the kids with slobbery kisses every time they arrive at the farm. It's a great place to grow up, and I'm so glad we decided to give them the opportunity to enjoy it.

    Stress and the City

    Of course, life isn't always paradise. I left my family back in North Carolina so we could raise our kids in the country, and there were times when I missed Raleigh and the people I had left behind. My mother's age and deteriorating health started to worry me, and sometimes I feel overcome with the desire to move back so I can take care of her. I have brothers in the area, but let's face it - when it comes to care-giving, boys aren't always the best nurses.

    One day, I was sitting at home, feeling sorry for myself as I folded the laundry. Always fascinated by "grown-up" activities, my youngest daughter was "helping" me fold the endless heap of clothes that accumulates when you have six people living in one house. My husband came in from work and saw that I wasn't my usual self, so he asked how my day had been. I told him that it had been fine, and he gave me a quizzical look. After a few seconds, he asked what was bothering me if everything was fine. In a moment of overflowing frustration that had been building for weeks, I said, "If you can't figure out how to be sympathetic every once in a while, you'll just have to take me to the funny farm!"

    I was about to burst into tears because I knew he didn't deserve my anger when I heard the excited voice of my daughter: "Mommy, mommy! Can I come, too?"

    Of course, she didn't understand that I was referring to a mental institution, not her grandparents' farm. To her, "funny farm" was a logical name for the place she loved so much. I couldn't help it; I started laughing until tears rolled down my cheeks.

    I was a tired mom at the end of the day, and my daughter had just provided the perfect punch line to help me see how petty I was being. Although her words brought laughter, they were also a profound reminder to me that my husband and I had moved to South Dakota for a very good reason. I believe that it's the best environment for raising my children, and I know my mother would want that every bit as much as we do.
    My family visits North Carolina once a year, usually at Christmas, and my mom is doing just fine. Every time I start to worry about her, I remember that I'm making the right decision for my whole family by living here and raising my children to love life on the farm.

    Bio: Maria Rainier is a freelance writer and blog junkie. She is currently a resident blogger at First in Education where she writes about education, online degrees, and what it takes to succeed as a student getting an online associates degree remotely from home. In her spare time, she enjoys square-foot gardening, swimming, and avoiding her laptop.

  • You Know You’re a Mom…

    You Know You’re a Mom…

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. Just share what has you knowing you're a mom (or dad) today, and then come link up. It can be anything...a picture, story, or a bunch of "you know you're a mom whens..."

    You know you’re a mom when, even though you are well hydrated, you gulp down two thirds of a huge glass of water because you are about to hand it over to the toddler who wants a sip.

    You know you’re a mom when you can discern a “mad cry” from a “tired cry” and a “fake cry” from a “hurt cry.”

    You know you’re a mom when you recognize that the hurt cry has different levels…and which level requires immediate action on your part, and which level you blow off a little. You know, just so they don’t come running to mamma with every little knick, scrape and bump.

    You know you’re a mom if you have ever been embarrassed in public by a person not yet three feet tall. For instance “Mom, does that lady have a baby in her tummy?” As she points to a rather large (and totally un-pregnant) woman. Or “I FARTED!!!” Said at the loudest decibel possible, and with gusto I might add.

    Can’t wait to see what has you all knowing you’re a mom today. Come link ‘em up!

  • You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE

    "You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE" is a great way for us, as parents, to make light of our trials and tribulations. Our day to day run-ins with the crazy little people in our lives we call children. The very people we simply couldn’t live without. Just share what has you knowing you're a mom (or dad) today, and then come link up. It can be anything...a picture, story, or a bunch of "you know you're a mom whens..."

    You know you’re a mom when you strip the toddler down before letting her loose at the paints.

    You know you’re a mom when, even though you want to correct the way she is painting, you don’t.

    You know you’re a mom when you can look at your child and see the future of possibilities before her…Picasso?

    Please come on over and share what keeps you from forgetting you’re a mom today!