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  • Mom N' Me Monday- When Colton Joined the Pack

    Mom N' Me Monday- When Colton Joined the Pack
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    I have this picture that Andy took of me holding Colton. He was a brand new little guy, and I was in love. So in love that it floored me. I experienced it once before when Addyson entered the world, but I didn't really believe my heart could hold that much more. What a fool I was. The second I heard his cry, my eyes flooded and my heart expanded. God had blessed me with another little soul, and Colton immediately found his place.

    When I learned I was pregnant with Colton I was a bit surprised. Not, of course, at the how of it...just at the how soon of it. Andy and I had decided it was time to let nature take its course again...and let me just say, nature had the fast track in mind. I was worried about my little Addyson. She was 9 months old when Colton was conceived, and I fretted over her being kicked from the nest too soon. It broke my heart.

    As Colton's scheduled due date arrived I fretted over that too. I had tremendous guilt that my babes needed to be born via c-section. With Addyson, I at least went into labor with her, and was able to give it the good ole' college try. But with Colton, I chose his birthday. I hated that (and I don't usually say hate). What if we were taking him out before he was really ready? Shouldn't he have been the one to say "okay I come!" It took me a long time to be okay with that.

    So, here are two pictures actually. The first is one of my holding Addyson after they wheeled me back from surgery. My eyes (and entire face) were so puffy. It's a wonder I could stop crying long enough to have a picture with her. My little baby...too soon the big girl.

    Here she is, so unsure of what is all happening. Only 18 months old. But a brave little face nonetheless. She obviously knew something I had yet to learn. That Colton was a precious gift to her. God gave her a new best friend.
    And here I am with my newest little addition. I am looking at my screen through a filter of tears as I remember how I felt then...and how even that doesn't compare to what I feel today.

    Thanks, Julie for hosting such a wonderful theme. It has afforded me with some wonderful knew photos, and has enabled me to relive some very treasured memories.
    Please go join up with Julie for some more Mom N' Me posts.

  • One of Those Days

    Today started like any other day, and frankly seems to be ending that way as well. The in between is where the crazy lives. My children behaved as if someone told them they would get a prize (though neither of the two little ones understand how a prize system works) if they could send me over the edge.

    Like any other day, Colton went down for his nap about an hour and a half after breakfast. It is during this time, that I usually sneak in my shower. Addyson will lay in my bed and watch a short bit of t.v. while I am enjoying a long leisurly taking a military style shower. Most every day this goes off without a hitch. Most every day. Today was one of those days. You know the ones, right?

    I get out of the shower and instantly hear Addyson and Colton jabbering over the monitor. I wrap myself in a towel and head into Colton's room. There's Addyson chewing away on something. Chewing as if she were a cow with a heaping wad of grass in her mouth.

    Me: Addyson, what are you eating?
    Addyson: Gum
    Me: What? Where did you get gum? Spit it out into my hand right now!
    Addyson: I like it.
    Me: Well I know, but it is not good for you. How many pieces have you had?
    Addyson: I don't know. Can I eat it Mamma?
    Me: No, spit it out please.

    She is spitting it out, and it is at this point that I look to Colton in his crib. He is also chewing. Fabulous. My son has had his first piece of chewing gum at the ripe old age of 14 months.

    Later in the day I attempted to clean the living room. As I picked toys up and put them away, the kids took them right back out and scattered them again. After about an hour (I made a small dent), I gave up. It was time to just move on and accept, for yet another day, the state of chaos that is my living room. No joke.

    Much later in the day, I am in the kitchen doing dishes, and getting dinner started. The kids are outside with Drew playing. I am watching them all through the window as I work. Colton trips over Drew's pogo stick, and does a face plant onto our brick patio. He now has the bruise to show for it, and I am looking forward to the many looks I will get from strangers while out and about.

    Addyson at some point comes running in from outside. She has to pee. Emergency. You know, she can't be bothered to come in unless it is sound the alarm time. So anyway, I am taking her pants off to help her out and not a second after her pants come off, she starts to pee. We are in the kitchen mind you! I am thankful for tile floors. So what could I do but calmly hold her so it didn't get all over her feet and wait until she was done? If I could've done anything else, I didn't think of it. I lectured her while she urinated on my kitchen floor about waiting until the last minute, wiped her up, re-dressed her, and sent her back out to play. Thanks so much, my dearest Addyson. I needed the extra chore today.

  • Family Resemblance?

    Family Resemblance?

    Everyone says that Addyson looks just like me. She does look like me, but there is a lot of Andy in her face too.

    Colton on the other hand...looks just like his mama.

    Collage of Dad, Shannon and Colton

    These are some photos of me, Colton and my dad. The first is Colton, then me…about the same age. The last two, are my Dad then me, several months apart. (Oh, and that is my own mama holding me in the last young...just 20 years old). I think there is a very strong resemblance down this line. I suppose this explains why everyone on my dad’s side tells me that Colton looks just like my dad.

    I promise Andy had something to do with it!

  • Car Conversations Between Toddlers

    Saturday is our out to eat night with the kids. They look forward to it all week. After dinner they are allowed to choose where we go to dessert.

    So, this past Saturday we are riding in the car to dinner, and Addyson and Colton are talking about which ice cream place they'd like to have. Addyson says Cold Stone and Colton says Frost. Of course. Never could they simply agree. That would be too...well, simple.

    Then, Colton, in a voice as sweet and smooth as honey, says to Addyson "Do you want Kona Beri, Addyson?" Addyson says, in a sassy voice, "No!" Colton's logical reply to this is "Well, then I'm gonna fart!"

    You bet your sweet a$$ that I found this hilarious!

  • Mamma Say What?

    A while back I did a post about the things I find myself saying as a mom. Things which, in any other context, would be highly inappropriate. Could you imagine what any other person would think if you said any of this to them?

    "No, it wouldn't be funny for a shark to eat you. Because it would hurt, and you would bleed."

    "Colton! Get off the table...this isn't a zoo." (because that is acceptable behavior at the zoo).

    "Don't pick your's like poop! It's nose poop!"

    "Wait, why are you yelling at me?" (I always find myself saying "wait" as if they will actually pause).

    "Colton, please take my underwear off your head."

    "Colton...what do you have? (inward gasp) Give mommy that nail right now!!" (a long rusted nail he found outside).

    "No honey, I don't like it when you lick my arm."

    My nose to Colton's bottom "Whew, you are stinky! Are you poopy?" (Hello! Good one, genius).

    "No, you can't have a cookie. No not before lunch. No, you need lunch first. Lunch is in a little bit. I said no, don't ask again. One small cookie, but that's it!"

    "Addyson, you can't see the poop. Because it's gross, and I already wrapped up his diaper."

    I must say at least half a dozen off the wall things every day. It obviously comes with the territory, because talking about all things poop is perfectly normal conversation in the company of other moms. Right?

  • Pa Pur

    Pa Pur

    Or more commonly known as “pacifier.”

    Colton at park

    This kid has a very strong, thriving, and unabating love for the “pa-pur.”

    It began as a bedtime thing only. Then it was allowed in the car on long trips. It remained that way for a long time.

    Then, suddenly, Colton started asking for it all the time. He falls down, and immediately wants the thing to soothe his little soul. He’s hungry but has to wait for the appointed mealtime…pa-pur to the rescue, and so on and so on.

    It doesn’t bother me much. In fact, it doesn’t bother me at all. I look at it as a phase he will outgrow, and if he doesn’t outgrow it by an age I deem necessary…then I will take the steps to break him of the habit.

    My husband, on the other hand, has a strong dislike for the little plug. If he had it his way, Colton would stop it today. Cold turkey. Here is the major problem with that. I am the one who has to be the bad guy. The one who has to go through all the tantrums that are bound to crop up. Quite frankly, I don’t need to add anymore of those to my already tantrum riddled days.

    So…Colton wins. For now. The pa pur is here to stay another day. Eh…it already seems he will need orthodonture anyway, so why deprive him of a little soothing?

  • Mom N’ Me Monday...Tootsie Time

    Mom N’ Me Monday...Tootsie Time

    Wow! I nearly forgot it was Monday. I have a couple new pictures on my camera, and have yet to upload them to the computer. So…I went over to Julie’s blog to see if she was still doing this post today (why on earth wouldn’t she be? It seems I am the only slacker around here), and I saw all her super cool pictures of feet.
    Seeing as how I am indeed a self proclaimed slacker, and I am lacking my own original idea today, I decided to jump into her “feet” themed post. I have a couple of pictures of mine and Colton’s feet together that I took in January. Since they are not even 1/4 as nice as Julie’s, I didn’t think she’d mind if I shared them too.

    Colton and Mommy feet 2

    At the time, I was looking at his feet and thinking that they actually look a lot like mine. I still think they do. Addyson, it seems, has feet that look more like her Dad’s (or at least my sister-in-law’s). Colton though…his little tootsies are just like his mamma’s.

    Colton and Mommy feet

    My feet have always been one thing that I like about myself. BUT…I feel compelled to share this tidbit with you…normally, you can see about 4 long sasquatch type hairs on my big toe, and in order to spare you all…I edited them out. Kindly thank me before you go. ;)

    Now what’s the hold up? Head on over to The Peanut Gallery to check out all the great Mom N’ Me pictures. Julie’s is really spectacular today.

  • Just Call Me Elsie

    Nursing my two little ones was an amazing experience. Both times. Knowing that I was all they really needed to survive during that time, was very surreal. I am passionately pro breast feeding! A true believer that breast feeding, is in deed, best feeding.

    Now that I am no longer nursing my youngest, I find it a little bittersweet. Bittersweet and...embarassing! I mean, come on! Why is there still milk in these girls? Not that I am anxioulsy awaiting the ultimate frontal sags, but if it isn't going to good use, then I don't want it in there.

    So what brought this on? I mentioned that my kids are sick. They still are. Addyson is feeling much better, but Colton was very clingy today. So I carried him around for a good portion of the day. This lead to my inability lack of desire to make lunch. Instead, I ordered from a local pizza place. Muy excelente...oh wait, wrong ethnicity. Anyway, I ordered the kids a calzone to share.

    Fourty minutes later, the doorbell rings, and I am still toting my 14 month old around the house. Here is where I should mention that I am still in the t-shirt and shorts that I slept in...ah, and no bra...see where this is headed? So I put Colton down to answer the door, hastily I hand over my debit card for verification. As I have my arm outstretched to pizza boy he just stands there staring forever for a second or two before taking my card. Inside my head I say something like "Seriously? You don't see my crying kid here? Really, just take your time, jackass!" Yeah, it was probably something like that. We complete the rest of our brief transaction, I close the door and usher the kids to the kitchen.

    Passing a mirror I roll my eyes at the goddess unkempt figure who looks back at me...then I see it. Yep, where I had been carrying Colton against my bra-less chest, there now sits a silver dollar sized wet mark. Too perfectly positioned, too perfectly shaped to simply be something I spilled on myself. Great. I can only imagine the story that pizza boy told his pimply faced cronies.

    So I ask again...why is there still milk in these girls? I last nursed Colton on October 19th! Oh well, at least I brightened some teenage boy's day. So from now on, you can just call me Elsie. Elsie the cow.

  • Black and White Wednesday...Colton

    Black and White Wednesday...Colton

    I have never jumped on the Long Road to China Train...but today seemed as good a day as any. This, of course, is my little Colton. I originally took this in color, and Andy was in it too. Andy despised it of himself. So I cropped in on Colton, changed it to black and white, and upped the contrast a little bit. Much better. Colton is, 90% of the time, just this snuggly.

  • Colton Had a Hernia

    Colton had surgery on Tuesday. It wasn’t anything major. He had an inguinal hernia. Apparently, sometimes when a baby boy’s testicles descend, the hole they come through doesn’t close up. Colton was one of these sometimes. All went well and you would almost never know he had anything done at all with the way he is running all over the place.

    Before his surgery, I was waiting with him after he was dressed in his little tiny hospital gown. They gave him a medication (pre anesthesia) called versed. While slightly amusing, it was mostly disturbing to see my 2 year old son essentially drunk. His speech was slow and slurred, his eyes were glassy, and he would stare at drool marks he left on my shirt. Really, I was pretty amused. How on earth could I not be? Have you ever heard a 2 year old say “I wuuuv you” in the slurred voice of the town drunk? I suppose I should just feel good that in that state his thought was still to say he loves me ;)

    His surgery went well and his hernia is repaired. They say he is no more likely to have a hernia later in life than anyone else. The procedure was outpatient, so he was home the same day, and very sleepy. Now he’s on the mend, and I am just glad to have it fixed. I’m sure he is too, even if he doesn’t realize it.

  • Our Halloween

    Our Halloween

    Just a quick little post tonight. We had a great time for Halloween. Very simple, but fun. We (Andy, my dad and I) took our kids trick or treating. Drew was some scary jester, Addyson was a ladybug and Colton was a monkey. Colton made it to two houses before Andy had to take him home to get ready for bed. He did have an outstanding time helping to pass out candy before he went down for the night though. My dad and I continued on with Drew and Addyson until they had their fill until my dad and I were tired. Here are a few pictures:


    Colton-ever so happy

    Until next time...

  • Potty Training...

    ...I'm convinced it's just another stop along the road in the ever unwavering battle we face as moms. Okay, and some dads too. But mostly moms.

    Colton is 2 years and 8 months old. He is not potty trained...not even close. To his credit I have not given it much effort. I have been waiting for him to show me signs that he is ready. Sigh. I may be waiting until he is 18 at this rate. He'll go pee when I sit him on the toilet, but has yet to poop there. That he'll do indiscriminatingly most anywhere else. Like last night. In the tub. Of course, I can laugh right out loud about that one since it was daddy who was doing bath time.

    Side story about the bath last night. Near the end of bath time, and well after the pooping incident, Addyson was calling Colton Lava Girl. Why? Beyond me. Then, she said something totally unexpected and completely hilarious. It went a bit like this "He's Lava Girl. Colton is Lava Girl. Hey! He's Lava Girl, and that was lava coming out of his butt!" I lost it.

    Now, onto Addyson and the potty training thing. She was EASY, and I mean really easy to teach to go on the potty. She was daytime trained by 26 months of age. However, she still required a diaper at night. Now, at 4 years and 2 months, she still wears a diaper at night, and every morning it's wet. I asked her pediatrician if it were possible to actually train her to wet the bed because subconsciously she knows there is a guard there. The answer was a resounding no. But I am wondering if that just isn't true. SO...last night we put her to bed without a diaper. I woke her two hours after she went to bed at 9pm, and she peed in the toilet. Then, she woke two hours after that at 11pm and peed again. During the night there was an accident at 3am, and she woke herself wet at 7 this morning.

    I'm okay with that for now. It was night number one. I have no idea how long it's supposed to take, but I am hoping this is the right thing to do. I really don't want her to be school aged and requiring a pull up for bedtime. Sigh. Of course when I ask friends with potty trained kids, they don't have an answer. Their child stopped wetting at night when they trained during the day. Nice.

    Onward we go. Trudging through the milestones. Relishing every moment. Pooped in tubs and all.


  • This is My Life

    My four year old spent the day today as "Willy." As in Willy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. As in Johnny Depp, Willy. No, she didn't dress up. There was nothing going on for which she had to play a role. She simply decided that today...she was Willy. And Willy constantly referred to herself in third person. "Willy's full of this sandwich. Willy doesn't like animal crackers." I honestly didn't even know talking in third person was a skill a four year old would have. I should have known better.

    Fast forward to bath time. Colton was already toweled off and went running, naked, out to the kitchen. I was drying off Willy when I hear Colton say to Finnegan (our dog) "wick my bunghole!" Yes. That was the cherry on the sundae that was my day. This is my life.

  • Introducing…


    …not Murphy, and not Guinness…but Finnegan! Long story, but we landed on Finnegan for his name. We will call him Finn more than likely, and so far it seems to fit.

    The Full Finney 2

    Finnegan and I had an okay time on the plane ride home. He was scared and unsettled in the airport, and threw up twice in his carrier. He wasted no time letting me know how much work he’d be!
    Once home, he was good to go. The kids adore him, and I am thankful that he doesn’t seem lonely like I thought he would.

    Night was a whole ‘nother story. Up to go potty at midnight, then up at 4am…seemingly for the day. We’re going to have to rectify that in a hurry or mamma is not going to be a happy camper. Meanwhile, coffee is my berry best friend. Yes, I said “berry.” That’s what being up at 4am will do to a person.
    A few more pictures before I bid farewell…

    Colton and Finnegan Kisses

    Get right on in there Colton for a big wet kiss!

    Finnegan and Addyson

    Pay no attention to whatever is on my cabinets. Though, now that’s all you’ll see.

    Finnegan Kisses

    Needless to say…he is a lover.

    Finnegan's Dad

    This last one is Finnegan’s dad. So…this is how he’ll look when he’s full grown. He is going to go through all sorts of awkward and cute along the way, and of course, I will be compelled to share in photos!!

    Oh, and for those of you who missed what type of dog he is...he's an Irish Water Spaniel.

  • Mom N’ Me Monday

    Mom N’ Me Monday

    I didn’t get behind the camera this week for Julie’s Mom N’ Me Monday, so I had to dig for an old picture. I found this one, and thought it perfectly depicts life as I know it. Laugh or cry. Laugh or go insane. Laugh or just…be bald. I like to chose to laugh. I laugh when Addyson is yelling in my arms because her brother thought she might make a good teether. I laugh when I walk into the kitchen to find my newly put away clean pots and pans strewn about the dirty kitchen floor. I laugh when I find an entire package of napkins balled up and scattered in front of the water cooler…because Addyson had been playing with the water, and “cleaned” her own mess. I laugh when I am running late, searching for some last minute diaper bag items, am just about to leave, and Colton lets loose a huge mess in his pants. I laugh because if I don’t, then what? I laugh because my life is good. I laugh because I want to leach as much joy out of every single moment I am allowed here.

    Colton Eats Addyson Mom N' Me

    And yes, my laugh is as obnoxious as it looks.

  • Some of the Men in My Life

    Some of the Men in My Life

    My father and my son. For so long I looked to my dad for guidance, reassurance, support, a firm hand and a loving heart. I still do actually. Now, along with my husband, I aim to provide all of these things to my own children. To this little man in my dad’s arms.

    I pray that together my husband and I are able to help him become the kind of man anyone would be proud to know. A man like my dad. A man like my husband’s dad. Strong, patient, intelligent, wise, loving, and a bit salty. Hard worker, a dedicated family man, and supportive husband. Then one day, a father. A father willing to sacrifice for the good of his own children. Willing to put his dreams on hold in order to put his little ones’ first.

    Dad and Colton

    Yes…that is exactly the sort of man I hope he becomes one day. Fortunately he has some amazing examples before him.

    July 09 071

    My father in law, my husband and Colton. What a threesome. Looking at Andy’s dad’s silly face in this photo brings a huge smile to my face. This picture says so much. It reminds me of one more very important aspect of a person’s character…and that is humor. This man has amazing humor! I adore him, and feel so very lucky that my children have been blessed with two very fine grandfathers.

  • My Kids Make Me Laugh

    On a daily basis my kids say things that simultaneously astound me and make me laugh. Each time, I tell myself to write it down...but I just never do. Today I'm taking a few minutes to jot down some of the latest things they've said which stick in my memory.

    - Apparently working on his red neck dialect... "Mom, if you were a witch, that wouldn't be any no good."

    -Seeing a scorpion on our patio..."Moooom...A wobster!"

    -Smelling something, I ask Colton if he tooted. He replies "No, mom...that's your breath."

    -She comes out with glossy lips and I ask her "what's on your lips?" To which she replies, as if it should be obvious, "lip gloss." Well, it MIGHT have been obvious if she actually owned lip gloss.

    -Having been put in timeout..."Mommy??? I guess you just don't love me anymore."

    -"Mom...this is the song I dance to with it's making me have tears."

    -Accustomed to piling on the jewelry, she comes out with just one necklace in hand and says..."Mom...can you just put this one on me? I only want to be a little bit beautiful today."

    Really thinking I need to be better about writing this stuff down. Somewhere. There will come a day when we all appreciate seeing it again. But this is a start.

  • Christmas Bits and a Crapload of Pictures

    Christmas Bits and a Crapload of Pictures

    I am doing a melting pot of posts tonight. First, I really want to answer Keely's

    Getting to Know You question. What was your favorite gift that you received this year for Christmas? This one is incredibly tough as I did receive some really spectacular gifts. So, I will mention two of them (though there are more that I loved just as much). First, Andy got me a necklace from Lisa Leonard Desings. It has the names of my kids on it, and I adore it (p.s. totally not sponsored to say that or anything...just lovin' the gift I got). Next was a gift that Andy went through a ton of trouble to procure. He registered me for a photoraphy class at a local community college. He actually had to get me accepted to the program they offer first. In order to do that, he pretended he was me to get my diploma, and my college transcripts. Sent them to the community college, and applied/enrolled online as if he were me. Crazy! Crazy that he did all that, and crazier that a community college needs all that when I already have a four year degree (well, it took me five years, but who's counting?). Anyway, I now get to attend the photography class starting in February once each week for, get this, six hours! The class is over three months long. Thrilled. Such a thoughtful gift.

    This leads me right to my next segment ;) Christmas. Rather than bore with a lot of details, I will simply say that it was a wonderful time spent with family. We all received some wonderful gifts and the kids had a blast (as exhibited by pictures below). I am not entirely sure that Addyson got it as much as I thought she might. She loved opening presents, but I think the connection between the opening and the fact that they are now her gifts eludes her a little. Though I can't be certain. Colton, without question, had no clue...didn't expect him to. We had good food and good fun, and now I am feeling the "let down" effects after cresting the last peak on the Christmas roller coaster. Sigh. Happens every year. Now...for some pictures ;)

    Addyson getting a peak at the loot Santa left behind.

    Said loot

    Addyson has a thing for Tink.

    Turns out all Colton needed this Christmas was a box. Who knew?

    My brother (taken with my new lens I might add). Yes, that was another favorite gift for me this year...from my Dad.

    Addyson showing off her new shoes.

    This is what I get when I ask her for a smile.

    My cutest little bug...playing with the window.

    This one my dad

    My brother's girlfriend.

    So now that I have inundated this one with pictures, I think I am done. The holiday buzz is dissipating (sadly we don't usually do anything for New Year's), and we are getting back to normal around here. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • Kids Say

    Recently we had the battery in my car crap out on us. Very typical problem in Arizona. Batteries are lucky to last two years here.

    It was Saturday (our family out to dinner and dessert night), and we were at Cold Stone Creamery. When we got in the car to leave, the car wouldn’t start. So, I said to Andy “let’s ask that woman if she will jump us.” We did, she tried, it failed.

    Sparing the rest of the details…we got it all worked out with AAA and now have a 6 year warranty on a thousand hundred and fifty dollar battery.

    Fast forward several weeks to today. Addyson and Colton are playing, and they decided to “drive” somewhere in their “car.” Addyson declares that the car won’t start. To Colton she says with authority “we need someone to jump up on us.”

    Apparently it worked, because after that, their car started and they were on their way to get ice cream. I’ll have to remember that next time the car won’t start.

  • Just Me and My Little Boy

    Just Me and My Little Boy
    Colton and Me Mt. Lemmon 3 (2)

    I had this photo last week…it was taken the same time that the pictures of Drew and I were taken, but I cheated and saved it so I would have a post for this week…even though I didn’t have a new picture. To make up for it, I decided to post this same picture again…only with an action I downloaded from The Coffee Shop. I think Julie would be proud of me. Or she would at least say it was about stinkin’ time! I am always whining about my lack of editing skills. So, this time, I decided to try a little something.

    Colton and Me Mt with action

    Granted, it was an action…so really, someone else did all the work for me. But the accomplishment was that I figured out how to download the action. Finally.Now, head on over to see Julie at The Peanut Gallery…exit here. Join in the fun while you’re there. It really is fun!